Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1460: Speak to the world

Li Xiaobei didn't really want to treat the people in the Red Devils Hall. She made a key breakthrough today. All the mysteries in Master's world and even Fantasy Township were held in her hands, and it was time to leave.

Li Xiaobei, who has been a neighbor with the Red Devils Museum for such a long time, and once the other party did not notice it, could not hide the joy in his heart, he decided to give them a big surprise before leaving, and by the way, he also tested his own experience in the past few years. Results.

Remilia, they don’t seem to like their surprise. Li Xiaobei just blew up the underground laboratory where there is no longer any need and flew out to meet Hong Meiling. The optimal solution of martial arts that has been implanted in consciousness makes Li Xiaobei's three punches cleaned up Hong Meiling, who was fighting everyone, and then she met the 16-night Miyaki who was ordered to attack by Remilia...

The final result is obvious. Li Xiaobei, who carried out research in this world with the materials left by Xiao Meiyan, completed all the matters that Xiao Meiyan did not do that year, including various supernatural beings including big monsters such as Yakumo Zi Li Xiaobei has the best solution here. No one can beat him in this world.

The current best is the limit set by the Earth Charters. To break through this level, Li Xiaobei needs to go to the splendid universe of the Xinghe to find the answer. Xiao Meiyan can guide her to become shorter and shorter, after all Xiao Meiyan's strength to the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment is also limited.

Li Xiaobei’s success today is not achieved by sitting in a laboratory. She has been pursuing the footprints of other monsters before she has the ability to protect herself. In order to get the most comprehensive data to prove her ideas, she was caught by the wind Seeing Youxiang flying 800 kilometers with a parasol, he was imprisoned in the gap by Bayun Zi for three months, and the criminal bag creature inside killed and ate his body raw and finally ran out...

There are also many other clashes with the existence of big monsters or the same strength. Li Xiaobei, who has survived and died, has harvested her success. The hardships are not outsider's, but the real Li Xiaobei has made today. north.

The must-have sharp gun flew out of the Scarlet Ocean Pavilion until Li Xiaobei’s eyebrows, but she was unable to move a meter away from her, but was caught by Li Xiaobei in her hand. She smiled cleverly: "I'm going, this Is it a gift for me?"

No one answered her question. Li Xiaobei raised her eyebrows in a boring way: "There is still a chance to meet again in the future. This gun will return to you when the time comes."

After all, Li Xiaobei in bright red clothes slowly merged into the same red-colored western pavilion, melting like blood.

At sixteen nights, Sakuya fell down from the sky, and Remilia, who was flying out, caught and stood on the ground. The little devil saw that the terrible girl had left, and quickly went to plan out the red Meiling in the soil. .

"Miss, let you down." Sixteen nights, Miyake looked down in front of Remilia. "I can't beat her."

Although his own sharp gun was snatched away, the crisis in the Red Devil Hall has now been resolved. Remilia is somewhat thankful when she is annoyed. According to the traces left by Li Xiaobei, the trace of fate is opened. Remilia’s There was a vague answer in my heart: "Who do you think she is?"

"I heard that in the past few years, someone has taken the initiative to provoke the monsters, Fengcong ear gods and Bollyman, etc. I thought it was just a rumor that no one would die like this, but the girl described in the rumors is very similar to this person today. "Sixteen nights Sakuya replied, "The doubt is that the strength she showed today is far better than any one, but in the rumors she was always beaten to death and ran away."

Remilia shook her head and said: "Before she didn't fight, it doesn't mean she couldn't fight now. She can control you with the ability to stop. She can also defeat Meiling easily in combat. I can't even perceive me lurking around the Red Devil. It is very likely that she has mastered all the abilities and has become a blueprint. Who do you say has done this kind of thing before, and who are the teachers and mothers in her mouth?"

"...Shen Huo Yu Ming?" Sixteen nights Miye remembered the name that brought her powerlessness and fear.

"She should be Xiao Meiyan." Remilia also remembered that she and her sister were humiliated by the other party on the Shenhuo, and she was deeply worried about the name. "She said that she will come back later, I think What will happen in the future without wearing it."

Knowing that Li Xiaobei is an apprentice of Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan, Remilia is not so concerned about the matter of her home being demolished. She cares more about where the unseen destiny will take herself. Under this pressure, there is no interest in pursuing Li Xiaobei: "It's really unlucky. I thought I could have a stable life. Who knows that Yue Zhong's guy has been away for so long."

The disappearance of Li Xiaobei means that she has temporarily left the world. Her coincidence appeared in Fantasy Township because she was calculated, and Qiu Bibao is Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan’s style, so Li Xiaobei did not go to one. The new world started its own adventure, but went back to the previous world to find the guys who coveted her secrets, so he shot them again and again to deal with her.

Doing so may attract the perception of the Legal Supervisory Tribunal that Li Xiaobei’s lessons from Xiao Meiyan have not easily provoked the pan-plane, but this time she wants to be capricious once, and if there is hatred, she cannot report herself. What is the meaning of the effort.

In the depths of a thousand miles of ice In the North Heaven Secret Gate with Han Xue as the companion of the sun and the moon, Li Xiaobei has disappeared for four years, and her cheap master here also defaults to Li Xiao The fact that Bei is dead, the frost-hearted lady who is so impressed just sighs a little, and she will not take revenge for the disciple's risk of offending the major schools.

Today she noticed Li Xiaobei's breath again, not only her, but also the knights of Wujian Wujian of Dongyuanzhou, the old pavilion of the Pavilion on the top of the blue stone felt, and so on the shore of the sea of ​​fire...

Taiyue's majestic sound resounded throughout the world with the sound of the more oceans and the seas. Tianfeng's snow collapsed and the earth's heart burned. The unique voice shouted: "I, Li Xiaobei, come back!" "

Her voice shocked the world, and it also frightened the Zongmen who had coveted her secrets and conspired many actions. The power of this world has a limit, and Li Xiaobei has all the rights on the edge of the limit. Human repression, she announced to the world that her return would not be a greeting, but told them to wash their necks and wait to pay the price.

No one is willing to wait for death, even in the face of an almost invincible existence, they will look for a lifeline. Their only chance of winning now can only be united by everyone, and the black eagle of the Tiange will soar down with the order of the world. Convene all the people to go to this difficult time.

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