Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1443: 15th Liancheng

The battlefield where Fan Hanshi and Xiao Meiyan faced each other is also in the world of complex plane coding in the panplane and the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment. Xiao Meiyan is recorded as a post-late century yuan. The two main phases of the human main galaxy here The opposing regimes are fighting each other. A large-scale and suspected possible cosmic constellation shuttle completely destroyed the surface of 87% of the habitable planets of the main galaxy, and the remaining planets were also damaged to varying degrees.

Most of the humans in the entire plane world died in that disaster. Once the entire civilization system was destroyed, the remaining humans unfolded with the alien silicon-based lifeforms that fell with the meteorite in the homeland that was reduced to waste Arduous battle.

Most of the original technology system was lost on the planet where the surface was completely destroyed. The surviving human beings studied the other party’s technology system while fighting silicon-based life with only power. After thousands of arduous battles and slow research on the enemy Slowly stepping into the post-century era, the spacecraft that took off again carried the disaster after the people returned to the ruined planet that has been restored to life, by excavating the remnants of the last century yuan and integrating into the new technology system. The humans in the plane finally ushered in the take-off after the tribulation. They began to trace the source of the silicon-based life body, all the way back to the barriers of the plane, and finally entered the vision of the pan-plane and other major forces.

The architectural style of the world is very peculiar, because there are still a large number of silicon-based life bodies on the living planet that threaten the fragile life of human beings. The human settlements here have built a multi-functional defensive wall and dome system up to 100 meters to resist from The threat of silicon-based life forms.

The normal exchanges of thousands of huge cities on a planet can only be carried out by flying the starry sky route of the atmosphere, and placed in the era of not returning to the galaxy in the past, forcibly breaking through the scope of activities of silicon-based life bodies. Trade and technology Communication has left many corpses, and the humans here have persisted until now in such a difficult environment.

They did not bow their heads in front of a huge disaster, nor did they succumb to the power of aliens. This generation who grew up in a harsh environment was originally reluctant to accept the jurisdiction of an inexplicable pan-plane organization, but under the pressure of other forces to strengthen their power. The seemingly weak post-apocalyptic man finally accepted the invitation to be included in the general plane in name.

Asylum with pan-planes such as the Valkyrie Rangers cannot be forced too much, but the post-apocalyptic government also has an aversion to pan-planes. Multi-party forces are fighting openly in this era. .

The complex pattern and the control of the nominal government are not enough to control every city. This world is more like a loose interstellar city-state system. The owner of each city has great power and is not appointed by the nominal government. When encountering foreign enemies, they will be consistent with the outside world because of the tradition of thousands of years.

After returning to the No. 2 laboratory, Xiao Meiyan began to recall that she was passing through this post-apocalyptic plane. At that time, she saw that there is a civilization and ecology that is different from other planes and an interesting technology system. After some cities resisted the large-scale offensive from silicon-based lifeforms, Xiao Meiyan gained some prestige in those cities, and then she continued to travel among the cities of various planets to obtain the tip of the plane by various means. Scientific and technological information has also triggered a series of incidents, including but not limited to dangerous human siliconization experiments and human gene purification operations.

The human way of thinking that survives in harsh environments is also usually extreme. They dare to carry out various projects or even sacrifice their own kind to achieve breakthroughs. Xiao Meiyan has to rescue their technology from time to time to rescue these projects. , And these people are now her dark apostles in this plane world.

When the time and space loop of the magical girl world was born, the dark apostles living in this plane also responded to the call from Xiao Meiyan, but Xiao Meiyan had not asked them to do anything at that time, they just lived from Ordinary people in different cities on different planets slowly recalled the figure they chased in the past and the faith in their hearts, but at this moment they were inspired by the oracle.

One of them, who was salvaged from the persecuted prisoner, returned to society and achieved the status of a city master, took the initiative to become the leader of the dark apostle, and he called the capable people on other planets to the black phantom My own city came to secretly build the Apostolic Council, ready to obey Xiao Meiyan’s assignment at any time, and also allow the wider dark apostles to continue lurking in the cities and cities, relying on a common belief to form a space-time loop and build a huge Information network.

Xiao Meiyan's behavior will certainly dissatisfy many people, but she can't get all the results achieved after touching the interests of the ruling class, so as a legacy to another group, plus her strength and indifference With mystery, these groups of people are the origins of the dark apostles. Such belief structures already have early prototypes such as the Seven-Star System of the Holy See. They are also powerful foreign entities that have been worshipped as gods after completing some worthy miracles. Xiao Meiyan is unconscious and unable to continue to operate these. Belief, otherwise she will likely become the **** of the seventh galaxy.

Xiao Meiyan used to rely on the help of these people to successfully mislead Fan Hanshi and finally got away with what she Now she gathers her eyes again because they still exist and still Pious, so she has the confidence to declare war on Fan Hanshi before the eye of the void has formed, even if the other party really has their own unexpected progress, don’t worry too much. 'S prediction, it is just now able to further understand Fan Hanshi.

After evacuating all intelligence personnel of the Valkyrie Rangers, Xiao Meiyan immediately issued the order of time and space to let the dark apostles begin to pay close attention to all the outsiders that appeared in the city, and unreservedly target Perel I told myself devout believers. Around the city where Perel was hiding at the moment, all believers began to dispatch frequently within the fifteenth day, not only began to collect intelligence in the city, but also moved between cities and Xinghai. Formed a common intelligence network of manpower and space-time loopback.

Xiao Meiyan evacuated everyone without revealing any wind to Perel in advance and found that Perel, who had lost all her intelligence sources, was furious. She thought she was abandoned by the Valkyrie Rangers, and she realized she was Facing a strong enemy never seen before.

A woman who is so arrogant and arrogant and extreme will not be so easily lost in despair. She understands that she needs to live to further prove her worth is the only life. At that time, even the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment will not come to rescue She, other forces in this plane will also take a fancy to themselves.

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