Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1369: Shenbin

The little girl learned that Yue Zhong was very unhappy a few days after going out, but she still agreed. She also told Yue Zhong’s family that a group of people in white scientific research uniforms came, and when she arrived at the house, she took over Mrs. Xiaomei with care The original family doctors rushed out. They did not have any respect for Xiaomei's family. Xiaomeiqing was angry when she saw their arrogant attitude, but the old housekeeper taught her to tolerate these people because they were the only ones who could save Xiao. Madam's.

Yue Zhong calmly appeased Xiao Meiqing and told her that if she didn’t like these people, she would hide in the room as before, and everything else could be left to the old housekeeper.

After ending the call, Yue Zhong leaned in the car and closed his eyes to meditate. The people in the Institute of Biology were not polite to themselves, so it is natural for them to have such an attitude. Yue Zhong is not in a hurry to have general knowledge with them. The temporary tolerance is to let them Treat Madam Xiaomei to illness.

Maybe this is a kind of punishment for the crimes committed by the Judiciary in the past. Let yourself feel your weakness and helplessness bullied by others but unable to resist, that is also the death of your selfishness and self. The life people have experienced.

From this, Yue Zhong dare not imagine what kind of treatment it would be if Xiao Meiyan was arrested by Fan Hanshi. Compared with her, her crimes are undoubtedly a little shame, and the legal court can use such a profound way. Let yourself regret it, if it is Homura, can it really just like seeing Fan Hanshi just go to jail and make atonement with her scientific ability to contribute to the universal plane?

Xiaoyan is a person who can keep herself in the laboratory for a year and a half without going out, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about her freedom. It’s because she cares too much about all the freely determined ways in her life. To persevere to today, if she is deprived of her liberty, it will be ten thousand times more painful than killing her, and the unexhausted anger she suffers will also be ten million times that of herself.

Even if she never had the opportunity to escape from this cage, Yue Zhong did not want her to take such a risk to save herself, but Yue Zhong knew she would come.

As for your regret? When the weak and helpless need the legal prosecution court to give yourself, haven't you always been bearing the weight of this life?

All the way, thinking of the car, I have arrived at the city of Shenbin near Jian Takihara. This city also does not exist on the other planes of the earth, but is unique to the world of the magical girl, so Yue Zhong knew this for the first time. After the information of the city, I feel that it may be as unusual as seeing Takihara, but I have not had the opportunity to come before. Now I can see this unique city by the opportunity of investigating the case.

After opening your eyes, the city of Shinhama, which is seen from the window of the car, is far behind compared to Taki. There are still static billboards standing here. The most spacious part of the road is only four lanes, and the number of high-rise buildings is very small. The vast majority are single-family double-storey residential buildings.

Yue Zhong came here to investigate the case as a prosecutor in Takihara City. According to the procedure, he should go to the local prosecutor’s office to ask for cooperation. However, since Asami told Yue Zhong about the magical girl here, he could save it. a lot of time.

After contacting the ring Ilubo, the two parties agreed to meet at a dessert shop. When Yue Zhong arrived, he found that almost all the girls here came together. As soon as he entered the store, he greeted many strange things. look.

Yue Zhong has never seen Huan Yilubo, but her appearance is easy to recognize, because Ba Mami said that it is enough to find a girl who resembles Madoka, not to mention she is wearing a pink hood with a hood, The knee-length boots and pink short skirts, as well as the arms and abdomen are black silk clothes. They are not dressed like normal girls in any way, except for the magic girl.

Huan Yilubo leaned on the table with his chin in his hands, and looked out the window while drinking milk tea, until Yue Zhong came to her and sat down: "Is it Miss Huan?"

Yue Zhong's voice attracted her attention, and then looked at Yue Zhong with some surprise: "Hey, are you Yue Yue? I'm sorry I didn't notice that you came in."

"It's okay, it's me who disturbs Miss Huan when I'm here. I'm sorry." Most of the magical girls get along very well. Even if they have a bad personality like Sakura or Han Meimei, they don't really have any bad thoughts. Ba Mami's evaluation there is very good, saying that she is a kind-hearted and cheerful girl, and Yue Zhong saw her first impression as well.

Huan Yilubo said with a smile: "It's an honor to be able to help Yue Zhong, but the magical girl, we are very grateful that you let us get rid of Qiubi's control."

"In fact, it's just a last resort." Yue Zhong also smiled modestly. Huan Yilubo's dress was very strange. There was a folded crossbow on her left arm, which looked like an ornament instead of a combat weapon~www But Yue Zhong can recognize that she really relied on a crossbow to fight, so she should now be dressed as her fighting arm.

Other magical girls don’t usually stay in combat for a long time. They wear a variety of beautiful clothes and dress up like ordinary girls, so the behavior of Huan Yilubo is a little weird: "Care to ask Miss Huan Why should we maintain fighting forces, are there any crises that need to be addressed here?"

"Ah?" Huan Yilubo looked at his dress with some surprise, and then said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I didn't notice it. I just came over after dealing with some things just now."

It seems that not only does she look like Madoka, but even her confused personality is the same: "The people around don't seem to be surprised at all. Are they used to you like this?"

"Shinhama is not big, everyone here knows me." Huan Yilubo said with his hands on his legs and lowered his head, his face reddish. "But it is not good for me to wander around like this, they will not Do you think I deliberately wore a magical girl's combat arm to attract attention?"

Yue Zhong didn't think that Huan Yilubo was such a girl who cared about other people's views. Suddenly looking at her, she would think that the girl had done something embarrassing.

"It's not bad, the combat girls of the magic girl are either cute or gorgeous, and Miss Huan is also very sexy." Yue Zhong boasted her, but Huan Yilubo still didn't change, he had to try his best to change the topic, " The recognition rate of Miss Huan is also very high, it is better to take me to understand the situation."

Huan Yilubo slowly raised his head and said seriously, "Yes, we still have things to do. Now is not the time to care about these. Yue Zhong, you are going to investigate the young boy named Sato Kazuhiko, I will first How about taking you to his parents’ house?"

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