Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1607: Lean over to create the world (this is true)

The vastness of the star sea in any large cosmic plane is almost borderless. Even with the power of the panplane, it cannot be said that everything in a certain universe has been fully explored. It is also because of an accident that it can touch a ring that is inclusive outside the plane. Since the beginning of that day, human beings have entered a new era under the guidance of the genius characters of the ancestors, and opened an era from both the wide area and the high area.

Compared with the vastness of the universe, even if there are hundreds of millions of stars and more planets spread across them, it seems extremely small. The distance between stars and stars can be called a difference of hundreds of millions, let alone more magical. The unknown space occupied by the cosmic phenomenon.

Most of the wars between the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment and the Panplanet are carried out in the vast majority of the star sea. Perhaps it is an unknown star that has not been touched by humans or other intelligent life on this plane. Perhaps it was carried out near the planets, orbital colonies, or super-large colonial buildings inhabited by intelligent biological races and was observed, becoming a mysterious cosmic miracle.

Xiao Meiyan's destination this time is different than before. She came to a green planet without high-intelligence life and positioned it as the core of the Void Eye restoration plan.

Others who belong to the Void Eye project team have entered their respective operating areas, some are not far away from Xiao Meiyan, and some are far away in another plane but relatively close in tolerance.

Xiao Meiyan's delicate and delicate figure stepped on the land of this planet alone. The extremely dense vegetation was up to tens of meters. Almost all the fallen branches and leaves could roll up Xiao Meiyan, covering the day and leaving only Linear sunlight. The middle of the tall tree is very wet, and the grass and fungi growing on the ground are also huge, like a sturdy blue wheat field, and hidden in it are spores containing water, Xiao Meiyan lifted his foot and walked in between. The only visible color was fluttering black hair, and the rest of the body was hidden.

In the sky of giant trees, there is an orange powder band. The powder all over the planet seems to have a special power to quickly promote the growth of creatures. Xiao Meiyan saw a big fist seed fall from the mother. It smashed into the black land, and then took root at the speed visible to the naked eye. When Xiao Meiyan approached, she had grown to her waist.

This is a planet full of mystery and unknown. In the vast cosmic star sea, in the endless plane group, there are countless planets with their own characteristics. Xiao Meiyan has traveled through many planets when he wandered in the past. But at the end of their number levels, no one can go through all of their lives, not to mention that they are still dying and regenerating.

If you are usually interested in exploring the planet Xiaomeiyan, the powder air layer floating in the sky is also of great research value, but she came here today to have a more important task, even unable to keep this one. The unique style of the planet.

Even though she was not in the grassland, Xiao Meiyan looked all over the world with one glance. When she leaned over and pulled a spore from the ground, the biological data modification program was implanted into the earth in a supernatural way. Under the control of the timeline, the entire planet has undergone earth-shaking changes.

There wasn’t even a momentary reaction. The huge trees and a tall grass forest disappeared completely. The powder in the sky was extinguished as part of the atmosphere. Amino creatures living in the poison pool and underground also changed under the sudden landform transformation. Losing the environment on which he lives, only the soul's wailing echoed in Xiao Meiyan's ear.

Xiao Meiyan never thought of making this planet too strange, she only slightly modified the rules of the biosphere to make it more in line with the world she is familiar with, and it is also the earth's most familiar landform.

The continuous mountains and rivers rise up from the ground. After crossing a certain height, there is a moment of heavy snow covered with silver. The surging rivers flow from the veins into the planned river channels and then converge into lakes and oceans. It was adjusted to a suitable height, and because of the change in the concentration of water molecules, a rainbow of seven colors was rendered in the sky all over the world.

Under the rainbow color, the terrain at the foot of Xiao Meiyan has been raised to an altitude of nearly ten thousand meters above sea level. In front of her is the vast expanse, and the clouds are surrounded by the mountains and surging around her. Her appearance is like the **** of creation As sacred.

Long ago, Xiao Meiyan and Yue Zhong did not take the step of limiting the earth, and the long-awaited generation in their eyes was mysterious. Especially, the power she showed was less like a wish, it could be covered. Almost universal is the boundary between life and death, even the small circle that can predict reality after awakening is not as magical as it is.

What kind of power can reach such a level, and the power beyond the human cognitive range of earth-level civilization will eventually be lost to Sayaka. It is also a strange thing to reveal, but they did not have the time to think about it.

Now it is no longer necessary to think hard, Xiao Meiyan can obviously do much more than the projection that the thousands of early generations can do, from following the rules to making the rules of the world and going deeper. After the advancing side, the old mystery is no longer what it is. It will be a sparse and ordinary thing that does not even need to be understood. It seems like something that is understood by nature, just like the children in the modern civilization of the earth know that the earth is round. Yes, they don’t need to personally start a global journey from the starting point to the starting point to verify it again.

Xiao Meiyan modified the biosphere of this world by raising her She wouldn't think it was shocking or remarkable, it was nothing more than creating a familiar environment as a battlefield, just like engineers are fighting It's that simple to dig trenches before.

After standing on the top of the snow mountain for a moment, Xiao Meiyan's figure appeared on the endless river in a blink of an eye, stepping on a fallen leaf that had just drifted onto the water wave, and she remained on her toes while still jumping off the ground. , Lifting the other leg slightly backwards with both hands and then lifting down to lower the center of gravity also showed lightness.

Her figure seemed to flash across thousands of miles under the load of fallen leaves, and she was placed in the vast sea in a moment. When she jumped high as if she had jumped into the sky in an instant, that piece of fallen leaves could not stand the flash of space. The tears turned into dust into the sea.

Xiao Meiyan quickly reached the sky of Yunxiao, and then to the bottom of the tumbling lava, just like the goddess who created the world was patrolling the fruits of her labor, she could see the world and walked through each one in person at a glance. A representative region.

Then the goddess of creation seemed a little tired. She returned to a trickle stream and sat on the smooth and clean cobblestone with her legs. The iridescence in the sky gradually disappeared and became stable. The sun cast unscrupulously on her With a bright and sacred face, she lowered her head and started a short rest.

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