Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1614: 1 draw the void

Although Xiao Meiyan has gone away, as she thought when she chose to leave, Fan Hanshi would not be so easy to gain a major victory. Those elite troops mobilized from all over to prepare her fatal blow have already Converging on this plane, Xiao Meiyan's figure is closer to them although far away from Fan Hanshi.

She just stepped on the comet's path to the battlefield that had been built, and looked far away at the pan-plane army of countless stars in the plane galaxy, and then crossed their figures to see more Deep place.

This battle is enough to sweep hundreds of high-level civilizations. If you face head to head, even if there is no Fan Hanshi behind Xiao Meiyan, she can't win, but she has her own card at the most critical moment to save her life. The method is used here, also to achieve one of her main goals in the plan, to eliminate the vitality of Fan Hanshi's men.

Xiao Meiyan raised her index finger slightly, but this time she didn’t want to manipulate the timeline to complete the program writing or material control so freehand. She also had a deep dread and dignity on her face, and then let the pale fingertips on the galaxy. Strike hard.

Just like the legendary Queen Mother's stroke flowed out of the bright galaxy, Xiao Meiyan's stroke was not inferior, and it can even be said to have won countless times.

Because of the comprehensive analysis of the material that has already been done by the forces of other planes, everything in this galaxy is randomly changed and created by Xiao Meiyan. She can define it as a ring of life to nurture hundreds of millions of human beings, and It can be demarcated as a chaotic forbidden zone so that the material is in a state of destruction forever.

Going a step further, as Xiao Meiyan did at the moment, she made the material of the entire galaxy completely extinct. As the last retreat of the void appeared in it, she noticed the huge lack of the material plane group, and the void was like greed. The colonists generally came in an instant. When they sensed the breath of the panplane that they have been fighting against, even if there are countless void lives ignoring the distance, making this missing world a part of the void battlefield is also a panplane. The elite forces were forced to engage the void of the Shura battlefield without the support of material repair troops.

The people they can leave alive will surely stay in one, and Xiao Meiyan, who guides the coming of the void, has also been given special attention. The treatment of her by the void will not be more gentle because she is the leader. assimilation.

Without any hesitation, Xiao Meiyan crossed the vast and tragic battlefield and rushed into the void, completely disappeared in this plane, and left from the group of material planes.

This is her retreat. Xiao Meiyan is naturally confident that she can come back, but she can't manage other things for the time being.

Fan Hanshi, who was following, sinked in his heart. He never underestimated Xiao Meiyan for more than half, but the battlefield he saw now was still beyond his expectations. Perhaps Xiao Meiyan did not calculate that he would be so determined, he was the same. I can't imagine that she is using the repair plan of the Eye of the Void as a bait. The real purpose is to weaken her armed forces.

He is not yet ready to enter the void to continue chasing Xiao Meiyan, and he cannot find his whereabouts after arriving there. The only thing he can do now is to command this void battlefield, to prevent the plane from being eroded too much and to sink as far as possible. The people on the battlefield are brought back.

"Has the abnormal movement during the stop been calculated?" Fan Hanshi, while commanding the battle, issued an inquiry to the reserve force. He did not let the reserve force also enter the battle. After all, there are still equally important things that they need to do.

"I have found it."

"Destroy them at all costs." The Void Battlefield is destined to lose a lot of troops, so the battle loss with the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment is nothing. Fan Hanshi can imagine that he won't get it after returning with a big victory. With praise, more questions and resistance will follow.

In the past, he was the coordinator of the Legal Supervision Tribunal, and any doubts fell on himself, because Fan Hanshi carried out everything written in the code, but once he walked out of the ivory tower, he began to be involved for greater strength and status. After the political struggle, he was no longer innocent.

It is not necessary to use his own sword to kill people. This is Yue Zhong’s consistent philosophy but not Xiao Meiyan’s. Perhaps Xiao Meiyan himself reminded Yue Zhong of the plight he was facing when she thought of Yue Zhongyan, but also made her think of Yue Zhong’s method of doing things.

That was really unexpected.

Once the void battlefield unfolds, it will definitely be a protracted war. Sometimes the panplanet can gain an advantage to completely expel the void, but sometimes they also have to choose to retreat, leaving an entire plane to the erosion of the void, but in more cases it is still stalemate. Because Fan Hanshi’s responsibility led to this stalemate, the Pan-Plane had to use emergency decree to invest more resources for the development of people’s livelihood into the new void battlefield.

Success stories came from the combat teams of all parties, but they were not on the battlefield of the void, because Xiao Meiyan's combat troops leaving the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment lost their unified command and morale core, and they were at a disadvantage. On one side, they are not opponents of pan-plane armed forces. The news of retreat and failure everywhere came to Fan Hanshi, which was naturally a victory.

The repair plan of the Eye of the Void will undoubtedly declare failure, but Fan Hanshi as the winner does not have the joy of victory, because the achievements on Xiao Meiyan are still equal to zero, even if they have obtained many precious data, they can further crack the Void Eyes, but the price to be paid for this continues to grow as the war progresses.

"Next Next time will not let me wait too long."

When she painted a battlefield of the void in person, Xiao Meiyan, who entered the void again, went deep into the unknown. There is no concept she is familiar with, and her body completely collapsed at the beginning. Leave a core soul.

The squeeze from all directions is drowning like drowning, and Xiao Meiyan is constantly struggling toward the path of the research vehicle track of the Valkyrie Rangers.

Because it is the bottom card, Xiao Meiyan has not disclosed it to anyone. She can only wait for the routine of scientific research vehicles and then return to it. This wait, even the darling of time, cannot predict when it will be, because here There is no concept of time in itself, and the area where she is best at is useless.

In order to maintain the state in which she can exist, Xiao Meiyan has converged the structure of her soul and constantly resisted the erosion of the void. This feeling she has experienced before, and now she has grown a lot but still feels profoundly weak.

Although she can choose to find a similar physical plane community point to re-enter, but that will make Xiao Meiyan completely cut off the connection with the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment, and the threat will not be greater than facing the void, so she chose to Stay on the track line.

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