Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1513: Golden night

When Lumuda also flew from Europe to Tokyo, Bama also quietly returned to Mitaki.

I didn’t expect Yue Zhong to make such a big move when Xiao Meiqing started the new semester. Bama Mei was also one of them. When hearing this news, Bama Mei was not incredible. After all, Yue Zhong did everything. It is possible that as the person who is most familiar with him in this world, Bami has already been prepared in this regard.

He began to get involved in the judicial industry more than four years ago. When he came to Mami in the judicial industry, he vaguely felt that Yue Zhong was not idle and bored, so he looked for something to do. The seven seas and eight thousand generations were the first to discover how much he attempted, so he came to Yue. Heavy and designed to imprison Yue Zhong.

It was just that everything was just the delusion of the seven seas and eight thousand generations of individuals, although Ba Mami was alert but not too serious. When Yue Zhong was in trouble, she came forward to stop him from many troubles. The seven seas and eight thousand generations designed to murder Yue Chong Shi was also the first to notice that she appeared in person and gave punishment for seven thousand and eight thousand generations.

Now that the worries of the Seven Thousand and Eight Thousand Generations have really become a fact, Bamamei still doesn't think he has done anything wrong before.

When Yue Zhong was in trouble, many people were trying their best to stop it, but they seemed to have forgotten the existence of Bama Mei. In the past few years, Bama Mei and Yue Zhong have basically no contact, and it seems to have been given to others. An illusion that the relationship between them is over.

No one thought of Ba Mami, but the sun-shining golden magical girl temporarily put down the task of tracing the dark apostles and quietly appeared in Jian Takihara. She has always been the guardian of the city. She has no ability to go to the earthquake of the whole world. However, at least she has to perform her duties to ensure that Takihara will not be confused. As for her other ideas, only she will know.

Seeing that Takihara is much calmer than Bama's imagination, the overall martial law that occurred in Tokyo did not appear in this city, and the city with many foreign populations was exceptionally quiet at night, and the army from Tokyo did not Cause any adverse effects.

"Do you think that the ultimate goal of running Takihara in these years is that? I thought you were thinking about your old feelings and don't want this city to decline completely." Ba Mami stood on the tall tower overlooking the familiar In the past few years, she has completely handed over the responsibility of guarding here to Qianben Mingying, and the other party has done very well without letting Warcraft ravage this city, although her character will always cause a lot of trouble. Fortunately, Peng Ju did not make a big mistake watching her.

The spring breeze blows through the lights of the city, and the immortal magical girl Bama Meiyi is as youthful and beautiful as ever. The only trace left on her in the years is the deep and vicissitudes of her eyes. The whole city belongs to Xiaomei’s home. You already have the ability to carry out another way of martial law. When your goal is sent in, any wind and grass will surely not be able to hide your eyes? Can you protect me? Don’t you ask my opinion if your city is your home game?"

The most lively group of people in the night are riding in a neat convoy in a building. Although Asami hasn’t seen Takihara for a long time to avoid having too much communication with Yue Zhong, she still happened to what happened here. Clearly. Those industries are basically under the name of Hideo Lusawa, and now they are all accepted by Xiaomei's people. The entire city is basically completely under Xiaomei's control.

There is no need for violent agencies to forcefully intervene. As long as the civilians living and working in Takihara receive the news from the work unit that they do not need to go to work, the school will be suspended from school to free the students from their studies. , Then people who see Takihara will basically lose more than half, and the rest of the government staff and the elderly who don’t have much energy to travel will also be unlikely to go around and be involved in unprecedented for various reasons. Coming to the trial.

As for the rest of the people, it is basically the eyes and eyes of Xiaomei's family to monitor what is happening in Takihara. It is no wonder that there is such a unique home condition that Yue Zhong will put the place of the trial in Jiantaki.

Although the resulting cost will be an astronomical figure, the horrible financial resources of Xiaomei’s family can still be afforded. Although it does not have much real power, Yue Zhong fights for and retains Xiaomei’s family. The finances are sufficient to support this family to complete their revenge.

Seeing that Takihara was not in chaos under Yue Zhong’s control, Ba Mamei’s worries dropped for the most part, and Yue Zhong wanted to seek justice for the former head of Xiaomei’s family. Ba Mamei had decided not to participate easily. At the same time, he was able to guarantee the safety of Takihara while he was vengeful, which made Bamamei very happy. No matter what his original intention was for at least not to embarrass himself, then as the guardian of this city, Bamamei also has an obligation to replace Yue Zhong cleaned up those who tried to sneak in and do the There was no last word because of the previous sentence, and I didn’t even see each other. The tacit understanding is reduced, and everyone knows what they are doing and can take into account the other party's feelings. It is also good for Bamamei to maintain this state.

This time when he came back, Ba Mami didn’t plan to meet anyone, because if he had an intersection, his thoughts might be affected. At his current age, Ba Mami doesn’t want to let himself be affected by the sensibility anymore. The swift shadow in the night caught Bama's attention.

She has always suspected that the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations did not die but went into hiding. The company of Lvze Xiufu also ushered in a blowout development shortly after the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations disappeared. It is clear how much he has ability. Helping Ba Mami in the dark will not believe it, so Ba Mami judges that the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations are also hiding somewhere in Mitakihara, and now the industry of Hidezawa Hidezawa is taken over by Xiaomei’s family, and the Seven Seas and Eight Thousand Generations will run out. It's not impossible.

"There is no mutual induction between the magical girls, but I still need to find you to take you away. It was indeed I who punished you before giving Xiao Meiyan time to stand up. Now that it proves that Yue Zhong is really what you think In that case, why do you hide again? If Xiao Meiyan doesn't allow you to show up, I have to find a way to give you a bright and free identity. Who will let me do this and I will not be responsible? "Bama Mei jumped up and chased the figure evading the surveillance all the way."

They are also people who wish to make a magical girl to Qiubi by living, but one wants to have more friends and the other chooses to close their hearts and there is a reason to become a bond with each other...

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