Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1414: Listen to my sister

Yue Zhong, who was in danger, couldn't help but think of Pamamei. After she first met with the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations, she warned solemnly that she would keep a distance from the Seven Seas and the Eight Thousand Generations. She also told her actions by herself. The soft and delicate appearance of Yue Zhong’s charming girls is far more dangerous than he thought.

Yue Zhong thought that he knew this very well, but now he had to go to regret not listening to Xuejie.

The Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations took advantage of their thoughts about Xiaoyan to successfully lead herself to this desperate island, but if she was not so distracted when she met, she might not feel uneasy, so she would be deliberately trying to win herself. It is precisely because of his undisguised closeness that the seven seas and eight thousand generations felt threatened.

"Yue Zhong, the magical girl will not take the initiative to be an enemy to you, but you can't provoke them without fear. If there is such a day, then don't be merciless, as long as you have your own reason or are forced to helpless, even Killing one or two magical girls by mistake will be understood by others." Yue Zhong regretted not listening to Bama's advice, and now he finally understands that even if Bama has been deliberately avoiding himself, it is only her in the absence of Xiaoyan This magic girl is really good for herself regardless of the reward.

"Sister, it turns out that I was wrong again. I must listen to you honestly in the future, but now I have to walk out of the island completely."

The grinding of the water curtain made the trunk in Yue Zhong's hand peel off the surface bark. After several trials, Reina Shuibo finally found a chance to hit it, and the exploded wood chips were embedded in Yue Zhong's hands and immediately followed the water, following the water The **** smell in the curtain makes it easier for Reina Shuibo to lock Yue Zhong's position.

"Linai hurry up, the people in the biological laboratory will soon discover us." Seven seas and eight thousand generations are alerting the third party on the island. She did not make up her mind to kill Yue Zhong, so she will calculate his affairs sooner or later. Was found.

The Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations will not go to extravagant hopes that Yue Zhong will also help herself to hide, so she has the psychological preparation to bear the corresponding consequences, but before that she had to use the influence of this incident to conduct human experiments in the biological laboratory Things have been exposed, so it is necessary to get the focus of previous doubts to the biological laboratory.

Yue Zhong’s alertness made the plan go awry, but the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations hope it can return to its original trajectory. She who likes stability will not like any variables, especially when facing Yue Zhong, the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations have no confidence at all Taking advantage of successive variables, that is Yue Zhong’s best area.

"It's easy to say." Lingbo Shuibo complained softly. Although she trapped Yue Zhong with the fantasy water curtain in the twelve mirrors, all her attacks were avoided by Yue Zhong, and the other party's basic skills in martial arts The attainments of the past have been at its peak after more than a hundred years of hard work. The weapon he uses is still his most proficient spear.

Although the attacks are more changeable, the rapid changes in light, shadow and sound have greatly affected Yue Zhong’s vision and hearing, but some basic things will not change, just like where he will shoot from. What is the angle of attack, how fast is the frequency and how fast is everything, it seems that Yue Zhong is clearer than himself. It is nothing more than expanding this number to twelve people to siege together.

The overlapping figures repeatedly intertwined but failed, and each attack was avoided by the other party in a wandering way. Reina Shuibo was helpless to find that her most important weapon became the biggest drag in the battle with Yue Zhong. It does have an endless edge, but it is like a spy sent by Yue Zhong in his own hands. Every time he exposes his attack intention to Yue Zhong in advance.

Yue Zhong fought with people in a hundred years without knowing the geometry, but his body instincts had the best way to cope with the cold weapon battle, and Reina’s ability was ever-changing, but as long as the core was still built on the killing of using the blue gun On that, there is not much threat to Yue Zhong.

"Linna, use magic power to organize the attack. Your marksmanship is far worse than others. If you continue to fight like this, he might have taken your weapons instead." The seven seas and eight thousand generations looked really aside, and her own combat effectiveness was not strong. It is because of the limitation of magic power and lack of talent, but when it comes to knowledge, Reina Shuibo is far from her.

Rene Mizuho, ​​who could not get out of the horn of the horn, suddenly realized that she was thinking about whether she would use other spears to attack other weapon forms and continue to attack, but the words of the seven seas and eight thousand generations made her understand that her current opponent was not a witch or Warcraft, he is just a human being who has reached the peak of martial arts but has no magic power.

Usually the real opponents of Magical Girls are the Warcraft who have the same origin and opposite **** magic power. Using their own magic power to fight weapons is the way that can cause the most damage. If you retreat and use magic power to attack, take darkness and despair for food. The World of Warcraft has a much larger magic power, this kind of battle is just a meaningless consumption.

But Yue Zhong couldn’t even resist the water curtain and mirror that he used to construct the battlefield. He didn’t have a better way to stop the non-physical attack, right?

The imagination of the battle is never lacking for Reina Shuibo. The projection from the mirror is no longer the phantom of her own gun, but the silent ice lingering in the The Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations were thinking that Reina Shuibo was going to pierce Yue Zhong with thousands of ice lings. She didn’t want Yue Zhong to die, so she was about to stop it, but the ice ling in the mirror that she was talking about began to fall under the water curtain. Rapidly increasing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, a icy trap trapped with thorns quickly formed.

Yue Zhong didn't know about it yet. He just found that Shuibo Lingna's attack had eased, but the next step was to step into the bushes of tens of thousands of ice trees.

The ice-like blade of ice is not only covered with barbs, but its backbone is as thin as wings. For Yue Zhong with bare hands, it is an inaccessible blockade, not to mention has been soaked in the water curtain. His body temperature has begun to drop slowly, and his movements are not as dexterous as he was at the beginning.

The water curtain gradually dissipated from the surface, rising to the sky above the ice thorns like a reversing sea and sky, and the appearance of Lingbo Shuibo was reflected in it: "Yue Zhong, please surrender, I have found a way to deal with you, and continue to continue. Just asking for trouble."

Yue Zhong then had time to pull off a piece of clothing to wrap up the wound on his hand, and raised his head to face the face of Lingbo Shuibo: "The people who counted me before are really polite than you, but they can deal with the enemy. Your mercy is never a good thing."

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