Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1429: Announcement of existence

When the blade of the chopper is held high, the whole world sees its vast and magnificent appearance. It will not leave any vitality when it is dropped. Instead, it makes people worry that the planet will be cut a shocking big crack. But in the end it was like the Gaotian Waterfall fell into the Qianliping Lake, but the sound of the sky was also scattered neatly. All the snow on the snowfield was stirred again and danced in the sky, but a small but deep mark was left on the crust. Mantle, this makes one have to marvel at the ease of this power.

In this way, Xiao Meiyan announced the influence she had never really left, and gave him the strongest support at the juncture that Yue Zhong became more and more difficult to walk. She stood in the dark snow night witnessed by the world. The looming figure behind Yue Zhong, those who suspected that she was dead, those who looked at Xiao Mei's family and wanted to bite a piece of meat at any time, those who were hostile to Yue Zhong and might find ways to calculate him had to weigh it, Is his head harder than the earth's crust?

Such dramatic dark energy fluctuations attracted the attention of the observatory. Fan Hanshi, who received the news, rushed to the scene immediately. With his knowledge of Xiao Meiyan's strength, he could trigger such huge energy fluctuations. Xiao Meiyan may have appeared in the scene. In this world and ready to take away Yue Zhong.

He brought a large number of subordinates to the Siberian sky and snow with a pre-arranged Tian Luodi net. The black fresh snow and the white Chen Xue fluttered without interference, and Fan Hanshi's eyebrows were deeply wrinkled.

He didn't find a trace of Xiao Meiyan, but took a long footprint to come to this pilgrimage of the dark apostles, who cast thousands of miles on him with unsightly eyes.

In a year of time, Xiao Meiyan's transformation was completely beyond her imagination. Under the circumstances that she was helpless and there was only one Yue Zhong worth looking forward to, Fan Hanshi had not been able to complete the task of arresting, but she still kept her and Yue Zhong With absolute repression, Xiao Meiyan is now sheltered by the Valkyrie Rangers and actively stepping into the void. The pressure and shackles she has brought to her are completely lost. Her thick hair is thin and her destiny is unknown. Luck is flying into the sky and Cheng Wanli, he can't grasp her future.

"Master Patrol Officer, did not find evidence of the other party's contact with Yue Zhong, but this time the woman killed by her had a fierce conflict with Yue Zhong, we can pass it to the foreign-related rectification office for investigation." Fan Hanshi's men proposed .

Fan Hanshi shook his head slightly, he didn't want to let Yue Zhong out of his control, so it was impossible to hand him over to other people to handle, not to mention there is also a Qi Xiaomeng in the panplanet, even now she has forgotten the relationship with Yue It's a serious one, but as the first case she handled, she will never let it go.

"I'm afraid there won't be any time to manage Yue Zhong's affairs in the future. This time, she is not only supporting Yue Zhong and taking revenge, but also declaring war openly against me. My main goal now is the Valkyrie Rangers. , They must have Xiao Meiyan in charge of my affairs." Fan Hanshi said, "Everyone’s actions must be more careful. Any plan must not be leaked to anyone outside the plan before execution. Our opponent this time is extraordinary. , She knew me abnormally."

In Siberia, no trace of Xiao Meiyan's coming has been found to have any evidence that is not conducive to Yue Zhong. Fan Hanshi this time is white. Before he left, he looked at the blood spilled from the seven seas and eight thousand generations. There seemed to be a figure of Xiao Meiyan , But disappeared in a blink of an eye.

There is no difference between the magical girl under ordinary swords and the ordinary people under such a fierce blade of black snow. The people who come to Siberia do not think that there is any possibility of surviving the seven seas and eight thousand generations, but she is pale and covered in black snow. There was still a trace of clarity in the eyes of the earth.

Facing the self without any sense of resistance, the sky-falling Hei Xue blade finally took away only one right arm, the same result as the one that caused Yue Zhong to lose one hand. Thinking that he was dead, Xiaomei Yan's control of the energy to the pinnacle was reduced to a little.

The broken arm fell to the ground and was solidified by Black Snow. The ability of the magical girl to regenerate her limbs was completely sealed by the magic of darkness. The spray was like a column of blood and it was stopped after it was spilled underground.

The seven seas and eight thousand generations struggled to get up from the ground, and Xiao Meiyan's phantom passed vaguely in front of him, but he looked indifferently and disappeared without a word.

She didn't quite understand why Xiao Meiyan made such a big momentum but didn't kill herself. Maybe her consciousness before death made the other party feel it?

The Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations did not think that Xiao Meiyan was so boring and kind, otherwise she would come to trouble herself in this way.

After the broken right arm is sealed, there is no possibility of regeneration. Even though the current biotechnology is already very advanced, this world can never get rid of the brand imposed by Xiao Meiyan. She wants to cut her hand like Yue Zhong. , Will not give yourself any chance.

If I knew that Xiao Meiyan could still influence the world again, the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations would definitely be far away from Yue Zhong, but unfortunately the mistakes had been cast, and the combat strength was already not strong. After losing his right arm, it was difficult to fight Warcraft. Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations felt that I should have disappeared, after all, Xiao Meiyan had made such a big move that it would be unreasonable if he was still active in the eyes of others.

Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations returned to the wooden house to simply clean up and stepped into the depths of the vast snowfield under the still violent wind and snow...

Poor people must have hateful The reverse is also true. No one can know that the seven seas and eight thousand generations are still alive under the revenge of Xiao Meiyan. After the snow and snow all night, Siberia has 13 million square meters. Thousands of kilometers of land is black like an abyss, it seems that it will not melt and will only be covered. The wooden houses of the seven seas and eight thousand generations go to the empty space. The people who arrived here, such as Sayaka and Bama, did not find any traces of the seven seas and eight thousand generations. When she has disappeared.

Sayaka squeezed a heavy snowy face and said, "What the **** happened, has Xiao Meiyan returned?"

"Yue Zhong is still lying in the hospital in Sapporo. If she comes back, she can't go to him." Seeing the disappearance of the seven seas and eight thousand generations, Bama Mei's dissatisfaction with her disappeared, and the rest was just Some pity.

"Sister Xue said that she could cause such a large-scale disaster without appearing in person?" Sayaka was still wondering whether she could defeat Xiao Meiyan, but now it seems that she has already thrown herself away from the magic girl. Too.

"I don't know, Yue Zhong has never mentioned how strong Xiaomei Yan is, but I think it's a difference between heaven and earth compared to the devil's posture."

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