Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1616: Cannot be denied

If the first group leader is good at this field, then the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment does not have to wait until Xiao Meiyan arrives to restart the Void Eye project.

The leader of the first group insisted that Xiao Meiyan's accumulation in many aspects was not enough, so she was far from qualified for this important task, but she really wanted to say that she was stronger and more suitable for this project, subconsciously she could not make a negative.

There is nothing wrong with the contempt among scientists, but they will not deny each other's achievements. The progress of the Void Eye project is obvious to all, and the value of the universal plane is also more coveted than any words, even now because of Xiao Miyan’s improper command resulted in a major loss. Any criticisms were weak and weak under the circumstances that Chiuchi hadn’t blamed her and the head of the group did not blame her. On this premise, he said that he was stronger than Xiaomeiyan, and Don't say whether that is true or not, once you say it, the pressure you will face is conceivable. The expectations previously placed on Xiao Meiyan will all be transferred to yourself. There will be no tenderness and tenderness.

In any case, they are well-known extreme organizations in the pan-plane, but they are not academic schools that can tolerate arrogance.

I can’t say that I am stronger than Xiao Meiyan in the Eye of the Void. The first group leader can only choose to close his mouth for a while, and he has no intention to do other small actions for the time being, and the gains and risks of that kind of thing are too proportional. Well, a little sensible will definitely not make that choice.

There was something in the silence that she couldn't understand. Why was it slightly immature when she arrived here, and why could Xiao Meiyan make such great progress in many fields that she couldn't keep up with other researchers? Even if she often stops when she starts her self, even if the time she uses to make up for it is longer, some accumulation and experience are not easy to catch up with.

The realization of leapfrog development of human science and technology requires long accumulation and the contributions of countless people. Even if there are achievements in front of it, as the accumulation becomes more and more abundant, the learning cycle of ordinary people will become longer and longer. No matter how talented characters can have superhuman talent and learning ability in certain fields, it is somewhat unrealistic to take into account all aspects and reach the peak in a short time.

Although Xiao Meiyan does this, of course, a large proportion depends on the pursuit of her self-stop and the necessity of her love for this cause and the need to control her own destiny. But in the end, she has been accumulating, now However, it was because of breaking the restrictions of the pattern that she had accumulated a lot of money. To the extent that the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment and the ubiquitous planes paid attention to, it seemed that the time was not long, but how many years she really experienced was innumerable.

Others can be dissatisfied with her, but they are not qualified to deny it.

In the end, the team who led the team for a long time personally found Xiao Meiyan. When she saw that she was still trapped in the void of the void, she was still doing a feasible study with the pain of oppressing the soul. The first team leader left. Looking away, other researchers who have worked with one of them felt some admiration. The people who can be here have no ordinary people, and even many have experienced the helplessness and pain when they are alone. It's already a miracle to be alive there back to the material plane group, and it's something I dare not even think about doing research in it.

The ability to do what is capable is the admirable root. As a researcher, Xiao Meiyan is also a tough warrior. Most researchers will not experience as much combat and danger as she does. This is her advantage over others.

After opening the void receiving device, Xiao Meiyan, who had passed the scientific research vehicle, found that she did not stop and immediately returned to the relatively safe scientific research vehicle. Her body was constantly reshaped, along with the clothing and dress on her body.

Xiao Meiyan, who soon completed her physical reorganization again, said with a trace of surprise: "You have come really fast."

"Don't you dare to throw you here regardless, if other people pick you up, the head of the group will not kill me." Chiakichi Daiji secretly relieved when she saw Xiao Meiyan return safely, and she didn't know what to do. The former commander of Meiyan criticized and even punished her. Although she had damaged the interests of the Valkyrie Rangers because of her grievances with Fan Hanshi, the methods taught by her were of no use to Xiao Meiyan. It is better to waste time on this and make it clear the current situation and Xiao Meiyan, let her immediately proceed to the next step.

Qianzao Jiedai didn't say anything to herself, but Xiao Meiyan still didn't feel a little grateful. She knew that the preferential treatment needed to be rewarded by herself, even if she would definitely do it.

In addition to the members of the first research group, the scientific research vehicle also carried many No. 2 laboratory members who had just withdrawn from the front of the Void Eye Repair. They reported the results and losses to Xiao Meiyan in detail. Fan Hanshi was unsurprising. Rather than taking the risk of annihilating the elite combat troops, he also pulled out all of Xiao Meiyan's repair layout operations team, taking this opportunity he will be able to obtain a lot of precious Void Eye data to draw closer to the Valkyrie Rangers difference.

As the gap narrows, the next confrontation, Xiao Meiyan, will be more difficult. The catch-up panplane will be able to continue to exert its advantages in technology and resources to consolidate the results. Conventional confrontation Xiao Meiyan wants to overturn the possibility Sexuality approaches zero.

"How to say, do you have any thoughts next?" Chizen Zaidai approached Xiao Meiyan and asked her ear, "I paid a lot of money to find you, and the organization suffered heavy losses because of your decision. , You have to do something to convince the crowd."

In the warmth of the other party, with a sweet breath, the hair on Xiao Meiyan's earlobe stood up. The obsession with seizing me has exceeded his mission itself, and letting such a person exist is not good for my eye of the void, and I need someone who can limit his actions."

Qianzao Jieji was very interested in this proposal and nodded, "Continue to say, what are you going to do?"

"What is the form of the Void Battlefield?" Xiao Meiyan didn't immediately answer the questions that Chia early had finished, but instead asked the other side.

"Not many people can go back alive, although I don't know what you think, but I let others keep opening the cracks to the void, and Fan Hanshi may not be able to close it with limited strength."

Xiao Meiyan was relieved. The thing she was most worried about was that she entered the void of the sky and the Valkyrie Rangers retreated to the battlefield and surrounding deployments for fear of loss.

Although she doesn't like the early generations, she has to say that the other party is someone who really understands her intentions.

"If there is peace talks with the ubiquitous plane and plans for joint development now, will there be any opinions there?"

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