Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1454: Pick up

Lumu Tatsuya's eyelids jumped involuntarily. I wasn't sure if she was said to have broken her heart or felt that Sayaka was teasing herself: "How come, she's still young."

Sayaka couldn’t see whether Lumuda was insincere, he could hide his emotions very well: "You are not ordinary people anymore, the gap of more than ten years is not a problem, I am worried that you really are If you think that, you will definitely turn your face with Yue Zhong."

"I understand the meaning of Sister Miki...what time do they fly?" Lu Muda also didn't intend to get entangled with Sayaka on this issue and asked instead.

"It's ten o'clock in the morning. It should be fast now." Sayaka glanced at the timepiece on her desk. "I have already arranged the itinerary. You can go straight to the airport by car."

Lumuda also left, but Sayaka's words still rippled in his heart.

He has always seemed to be insulated from feelings. When he was still studying in school, he faced the confession of courage from all kinds of beautiful girls. Not only will he not have a hint of joy, but he will also be worried about how to refuse the other party. Embarrassed.

At that time, he could tell himself that when he was younger, he should focus on his studies, but as he grew up, the reason was not so sufficient. He concealed everyone’s entry into the so-called Raiders League, and Lumu Tatsuya’s original intention I have never been a girl everywhere, but I want to find a solution that can solve my sister’s problems once and for all. After all, I simply hope for a miracle in the world of magical girls. Lumuda also believes in her efforts and opportunities, and leads to a broader world. The developing party can see a different world and find a way that has never been thought of. To this end, he put all unnecessary things aside and concentrate on only his own tasks.

Because of his unique approach, Lumu Tatsuya’s operational efficiency is not the best in the major leagues, but the world he occupies in plane control is much more peaceful than any other place. The girls he refused are not much. His grievances also considered that he was taken for granted.

As for other colleagues' evaluation of his wonderful work, Lu Muda did not go psychologically. He did not want to be a person who thought and even provided motivation by his small body. Those who attacked the major leagues were proud and thought that the best should belong to him. , And their so-called men only have irreconcilable contradictions for the opposite sex. This is very ridiculous for Lumuda. He even thinks that the Raiders can’t be ranked as a pan-plane first-class institution because there are too many. Such people are dragging each other's legs.

Now Sayaka put Xiaoqing's things in front of herself, Lumuda also vaguely noticed that her rejection seemed to have her reason, perhaps not to the point of love, but Lumuda never forgot. On that sunny afternoon, the observatory quietly gave himself a look to let herself out of the little girl who was embarrassed by her sister's preaching.

She is obviously shy and introverted, but she has the courage to be kind to herself. It is never commendable to be able to do what she can. The most rare thing is the kindness and courage that is not lacking outside of her share and ability.

Lu Muda also has a tendency to be controlled by her sister to a certain extent. In his world, her sister is the most perfect and flawless. Her kindness and fraternity are unmatched by anyone, and those who can really walk into their hearts should be so. Yes, Xiao Meiqing she is not such a person, but she has at least done such a thing.

In a blink of an eye, the headquarters of the girl who had left the magic girl appeared at the airport. A sweet voice came from the radio station telling Lumuda that Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiqing's flight had arrived.

His family's travel has always been a private jet through the VIP channel. There is no other person beside Lumuda waiting at the hatch. The empty exit is far from Yue Zhong carrying luggage and Xiao Meiqing holding her mother's hand Come slowly.

The changes of Yue Zhong and four years ago were not very big. The only change was that when he took on the responsibility of the family, he gradually washed away the boastfulness and impulsiveness of his body, and the whole person became round like jade.

Mrs. Xiaomei is older than she remembers, but her spirit is better than when she finally saw her. It can be seen that she has been very well reared in recent years. Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiqing took her with her on the holiday Let her stagnation in her mind be released, without too much thoughts and self-interference, the heart will be much younger.

"Brother Taya!" Xiao Meiqing recognized Lumuda from afar. The changes in his body are not small, but the youth like him, rich in spirit and unique, has too many unique characteristics. By the way, Xiao Meiqing's eyes were not good-looking. When he was unclear about his appearance, he recognized him as Lumu Tatsuya by this temperament.

Xiao Meiqing grew up a lot, and Jinchai, who was under 13 years old, was only half a head shorter than her mother. She came to the same cold Europe and she wore very tightly. The little leather boots with raw edges were thick cotton In the socks and white long dress, the collar is surrounded by a thick silver rat fur scarf, and the iconic twist braid jumps with the movement of the posture.

Winter's thick costume can't hide her beautiful figure. A pair of slender straight legs accounted for two-thirds of her height. It's just because she was young. Before the threshold of secondary development, she can only be called Qingli but can't say Fanghua. Peerless.

She looks like she has seen many beautiful ladies, but in any case the little girl in her memory has grown up...

Lu Muda also smiled and nodded at the approaching Xiao Meiqing, and greeted the elders first: "Hello, Mrs. Xiaomei."

"Dar is also polite. It's embarrassing to bother to pick us up when you are busy." Mrs. Xiaomei replied handsome guy who hasn't seen a few years ago is even more heroic, is there any? Talk about girlfriend? "

Lu Muda was also helpless but did not write on her face. Mrs. Xiao Mei was about the same age as her mother. Women of this age seemed to be particularly concerned about the emotional life of young people. Every time he went back, he had to face his mother’s inquiries. Now, it seems that meeting Mrs. Xiaomei is going home.

"Let's find a place to take a break first. The mother who has been flying for so long must be tired," Yue Zhong suggested.

Let Xiao Meiqing walk in front of her mother, and Yue Zhong deliberately fell a few positions and walked side by side with Lu Muda: "The stinky boy is getting more and more handsome, and he has not yet found a fair-skinned beauty to fall in love." ?"

"Why did you even become like this?" Lu Muda didn't think it would be Yue Zhong's hobby, plus he always had some problems with Yue Zhong, so it was a bit ironic.

"What is that, I'm your elder and you can't respect me more? Sayaka asks you to pick you up for a few reasons. She shouldn't be afraid that I will bring trouble to the magical girl headquarters. "Yue Zhong wasn't angry," you guys haven't come to see me since that day. I'm now coming here and showing this posture. It seems that I'm really unflattering."

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