Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1632: Charge towards the void

The bright galaxy that turned into a crimson abyss is gradually expanding from countless reddish like star spots. The huge number of the abyssal fleet can always bring huge pressure on the enemy to breathless. For the first time on the battlefield The new shipmates came with courage but fell into despair for the next time.

Fortunately, the superiors of the ship's mother who came from the previous era stabilized the battle situation and guided the younger generations to adapt to the more elaborate defensive combat mode.

The most worrying thing for Veneto is that the newcomer ship ladies have not experienced their time, so the fighting power they exert will be greatly reduced, or the sense of honor and victories shown are not as strong as those of their predecessors. Fortunately, the facts prove that every There is no shortage of genius figures in an era. The heroes have never disappeared. Even if the figures who have been praised fall down, there will certainly be people who are eager to follow their figures on the road.

The Abyssal Fleet has been imitating the development model of the interstellar ship mother of the seven galaxies. When the giant warships of the Flame Alliance have fully completed the ship mothership, they have achieved this after a period of rest and rest and further strengthened each individual and Cooperation with each other.

A large-scale decisive battle will be more tragic than the previous local battlefield. At this point, Veneto is ready to accept major losses. However, she is somewhat worried about the mentality of the new shipmates. This mode of decisive battle is even Richelieu would not have a certain victory in the face of them, not to mention the new people who had not experienced the last final war.

The fully-flooded abyssal fleet makes full use of the offensive game to stretch the tactical width very long. The heavy flame federal fleet cannot allow it to make breakthroughs on any aspect. It must inevitably invest the inferior forces into the same broad battlefield. The warship ladies have already practiced countless times in simulated combat.

"The situation is different from the simulated battle. The abyssal fleet no longer superimposes the troops together. They have already deployed many levels of attack routes with different spatial positions. Each command unit uses its elite advantage to **** the enemy before the war. The tactical rhythm of the army, this time there are no degraded compatriots in the abyss fleet, so their strength may not be stronger than the last one, and they will take the initiative to attack with a win-win situation. Our army will return the abyss fleet to this battle. In the void, passive defense is not the result I want, do you understand?"

"The order is received, and the first battle line will cooperate with the high-speed warship to develop a prominent mouth." The chief commander in the main direction of the Soviet Union drunkenly drank a bottle of vodka. Her behavior was inevitably investigated by Richelieu after the war. Acting, but if the ship's mother in the S star domain does not drink a few bites in the decisive battle, she will not be able to play it.

Odin and Sukhbaatar eagerly tried to steal her vodka with two drinks from the Soviet Union, but the Soviet Union threw an empty bottle and smashed it on the head. It was honest: "What kind of wine does the child drink, wait for you to grow up I'll talk about it later."

"The aircraft carrier support sequence has entered the target area. Our ministry will ensure air superiority and our local firepower superiority according to the battle situation. You can rest assured that you can use your full strength." Liao () Ning's fingers are on the water Swiping gracefully, the battlefield completely caught her eyes, as if under the carrier-based aircraft fleet controlled by her fingertips, with this gesture with her arrogance and arrogance, she gave a powerful support answer.

"Heavy firepower network organization is completed and can be supported at any time." The old senior members led the recruits who pursued the dream of the giant artillery.

"The surprise troops will also work wonders today, but how many big fish can they catch today?" This came from the submarines' answers.

Destroyer, light cruiser, heavy cruiser, light aircraft carrier, heavy gunship, etc. are in different battlefield positions and shoulder different decisive battle missions.

There are some new people who are not familiar with Veneto. Their determination gives Veneto the confidence to win. Then the hard years have come, and now there is no reason to lose, let this be a void life The restricted zone, let this glory always belong to the ship maiden of the Confederation of Flames, and also create a glorious pass for Veneto's road in the panplane.

The heavy flame federal fleet that has always been on the defense side did not wait for the abyssal fleet to fully initiate the offensive, which caused the abyssal fleet's plan to be disrupted at once, and as a new parent, the small north could not help but daze.

She doesn’t know why the flames of the Confederation of Flames are so great today, can they not complete the mission by guarding the bright galaxy, seeing this driving as if they are the just defenders, and this group of ship maidens must become the material plane group The first force to invade the void was average.

But she didn't have much time to think about it, because Veneto had already brought her exclusive guard to the ground like an attack.

The other party is the president of Chongyan Federation, and it also has the same BUG among thousands of warships. Even the mother of the northern warlord Jiji can't compete with each other one by one. There is no other way to completely overwhelm the advantages of quantity.

Her existence and significance is a guarantee for the high morale of the Heavy Flame Federation Fleet, and also shoulders the difficult task of directly contesting with any enemy ace. Little North faced Veneto who had penetrated the defense line of the abyssal fleet with great force~www Immediately mobilized the special ship escorts to be around, and then the largest fireworks on the void battlefield broke out between each other.

No one is absolutely safe in the decisive battle. Tactics can only play the icing on the cake here. The basic skills and combat characteristics of each ship’s mother are the most important in it. Even if the abyssal fleet has absolute advantages in quantity However, the battle loss ratio has always been very ugly. After all, they only have the unified core of will of the Little North. They cannot have as many first-class ship mothers and their individual thinking ability as the single-fed Federation Fleet, and then lose their initiative. After the advantage of the offense, it fell into the quagmire. Air had the advantage of firepower and quantity but could not be exerted. It was always captured by the heavy flame union everywhere in the battlefield to achieve a small-scale local annihilation.

When Veneto's crimson eyes came to the front of the northern Qiji with the silence that was colder than the abyss, her red eyes also had only a hint of human helplessness.

"It's not easy to integrate the relationship between the mother and the individual and restore it to its heyday, but it is still not realistic to want to defeat the Venetian Federation of Flames..."

"How can we create the same model as them? Admiral tries to do so and he seizes the opportunity to defeat the success. It seems that I should not imitate it."

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