Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1618: 1st will

When will this battle be fought, maybe a void battlefield will be born because of one mistake of his own?

Fan Hanshi was not sure in his heart and could not predict the final trend of the battle. In the court of justice, the opponent he faced was always the same human species as himself, and occasionally encountered some different existence, but he The goal is not in those who exist, so there is no need to think about the strategy of a complete victory.

The more advanced the civilization, the finer the division of labor. Even though many types of work have been replaced by intelligent machines or apostolic magic, it is obviously impossible for a person to be perfect in all aspects. Fan Hanshi is not tested. An excellent battlefield commander, he is intelligent to act on his own sense when facing a vast battlefield, but he can't judge whether it is good or bad.

There are too many things that cannot be determined, and the joy of defeating Xiao Meiyan is gone. Fan Hanshi knows that once he enters this situation where both parties are not sure, Xiao Meiyan can grasp the opportunity better than herself, because she has so much Such an experience, and in the past, I could always rely on the legal prosecution court and even the general plane to rely on it, ignoring such incidents.

The war is still going on, and Fan Hanshi, who has been commanding tens of hours in a row with high intensity, has no chance of closing his eyes.

He did not expect Xiao Meiyan to successfully return to a safe place from the void so quickly, so her follow-up moves came one after another. This time she sent out to the general plane on the grounds that the two sides continued to fight in this way and would only lose both sides. Proposed reconciliation proposal.

It is impossible to say that what she did not win on the battlefield is not available from the negotiating table, but Xiao Meiyan, who is in an extreme organization, has some unreasonable capital. The general plane is like a mentally sound human being. The lunatic who is about to bite sits down and reasoning will be passive from the beginning.

The best result is that the Panplane ignores Xiao Meiyan’s reconciliation proposal at all, and let Fan Hanshi continue to fight this battle, but since the existence of the First Will has already asked himself, it means that there is more Many people are not satisfied with themselves.

It was because she lost too much elite power this time, and it was also because of her mistakes that Xiao Meiyan made a void battlefield. Many people were scared by Xiao Meiyan's hand, since she was capable of this The plane universe draws a crack in the void. If the pan-plane has no meaning of peace with her, after she wins again in the future, she runs madly to other planes to open up the void battlefield everywhere. She couldn't stand her tossing.

Even if this is not good for human civilization or even the material plane group, Xiao Meiyan will bear many risks in vain and have no real benefits, but just like she can’t reason with a lunatic, she is entirely possible to do so, as long as Her Void Eye project will also be threatened, and as a means of revenge, it does not require any benefits.

Of course, the core problem is that Fan Hanshi cannot prove that he has the ability to catch Xiao Meiyan. This time the most promising battle was made by himself. Even if it was replaced by other people, it could not be better, but there is no such thing. There is no ability, and it is meaningless to compare with others.

Xiao Meiyan is an individual who represents herself. The Pan Plane can sometimes talk to the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment about the interests and compromise, but there is nothing to talk about with Xiao Mei Yan, just like the conditions she issued this time: "Pan The plane can no longer hinder the progress of the Eye of the Void project, and at the same time forgive all charges against her and Yue Zhong to end the hostility, and send Yue Zhong safely to the hands of the President of the Seventh Galaxy Chongyan Federation, Veneto, in return she will cycle The research process of sexually sharing the eye of the void with the ubiquitous plane."

Not to mention how demanding Xiao Meiyan’s requirements are, but if she ignores the sacred judgment of the Judiciary, this proposal is still attractive, especially when she shows that she can destroy the elite power of the ubiquitous plane and cause great damage. It is no surprise that some people will be worried and consider the negotiation.

Fan Hanshi gave a very unequivocal answer to the opinion of the first will of the general plane: "I disagree."

But Fan Hanshi also knows that he will not change anything if he does not agree. The Judicial Tribunal will never give in because of Xiao Meiyan’s threat. There is no room for negotiation on Yue Zhong’s issues, but other things can be discussed. Once Xiao Meiyan's influence entered the panplane, it was an unprecedented disaster for Fan Hanshi.

"What must be done..." Fan Hanshi stared frowningly at the void battlefield under his eyes. He had to appoint the battle here to the deputy commander, and himself returned to the Panplane Headquarters himself.

If the first will of the first seat is willing, then he can easily resist this pressure, but now it seems that even he is a little moved.

It’s not because the Void Eye project is really important in his eyes to such a degree. It can be said that he only knows the general situation of the Void Eye. Heard of Xiao Meiyan’s name, but what does Xiao Meiyan have in the past, she and Fan Hanshi had no other grievances. The first will did not care about it. If he knew everything, he would not have to ask Fan Hanshi for his opinions.

The ubiquitous plane is too wide. As a first will, he cannot control everyone’s mind. The pressure caused by Xiao Meiyan is not a threat to him at all, although it is his idea to appoint Fan Hanshi to deal with Xiao Meiyan. , But now he can draw his energy to ask again, the reason behind this is very worth pondering.

Fan Hanshi, who has studied some of Xiao Meiyan's quite thoroughly, knows what grievances exist between the First Will and the head of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment. Will this time he think it is a good opportunity to return to the other party? ?

These unknowns are unknown to Fan Hanshi on the so he must go back to the Panplane Headquarters and use his relationship in the Judiciary to make everything clear, otherwise he will keep Go so passive.

With these unknown Fan Hanshi not long after he came to the court of justice, he saw that Qi Xiaomeng was appearing in defense of the criminals. In order to prevent the other party from joining in to avoid extra-legal branches, Fan Hanshi bypassed Qi Xiaomeng's location.

Because of the intention to keep a distance from her, Fan Hanshi didn't even find a curious gaze kept staring at him until he entered the legal court.

"Da Ye, what are you looking at? This time it took you a lot of effort to participate in the trial of the Legal Prosecution Tribunal. You can't help but look left." Qi Xiaomeng patted the man looking at Fan Hanshi The teenager's head taught.

"Smelt a very familiar smell, who was that person just now?" Lu Muda, who came to Qi Xiaomeng again and hoped to learn something, also stared at the direction where Fan Hanshi disappeared.

"Who? I didn't notice." Qi Xiaomeng asked blankly, and Fan Hanshi deliberately avoided her.

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