Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1372: World caregiver

"Have your sister found it, and where have the original magical girls from Hama City gone?" Hearing Bama said that there are more magical girls coming out from here than Takihara, and before the destruction of the old Takihara I have been in contact with the magical girls here. At that time, a large number of magical girls, Asami and Sakura Kyoko, also gathered in the city of Kamahama.

"This was my opportunity to become a magical girl. Where did Chubby be so kind to satisfy my wish. It was so silly at first, it would be nice to just wish to see my sister." Huan Yilubo smiled bleakly. The two index fingers circled each other and recalled: "All the shortage of manpower in the organization is allocated to other cities. The original left behind in the city of Shenbin should be eight thousand generations. Before she became a magical girl, she was a college student. It was more than our little girls. It’s much more stable, and I know far more about the city of Shenham than we are, but I was afraid to change another environment...Yachichiyo is really gentle, although she usually keeps away from other magical girls, but She knows the thoughts of each of us, and when I saw that I was afraid to leave Shenbin, she offered to leave."

When talking about the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations, Hiroshi Iruwa smiled softly. She also likes to share with others the story of the time when they were fighting together side by side: "The original number of magical girls is a lot, but the previous ones in battles. The familiar faces slowly turned into memories. In the eight thousand generations, she was not very good at fighting, but she had to guard the cold Hokkaido. Because there were no other magical girls willing to go there, she also knew that I was worried about her, so I would contact me every three weeks. Ping An, the battle with the Dark Apostle half a year ago was when I was most scared. I fell into the Warcraft enchantment controlled by the Dark Apostle, and the eight thousand generations were equally outnumbered. I was not only worried that I would die, but also that the Eight Thousand Generations would have an accident , That way, even if I could live, I lost my best friend."

"Isn't it good to be able to keep in touch with the best friend now?" Yue Zhong thought of the deer-shaped round fragrance who had taken Xiaoyan away from her. She could have had a best friend, but His appearance destroyed the original ending.

Huan Yilubo is not a sentimental person, she soon got up and looked at the good side: "Yeah, we are very lucky to survive, and we will continue to live in the future."

Yue nodded, but found that Huan Yilubo stared at him motionlessly: "Is there a flower on my face?"

"Yue Zhong, can you think of ways to help us again? There is always such an endless battle, and one day all the magical girls will die. I admit that I am afraid of death, and I am afraid that others will die. After the battle with the Dark Apostles...and many familiar names have disappeared forever."Huan Yilubo's eyes filled with pleading and trust without thinking, "I think you must have a way?"

No wonder she wants to stay close to her and care about her own affairs.

After the battle with the Dark Apostles, there are actually many magical girls who are full of fears about the future like Hiruba, and she is only one of them. It can be said that she is afraid of death and endless fighting The magic girl's vow to protect mankind, but not everyone can be so great, even if it was a moment of generosity and a decision was made, but under the suppression of the long years of washing and the failure to see a better tomorrow, the passion After all, it will be worn away.

After seeing Yue Zhong, the first thing that Huan Yilubo thought of was that he wanted to protect his favorite girl, so he set the game to let the magical girl out of Qiubi’s control. Huan Yilubo believes that someone who can do this step must be very With the ability, this time he is back again, as long as he is willing to realize his humble wish.

But how can he be willing? Huan Yilubo couldn't think of anything that would make Yue Zhong fancy, so he had to help him do what he wanted to do. When he was having dinner, he talked about his nature and accidentally told his thoughts. Now, Huan Yilubo has felt abrupt and secretly annoyed.

"Does he think he has ulterior motives? Although it is true to think so, what he said would definitely make him unhappy, what should he do..." Huan Yilubo thought uncomfortably. She cares a lot about other people's opinions and will be so nervous whenever she does something wrong or says the wrong thing.

Yue Zhong stared at her for a long time before saying, "Are you full?"

"Well, where!" Huan Yilubo quickly looked at the time and stood up. "I'm sorry, I said a lot more if I was not careful, and Yue Zhong will go to the police station to watch Sato Kazuko?"

Yue Jin also stood up behind his head and walked out of the restaurant together after checking looked at the sign of the police station not far away.

Because it is a case that the magical girl who guards the city attaches importance to, the police station of the Shinhama City moves very quickly, and the alcoholic father who does not know that the family has changed has caught it while chatting with his wine friends in the restaurant.

The process of arresting was smoother than everyone imagined. This drunk middle-aged man was boasting to other drinkers that he had a rebellious "young wife" at home and invited them to play together.

The police recorded the passage as evidence and then took him back to the interrogation room of the Metropolitan Police Department.

The success of the matter also exceeded Yue Zhong's expectations, whether it was to find Kazuko Sato to get important clues from her, or to arrest Sato Kazuhiko's father and found the evidence of his crime, always in Takihara Having encountered setbacks, Yue Zhong rarely felt the feeling of being favored by luck, and sincerely admired: "Miss Huan is really a lucky person."

"Hey, is that true?" Huan Ilupo may be the only one who doesn't feel strange. She took her luck as a matter of course, and became a magical girl. When she came to the city of Shenhama, she met one friend after another. With the help of them, they grew up quickly, and even in the face of danger, there will always be someone to help at a critical moment.

If Yue Zhong didn't break the peace in this world, she would be another protagonist in the magical girl world, just like Jianmu Yuanxiang of Takihara.

The most important luck for the official members of the Raiders to choose the official members is also the luck that is manifested in the ring Yilubo. Now that Lumu Yuanxiang has left Jian Takihara, the unfortunate halo that Yue Zhong’s own began to slowly appear, but After meeting the ring Ilubo everything seems to start to develop in a good direction.

"Can I ask him a few questions?" Yue Zhong said solemnly.

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