Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1329: family

This Mid-Autumn Festival party is very special, because Xiaomei's family has never had the practice of bringing all family members together on this day. At least everyone thinks this is the custom of the current family owner as a Chinese, but Yue Zhong is delayed Not appearing in front of family members makes them feel that this party is unusual.

Everyone came back to Xiaomei’s manor not to come to eat, but if they didn’t even eat their stomachs, they would always be hungry. Mrs. Xiaomei’s identity was so special that they dared not ask questions, so they were responsible for leading Xiao The old housekeeper of the big and small affairs of the United States has become a target.

Many of the people with high weights in the Xiaomei Consortium did not take a housekeeper in their eyes at all, and it was not polite to ask Yue Zhong what to do. The old housekeeper who had been commanded by Yue Zhong has been low The head repeated that he knew nothing.

   He didn't even instruct the chefs to prepare dinner, and he has accompanied the important figures of these families from the afternoon until eight o'clock.

The former Xiaomei family was a very large family, but the relationship between them was not close. The best talents were only middle-level officials in the government. They did not have enough interests and cohesion to unite all family members together, so there was no What's the difference between primary and secondary, Xiao Meiyan and Xiao Meiqing's father's this is the same, but after the emergence of their army, a large number of trustworthy manpower is required to hold important positions, so Xiaomei's family scattered around gathers together, One person wins the way and the chickens and dogs ascend to heaven. It is no wonder that there is no big family but the background of the aristocratic giants. The quality and ability of each branch are also uneven. Some of the arrogant people who are unobstructed are not surprising.

"What does the owner mean? Are we retaliating against us after we have called us up? Is it true that we only had everything we spent in our lives and our whole life to be buried with the main family?" The expression was sullen and arrogant. People are yelling.

"At the beginning of the year, I tried every means to resolve the crisis of the host family. I completely fulfilled my loyalty to the family and assumed responsibility. Until now, my family has nothing. The host does not give me a satisfactory answer. Why should I and these people Why do family heads avoid seeing the same treatment?" The angry but incompetent people felt uneasy about their experience, but they were quickly refuted by others.

   "What do you mean, is it okay to let everyone together with the main family collapse? We are just saving the heritage for the family!"

   "This is the reason for your participation in the division of the family industry and the property of the main family? What a shame!"

   "Butler, where is the owner, please ask him to come out and reason!"

  No matter what others asked, the old housekeeper still bowed his head and respectfully replied: "Sorry, I don't know where the owner is now, you may wish to look for it."

The main living room of Xiaomei’s family was quarreled, and there were many contradictions in this family. There is no one with enough prestige in the town, and the hungry stomach is uncomfortable. Mrs. Xiaomei blew her breath, not daring to provoke the majesty of the aunt and even the elder lady who had disappeared for many years, but there was no scruples between them.

Since Xiaomei's existence will definitely re-differentiate the status hierarchy, no matter why Yue Zhong does not appear, but the nature of this gathering will not change as a result, everyone is trying to stick to their own ideas, it seems that they say every sentence All words are heard by Yue Zhong.

Most people didn't notice where the second lady who had no sense of presence had gone. Mrs. Xiaomei couldn't stand their noisy but her gentle personality could not suppress these relatives, so she had to choose to avoid it and pay attention to her. There were many people, but quietly followed her and found that Mrs. Xiaomei just went to the bedroom to rest instead of looking for Yue Zhong, and all came back disappointed.

The night became thicker and the noise in the main living room gradually subsided. They found that noisy here was meaningless. People with poor patience chose to leave, but most of them were still waiting for Yue Zhong as soon as possible. appear.

No one knows how Yue Zhong is going to arrange the future of Xiaomei's family, but everyone wants to take a place in the future and get a slice of the soup, and this is in itself the root of Xiaomei's ability to bring all the family members together- Benefits, and how much family honor they count on, is just nonsense for a family that has flourished for more than a decade.

Yue Zhong is very aware of this. Those who are willing to support the main family when the main family is in trouble are not because of how much they have feelings for the main family. They just chose a different station from the others and luckily want to wait until the family crosses. Pay attention to their existence after the difficulty.

Yue Zhong, who has seen the rise and fall of countless families, will not be impressed by this kind of thing. What he needs is to give the Xiaomei family a more stable future, and the giants are destined to have a ruthless side in order to continue their prosperity. .

Not everyone knew nothing about Yue Zhong’s whereabouts. People who knew in advance that Yue Zhong was very fond of Miss Xiao Meiqing had always focused on Xiao Meiqing from beginning to end. When Xiao Meiqing was found to leave, Yue After not appearing again, they determined Yue Zhong’s position, and quietly left the high tower in the giant wood forest when they began to quarrel in the main living room.

Yue Zhong, he is here. He hasn’t left half a step from the afternoon to the middle of the night. When Xiao Meiqing went to bed, he also let Xiao Meiqing stay by his Hold her in her arms and use it The coat covered the little girl and fell asleep, and he sat on a chair with his back facing the entrance to the top of the tower, watching the round moon full of motion.

The person who first found Yue Zhong’s whereabouts came, saw Yue Zhong’s back, and Xiao Meiqing fell asleep in his arms, and then stood quietly without a voice, and Yue Zhong did not go to greet them, etc. A little time passed.

Afterwards, some people came again. They didn’t fumble based on Xiao Meiqing’s whereabouts, but patiently searched around the manor. They found that the tower is still lit, so came over to look, and then found those first People who came one step later also found Yue Zhong.

   The time gradually came to midnight, and some people made their voices hungry, and no one would laugh at them, because they were also hungry.

   "Sixteen people are more than I expected." Yue Zhong's calm voice shocked everyone and focused his eyes on him again, watching Yue Zhong slowly turn his chair back.

Only a white chandelier shining on the top of the tower is shining. Behind him is the thick Yuehua and the endless dark night forest shadow. His face does not have any emotional indifference and a sense of dominance, as if he is in charge of the world. All power in the world, one word can determine the majesty of his life and death.

  Because he used to be an emperor, even the longest was only a short half a year, but he still has the emperor's instrument and is the most prestigious posture of the founding country. The identity of Xiaomei's head of the family, Yue Zhong is taken for granted.

  Xiao Meiqing slept sweetly in his arms. There was no reaction because of Yue Zhong’s voice, and she had nothing to worry about because her brother-in-law hugged herself.

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