Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1623: Ruler considerations

"I came to Rome as a pan-plane delegation two months ago and invited you to dance at the ball. The man who was splashed with red wine." Veneto introduced it calmly and continued. "He seems to like you very much, so let me ask you again about your attitude."

Saratoga thought about it and finally remembered this person, and immediately waved his hand with contempt: "No, no, this guy is a family child with no ability at first glance, if he had been squinting all day. I won’t be nervous about pouring red wine on people’s chests."

"You only met for the first time, don't give others a rash comment." Veneto felt a little headache. She also couldn't afford to see this man named Thomson, but the news about the Void Eye and Xiao Meiyan were very good. The information that may have appeared in the panplane in a proper identity was provided by the other party, and the other party promised that he would tell himself as soon as he had new news, but in exchange for Veneto to help him and Sarato. plus.

"Why, did you ask me to come here for this matter?" Saratoga was really not interested in the man. She had said before that she must find a husband than Chester. William and Yue Zhong are better. Although Thomson’s status as deputy director of the Third Logistics Department is not low, they are not qualified to compare with these two people. They are just different in height of birth. The title of Admiral is not available.

"If you have nothing else to say, I have to prepare to fight." Saratoga eagerly tried to run, and then stayed here in Veneto, not sure what the other party had to say.

"You don't have to take part in the battle with the Abyssal Fleet... instead of going to a plane meeting for me on the plane." Veneto said his arrangements, because Thomson would also appear in the plane meeting. This is the condition of his promise to continue to provide information to Veneto.

Saratoga jumped up and said, "Why don't you go? Why must it be me? That guy must be there too, so I don't want to meet him."

"It's not a bad thing to get in touch with people in the general plane. Maybe you can meet someone you like. If you continue to play like this, you will become a leftover woman." Veneto persuaded not too hard, she didn't come up with it. As the authority of the great president forced Saratoga to do so, it would exceed Veneto's acceptable bottom line.

"Don't go, don't you have to be alone all the time?" Saratoga shook his head like a rattle: "I haven't experienced a large-scale battlefield for a long time. I have been training new recruits with Doria all day. The ship's mother is driving me crazy. I'm going to the front to fight."

Veneto lifted the armband of the coffee cup again and said undoubtedly: "You don't want to go to the plane, I won't force you, but this time the Fifth Fleet will not join the battle, you just stay on the Roman star."

Saratoga did not agree to meet Thomson again. Veneto could not force it, but anyone who entered the front line would be in danger of sacrifice. At least at this time, Veneto did not want Saratoga to have an accident. Thomson's men are still valuable.

"Hello, is there no human rights for the Fifth Fleet?" Saratoga didn't think much about it. Although Veneto pulled her into a marriage like a matchmaker, the warships were still very confident about Veneto's morality. Yes, she wouldn't do anything to sell the ship's mother in exchange for benefits, so Saratoga simply expressed her dissatisfaction that she could not participate in the war.

"The Fifth Fleet has its own responsibilities. You just need to do what you want. Go back." Veneto got up and left the gazebo. Saratoga wanted to catch up and argue something but was given by other maids. Blocked the way.

She is fully capable of breaking through these maid’s blockades, but using force in the presidential palace is not a trivial matter. Veneto can even be related to the rebellion if she is serious about it. Saratoga dares not to do this kind of willfulness. of.

Veneto kept walking back to his room, standing on the balcony and continuing to look at the gorgeous garden, reaching out and rubbing his eyes when he felt tired.

"Tell Thomson that Saratoga refused his invitation. If you want to meet her, come to Rome by yourself." Veneto can imagine that Thomson's arrival will bring some benefits to the Federation of Flames, but can he win Saratoga's heart is not something he needs to manage.

As a huge Confederate ruler, Veneto sometimes needs to make some compromises. She can't refuse Thomson, who has great power in the general plane because Saratoga doesn't like it, even if the other party is in There is nothing in the panplane, but the logistics department is such a fattening. Other low-level plane civilizations are too late to stammer, and Veneto cannot block his own way because of some minor things.

Everything in the Presidential Palace has no secret to Veneto. Saratoga secretly picked her flowers before, and now she kicked the stone all the way out and was seen by Veneto.

The same as the ship's mother in the former A star, Missouri waited for her outside the garden after she called Saratoga. When she saw Saratoga's unhappy look, she smiled and said: "Why, the big president let us add Are you upset?"

"She didn't know which rib was wrong. She wanted me to contact a dude in the I wouldn't let me go to war if I disagree." Sarato complained and said in Missouri Get up, "Really, she is not my mother, so anxious to ask me to do something."

Missouri comforted Saratoga’s head and comforted: “Okay, no war, no war, it’s not a bad thing to be able to stay safely in the rear. The President has her own considerations, she’s already against you without forcing you Of respect."

"Hey, why don't you speak for her, I don't know which star field you are in." Saratoga stared at Missouri with wide eyes.

"It’s not a question of which star field. It’s not meaningful to say that these are not conducive to unity. We formed a strong federation to prevent people from being threatened by the void again. The president will be a bit selfish, but the direction she considers will not It’s harmful to Double Flame Federation, so we sometimes have to understand her. It’s not good for anyone to really let these barriers and dissatisfaction break up.” Missouri’s vision is not as narrow as others, since Double Flame Federation is already a fact. She hopes that everyone can accept it. It is naturally without conscience to forget her origin and glory, but she has always been in love with the past and even tried to bring the seven galaxy back to a split state without thinking.

Saratoga didn't want to understand this, and she ran away after seeing Missouri white: "I'm going to find my sister, she won't say that."

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