Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1382: Return trip

The trip to Shenbin was much more than Yue Zhong's imagination. The seven seas and eight thousand generations who appeared in front of her as if falling from the sky are not only similar to Xiaoyan's temperament, she is also a very capable and decent magical girl, Yue Zhong even feels She would be much stronger than Saya if she ignored the force.

After the separation, Yue Zhong went to the place where Sato Kazuhiko worked for the final investigation. After returning to Jian Takihara, he will soon have criminal proceedings with the evidence in his hand. Before that, Yue Zhong hopes that no information will be omitted. .

It is not that he does not believe in the investigative ability of the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations, but he can't do everything at all in terms of verbal explanations. When he stands in the court and confronts Kojima Haru, some mistakes may lead to abandonment.

Until the dead of night, Yue Zhong stopped staying in Shenbin and embarked on a journey back to Takibara.

The lawyer who followed the car on the road has fallen asleep. In these two days, he was busier than Yue Zhong, and he almost didn't have any rest time. Now the investigation in Shenbin City has obtained a perfect result. After no stress He slept soundly.

Yue Zhong didn't have time to ask him what his name was, but it didn't matter. The salary that Xiaomei's family gave him was worth his hard work. As for his own ideas, Yue Zhong didn't care much.

This is the distance that the house owner should keep away from the people under him. If you are grateful for everyone’s dedication, the majesty of the house owner will also be damaged. If you do so, the other party may also be disappointed. There are few smart people. To build a deep bond for emotion, what they need more is treatment and future.

The car driver watched his fellow partner sleep peacefully and yawned contagiously. Yue Zhong looked at the unlit lights in the distant city of Shenbin with some aftertaste. Hearing his voice, he asked: "You Want to sleep too?"

"Ah? No, I can find time to squint when the owner and he go to work." The car driver quickly shook his head to get rid of his drowsiness. He was a little afraid of Yue Zhong, but the old housekeeper was more afraid If Yue Zhong went back to make such a casual statement, I am afraid that his half-month salary may not be guaranteed.

"You'll find time to be lazy," Yue Zhong said with a smile. "I used to run a lot of places with my father-in-law. Do you have any thoughts about Shenbin?"

The car driver likes to chat. Although chatting with Yue Zhong is a bit rigorous, if people don’t spend the night quietly, if no one talks, it is easy to doze off, so he let go of the courage and said: "Also, this city is too small, I am afraid that even Not one-tenth of Takihara."

"Life in a small city is quite comfortable. The rhythm of a big city is too fast. Every time I come back from Raccoon Village, I don't get used to it." Yue Zhong said, "Especially when I go to the street, if I buy something in the center of Raccoon Village Village for an hour. I walked back and forth and seemed to pass by unconsciously after seeing Takihara for an hour."

On weekdays, Yue Zhong rarely talks to other people in Xiaomei’s family. His past rumors and the hope of being lonely after returning home made many people feel awe of Yue Zhong in his heart, but he chattered. There were also many talks, and the car driver slowly stopped being stern, and Yue Zhong talked about the time when he was running around the world with his former owner.

It was already three o'clock in the morning when I got home. All life in the manor except the patrolling security guards and the dogs led by the security guards went to sleep. Yue Zhong didn't have time to talk to Xiaomei Qing today, and I didn't know if the little girl could not sleep. What about sleep?

The cold wind of the night came to pave the surface of the people, and there was no snow tonight. The searchlights in the manor were all white. The security guards at the gate wore thick cotton coats and jumped twice to keep the blood flowing. Staying motionless in the environment of the night may not stand up the next day.

After the car stopped, the head of the security guard quickly came forward to greet the head of the house, and he waited with the instructions of the old housekeeper.

"How has the family been in these two days, has the wife's condition improved, have those people left?" Yue Zhong asked about the manor when he got out of the car.

According to the instructions of the old housekeeper, the head of the security guard said softly with Yue Zhong’s side: “These people took over his wife as soon as they came, and now they are not allowed to see anyone except Miss II. When Miss II went to visit his wife this afternoon Why did they make them angry and almost didn't cry Miss II?"

Yue Zhong stopped and stood on the spot, frowning deeply and asking, "How did the housekeeper handle it?"

"Master Butler apologized to them after picking up Miss II, but..." The head of the security guard said mysteriously, "The housekeeper has invited the top hackers to come home and prepare to crack the information equipment invasion brought by the group of people. In their internal system, if they succeed successfully, we will be able to obtain the latest research results of the Institute of Biology in the future. If the doctors at home strengthen their studies, they will not need to invite them Yue Zhong nodded slightly. When he was not at home, the old housekeeper said that he would be the same as the head of the family. He did not live up to Yue Zhong’s expectations. He would not give these people who dare to give Xiaomei’s face a look. They might be afraid when they go back. Intensified to ask Xiaomei's family for more things.

"Pay attention to concealment, and ask those hackers for maintenance every half a month in the future. It is best to bring them to the manor. Salaries and bonuses are not a problem, as long as the technology penetration of the biological research institute can be guaranteed for a long time. It will be worthwhile to maintain it, no matter how much it costs." Yue Zhong asked again after asking, "How far has it progressed?"

"I don't know." The security chief shook his head blankly.

"Go patrol if you have nothing else to do. I will go back to rest myself."

Yue Zhong was also a little sleepy. After returning to the old house, he simply washed and slept to the end.

In the early morning of the next day, Yue Zhong was awakened by a quarrel that was heard from afar. After getting up, she didn't know how to get up and combed her hair. She went out and followed the direction of the sound. As expected, things happened in Xiaomei. Lady's nursing ward outside.

Xiao Meiqing stood behind the old housekeeper with a disgruntled face. She forced her tears to not be seen by outsiders, but after Yue Zhong appeared, Xiao Meiqing fell out of control and whispered into Yue Zhong's arms.

"What happened to Xiaoqing?" Yue Zhong asked, comforting Xiao Meiqing's head.

"They wouldn't let me see my mother, because I accidentally touched their medical equipment yesterday, and they said that I was a mistress who only knew what to do to reach out and open his mouth." Xiao Meiqing said to Yue with a crying cry Complaint again.

Yue Zhong nodded in understanding, and at the same time turned his eyes to the old housekeeper's body. As for the self-righteous faces of those people, Yue Zhong didn't want to take a glance to know how sick it was.

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