Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1327: Planetary Observatory

Every plane detected by the pan-plane organization will at least build a secret observatory over the original earth. This is the initial place for the development of the pan-plane, and so is the sky above the earth where the magic girl lives.

  Because the civilization here successfully colonized the moon, marking that it has entered the early space age, the secret observatory is located at the midpoint of the earth and the moon, and the two planets are fully covered.

The development process of each human civilization is very similar, but it is very possible to produce different ideas and political systems in it. Even if they are similar, there will be many subtle differences in history, and this is precisely the establishment of an observatory. Passive observation, and even the law of panplanes are protected by legislation.

   There is also a small mission at the Observatory of the Magical Girl World, which is to monitor Yue Zhong in exile without interval.

   This is the duty of the Legal Supervisory Tribunal, and it is also Fan Hanshi's request. Because he has enough knowledge about Yue Zhong, Fan Hanshi, who is in charge of monitoring his behavior, has never relaxed his attention to him.

Recently, he has tossed a lot of things, but he did not kill anyone, nor did he actively instigate others to do harm to the world. Instead, the dark body derived from him made the city full of wind and rain. If Yue Zhong did so many things There must be enough reasons and law to arrest him for trial again.

However, there is no provision for sitting together in the Pan-Plane Code, and the separation of spirits is enough to be recognized as two separate individuals, and the dark body itself only grows in the magical girl world based on the remnants of Yue Zhong’s soul. With the identification of Yue Zhong's identity as a different world person, after the uniqueness is occupied, the dark body has not intersected with any other world, then it can only be characterized as a creature in the magical girl world, and the legal court cannot interfere with it. Any behavior.

   Therefore, it is not within the scope of the supervision of the legal prosecution court at all, and the observatory did not pay any attention to these contents when it passed the information here to Fan Hanshi.

Since Xiao Meiyan's identity changed from a suspect to a pan-plane enemy, she is no longer a wanted criminal pursued by the court, but has been formally taken over by another department dedicated to responding to foreign hostile forces. Fan Hanshi Even if he is not reconciled, there is no other way. He now has a new pursuit mission. The main targets are still those who have illegally moved between planes and caused bad influence, as well as the passiveness of the various departments in the primitive world. The task crossed the bottom line of the code and became the target of wanted criminals.

Although the failure to hunt down Xiao Meiyan and let her fall to the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment, this does not deny that Fan Hanshi is still an excellent juristic court officer, and the task assigned to him is still the most difficult and difficult Yes, it is commonplace to leave the jurisdiction of the Pan-plane Organization for overseas law enforcement. If necessary, he will also go to the void to arrest wanted criminals hiding there.

It is difficult for one of his thousands of inspectors to be out of thousands of planes, and the people he can’t catch are even rare. Xiao Meiyan escaped from his hands again and again to make Fan Hanshi very concerned, since now Xiao Meiyan does not return to him However, he concentrated this concern on Yue Zhong.

  After every successful arrest, Fan Hanshi will have a short vacation, and every time he will come to the observation station of the magical girl world.

On the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival in Country J, Fan Hanshi once again appeared in the observatory. The staff who are collecting sociological data here are no strangers. They are only the bottom workers in the ubiquitous plane, and Fan Hanshi's status is indispensable. On the same day, there was no reason to feel that he was annoying and turned away Fan Hanshi.

   realized that he often appeared to be a disturb to their work. Fan Hanshi said quietly every time he came. He called up the legal court to observe the data of Yue Zhong's special person and began to check his recent honesty.

   Last time he came to Yue Zhong, he did not go to New Zealand for a vacation, so this time Fan Hanshi got a lot of information, and wanted to find out what Yue Zhong violated the exile regulations and sent him back to the court.

He knew that only in this way could Xiao Meiyan reappear, otherwise he would have to wait until the day when Yue Zhong’s life reached the end, which would give Xiao Meiyan too much time to become more strange, and would like to help Yue Zhong Those of you can have enough time to develop and grow.

   For example, the seven major galaxies and their leader Veneto, which have an important strategic position in the gap between the material plane group and the void, and for example, Qi Xiaomeng, who has obtained the support of the observer and stood up and tried to add reason to the chapter of the law in the Supreme Code.

For Fan Hanshi, the really tough criminals have never been fierce criminals. They often have a high IQ and a calm enough heart. Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan are just one of them. Fan Hanshi will be very serious every time he encounters such an opponent. Headache, but now he found that he changed his style of work and improved efficiency a lot, which further made him think that his previous rigid adherence was insufficient.

Those who abide by the laws and regulations of the code are easily exploited by those who exploit the loopholes of the code. Criminals often have no bottom line to act. To defeat them, they can only use the same way of thinking to figure out their mentality, and finally find their weaknesses and then lethal. one strike.

Yue Zhong’s weakness is that he is a very emotional person. When he can touch his fragile side, he will take the initiative to walk on the path he wants him to walk, just like he will choose the final destination for the world of magical girl In order to protect Xiao Meiyan's only family in the world, like the dark body, Xiao Meiyan's father, Sayaka and Kasin, and the most important Xiao Meiqing and other people's activities, Fan Hanshi does not need Make any only needs Yue Zhong to come here, and there will be countless events around him, until he is caught by himself, even if he can really bear it, he can't escape. The fate of death.

Fan Hanshi believes that his judgment will no longer be flawed. According to the observation data collected in the past six months, Yue Zhong has not escaped from the, but Fan Hanshi still hopes that he will not be able to bear it, because he also understands that Yue Zhong is now How much pressure is there?

In the New Zealand incident, Yue Zhong did not make any extraordinary moves. All the actions that led to casualties were based on self-preservation. His knowledge of the pan-plane code was indeed comprehensive. He knew that there were loopholes that could be borrowed, so Fan Hanshi did not have accidents. , Just feel a little disappointed.

   The common pressure all over the world did not overwhelm him, the threat of the dark body did not let him lose his mind, and let him lose everything outside him is all Fan Hanshi's harvest.

Next, he was going to hold a family gathering, and he also asked a scientific research organization to study Xiao Meiyan's initial place. This was his trial, but Fan Hanshi did not intend to make any response, because staring at his own eyes Bi Yue It's much more important. Before Yue Zhong's confusion, he must maintain absolute calmness.

The only thing that surprised Fan Hanshi was that Xiao Meiyan transcended the gap between the void and the material and interfered with reality, but even the dark apostles who were awakened still lost miserably, all because of the man named Lumu Daye, he was gradually To replace Yue Zhong's role in the magical girl, and he is also upright, there is no place to attack.

  Fan Hanshi frowned, Xiao Meiyan's growth was faster than he expected, and Lu Muda is now more troublesome than Xiao Meiyan.

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