Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1602: System block

When Yue Zhong intends to endure, what situation will be the next time he launches the action? No one knows. The cutting-edge humanistic analysis module of the ubiquitous plane gives a prediction that clearly indicates that Yue Zhong will usher in life in that world. At the end, Fan Hanshi always felt that this was wrong, but he didn't understand Yue Zhong so deeply, so he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Since Yue Zhong's meticulousness made his plan fail, Fan Hanshi didn't waste much time on him. The Raiders had absorbed Lumuda as a regular member without telling him, but it might have produced some variables, but This time he and Yue Zhong completely parted ways to avoid Fan Hanshi worry.

In fact, even if Lu Muda really has some kind of thought, he only breaks with Yue Zhong on the surface. Fan Hanshi does not need to have too many concerns. When Fan Hanshi was still the inspector, it was much higher than the members of the Raiders. Now, he is even more different from Lumuda. It's still easy to hold this young man.

The reverse research team of the panplane in the Eye of the Void is extremely efficient. The wreckage of the broken purpose was successfully parsed out by them to learn that the latest progress is also added to the database, and the feasibility plan for Xiaomeiyan’s next step Right in front of Fan Hanshi, his most important job is still here.

Xiao Meiyan, who went to the key goal of assistance, eventually slowed down to allow Fan Hanshi to successfully carry out the destruction. After venting her indignation, she returned to the headquarters of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment after she tried to make the void annihilate as much information as possible.

From the obscurity when he was picked up by Chisao Yudai to now, Xiao Meiyan’s position in the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment has changed dramatically, and the whimsical plans of Chisao Daisei really turned into reality in her hands. As one of the few major action projects ever made by the Valkyrie Rangers, Xiao Meiyan has been walking along in a voice of doubt and slander. She has never refuted with words, nor used threats to stop rumors. It is a miracle that can be created by hand to make some people shut up.

In exchange for such a major setback in the past, there must be a lot of ridicule and questioning voices coming from all directions, but today's unprecedented Xiao Meiyan reappeared in the headquarters area. No one dared to make such a voice, because her Contribution and significance cannot be denied today.

The girl with black hair flew through the dark streets, and the pedestrians along the way saw that she did not greet her, but passed her eyes in a complicated way. Xiao Meiyan had never concealed her bad feelings of restricting her to the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment. People here rarely meet.

Her status is increasingly respected, and many people are willing to respect her but not to contact her, as if the world knows that Xiao Meiyan will leave here someday, and the way she leaves is probably not gentle and has contact with her. The words are likely to cause self-death.

After seeing the successful implementation of the Eye of the Void project, the head of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment decided to give Xiao Meiyan full support, but she has already seen that Xiao Meiyan does not belong here, so the less her influence here The better, everyone’s complex emotions when faced with Xiao Meiyan are not without the traces secretly promoted by the leader.

Xiao Meiyan's contribution is obvious to all. If she is a hero here, she will not hinder others' respect for her because of her indifference.

Xiao Meiyan once again strode meteor out of the bar where the Void Eye project was set with the previous generation, and then stopped without warning. She saw Qianzao generation sitting inside as if she knew that she would pass by. Squatted.

"Come in and have a drink?" The voice of Chiu Zao's generation appeared in Xiao Meiyan's mind. When Xiao Meiyan was about to refuse, she added, "Tell you something you are interested in."

So Xiao Meiyan turned around and walked into the bar.

In the swaying and flickering colored lights, she stood opposite the thousands of generations. Xiao Meiyan's eyes were still as gloomy as ever, but she was like this. There was nothing in the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment that made her smile. :"what's up?"

"This is not the first time that Fan Hanshi has destroyed the Eye of the Void. Is it possible to keep a straight face?" Chizen Zaodai deliberately hung Xiao Meiyan's appetite and said to pick up some unrelated things. "Next he will definitely Set a trap for you to jump in, but don’t overturn the boat in the gutter."

Xiao Meiyan hates the meaningless waste of time. Except for watching the stars and sand with Yue Zhong or shopping with Xiaoyuan when she has not broken apart, other people deliberately delay her time to make her hate.

"Do not bother you, I will handle it myself." Xiao Meiyan flicked her long hair and shook her head. "I'll go if it's fine."

"Don't worry, you must be interested in what I'm going to say." Chizen Zaojia treats teasing Xiao Meiyan as one of the few pleasures in life, so he groaned with a smirk until Xiao Meiyan was about to lose After a few patience, she said slowly, "The group recently recruited a group of newcomers, and one of them seems to have come for other purposes. I just asked her when I saw her that day. I didn't expect her The reason why you can enter the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment is because you Xiao Meiyan frowned lightly: "What's so strange, she is a pan-plane person, you just deal with it. "

"The key is that she is not, and this new member does not belong to any known large organization, just because an unknown square system released the so-called SSS-level mission and entered the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment under the guidance of." Holding her wine glass, a sip of alcohol gave a cold glow on her bright lip gloss, "And this task is to find someone named Xiao Meiyan."

This information finally made Xiao Meiyan interested, so she simply and directly asked: "Who let her come?"

"I really don't know, I can't get any news from her mouth, and this system block also has a protection program. I let other people try to crack it and almost let it destroy itself. You may wish to take it back and try it." Chizen Concisely saying, "They said that the design of this thing has your style."

After talking about Qianzao Jiedai, he spread his palms in front of Xiao Meiyan, and a white metal square the size of a glass bead was in her palm.

Xiao Meiyan hesitated for a moment and then took over her hand: "I will try to crack it."

After talking about her, she turned and wanted to leave. The long hair that she was dancing with hadn’t hung down. Thank you?"

The subconscious tells Xiao Meiyan that this little square is very important, so she left without saying a word: "How do you want me to thank you?"

"Don't sleep with me tonight? Many people will envy me when I say it." The people who are female partners in the Valkyrie Rangers are very common. The proposal of the early generations is not a logical problem.

"Get off." Xiao Meiyan knew that the other party was teasing herself again, and spit out a word with impunity and then walked away.

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