Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1506: Former master-slave

"Sit, the arresting operation is about to start, don't you want to see it when you come here?" Yue Zhong said to Luze Zefu without looking back.

After sending him in the door, several policemen also went out. Hideo Ozawa did not feel much safer because of this. He wanted to show less fear of Yue Zhong, but the trembling figure completely sold out his inner fear.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time. Your career has developed very well in the past few years. I haven't seen that you are so talented in business before. If not, it will definitely give you a more important job instead of treating you as a driver. "Yue Zhong slowly stirred the coffee, maybe because of the different people brewing or the difference in raw materials. He traveled all over the world and tasted a variety of coffee, but he couldn't find the one that Veneto brewed by himself. Portion taste. It’s just so long to drink that I’m used to it. Xiao Meiqing doesn’t like that he always drinks carbonated drinks. His daily drink is often coffee.

Hideo Luze said stubbornly, "It's just a few people. Is it necessary to use such a big battle?"

"You were caught just after getting off the plane, thought what happened?" Yue Zhong smiled and turned his head to take a look at Hideo Luze for a while, "It really is different, I used to look down on you because you were too obedient Now, you can have the courage to fight against me. Whether you have that ability or not, this courage is at least commendable. Can the eight thousand generations give you such courage?"

"I don't quite understand what you're talking about, Miss Qihai is not..." Hideo Luzawa was afraid that Yue Zhong was embarrassing himself, so he said in disguise.

Yue Zhong shook his head quite disappointedly: "Boy, if you are smart enough, there is no need to go around here with me. Some things you need to guess I know and not want to be confused now, only then can we be more effective. Speak, if you only hide your inner thoughts like this nonsense, then I will also know and continue to look down on you."

"I, I..." Hidezawa Lüze is used to commercial fraud. As Yue Zhong said, such a dialogue was never imagined by him. It seems that each other knows everything about each other, but clearly is an enemy. Like an old friend who has known each other for many years, he does not shy away, so how should one win or lose?

"Okay, there are things you can't teach you in the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations, you need to experience it yourself."

After a while, a large number of police cars sounded a long siren, and soon the water surrounding the luxury hotel was impassable. Then someone was taken out of the hotel one after another and escorted to the police car.

Seeing this scene, Hidezawa Luzawa saw many of them familiar figures. Those people showed their arrogance in front of them, but now they can only do so without even the ability to resist.

"You asked me why I had such a big battle just now, because if you don't do this, there will be many variables in this arrest." Yue Zhong's eyes have remained on the police car instead of looking at Hideo Luze, "Look, In fact, there are many people who want these people to be sent to the trial court. I only succeeded in persuading them so that there will be martial law in the city to eliminate all interference and then let them lose their time and ability to react with thunder. There are also many people, including you and the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations, who don’t want them to be arrested. If you don’t do this, there will be one person after another to stop them. , Followed by a long tug-of-war, blockade, escape and pursuit."

"I am afraid that neither I nor the eight thousand generations will see what will happen. The contradiction between me and her is not likely to be reconciled, so I will finish the matter directly and wait for her reaction. Is a good thing."

Lvze Xiufu has been seeing the police convoy roaring and hurried away. All of Yue Zhong’s goals were escaped and captured, and the whole process made people feel deeply powerless.

He and Qihai and Baqiandai have been together for so long, naturally knowing that the last thing she wants to see is the creation of chaos. These people have no meaning for her. If Yue important prosecutes only ordinary criminals, she will not only stop but I will try my best to help, and now Yue Zhong has arrested them all. The whole process went smoothly as if it had caught a few illegal fund-raising gangs. It seems to be consistent with the original intention of the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations?

"It won't be so calm forever. The people you caught have a deep background and are inextricably linked to the dignitaries of all countries in the world. Once they have an accident, they will inevitably bring a large number of people, that will be the whole world. It will be an unprecedented earthquake..." Hideo Luzawa's tone seemed very excited, as if trying to persuade Yue Zhong while convincing himself, "Every political reshuffle will bleed, I have followed you before For a while, I discovered that you didn’t like to see bloodshed happening. Even if it was the time I betrayed you, you wouldn’t want to kill me even if Peng Bo didn’t show up, but why did you do it today?”

The coffee cup in front of Yue Zhong is empty, and the waiter and the store manager don’t know where to go, so no one comes to send him another regretfully moved the empty cup aside, luxurious All the people in the hotel were gone, and the streets were completely deserted again.

"What did you call me before?"

"Boss." Xiuzuo Lvze shouted after more than four years, it was not a bit rusty, but the feelings in it have long gone.

"It's a pity that you chose a path as difficult as mine, and you like a presence that is almost impossible to be enamoured to you. The seven seas and eight thousand generations are like Xiaoyan in the past, but I haven't been able to see me from you. In the shadow, I only saw a lot of hesitation and reluctance. "Yue Zhong looked at Green Ze Hideo," because I had nothing at first, and I had no penniless language in this world. In this world, the only thing that can be entrusted to everything is small. Yan, but you are different."

"You actually had a lot of things before knowing the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations. If you have maintained that situation, now you may not have such a big family business and you will not think about it against me. In that case, you will have a lot of time to continue. Che Shen dreams, I will also take Xiao Qing to see your figure galloping on the international arena." Yue Zhong constantly painted a beautiful possibility for Hidezawa Luzawa, and also said where his biggest problem was. "You already have a lot, and if you let you give up, you will definitely be reluctant. After all, it is your dream to stand out, so your determination has never been as pure as I used to, and then you will have the possibility of creating miracles. Very low."

"Now you still have a chance to choose. As you think now, I'm trying to alienate your relationship with the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations, but you don't want to know what your status is in her heart? Now you are trapped in Tokyo , Will she save you in the next action?"

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