Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1653: Responsibilities to replace the Admiral

"Doesn't Xiaoyan need to talk about it?" Veneto was a little puzzled. She felt that she had already suffered a lot, and she would say it when she found an opportunity. Compared with Xiao Meiyan's own experience, she seemed paler. How can you bear it without telling anyone?

Xiao Meiyan pursed her head and shook her head, then said gently: "It's good to get used to it. If I can't see you this time, maybe vv will get used to this feeling."

"Okay, in fact, I want to be here even if you don't say it. After all, the ubiquitous plane arranged for me only a small suite, and there is nothing in it that I can't even cook by myself." Veneto stood up and started Clean up the cup and tea set.

Xiao Meiyan looked so quietly without help or doing anything with her own strength, because she could see that Veneto enjoyed the housework, and she was not required to do these things in the big presidential palace. No one in Flame Federation deserves her to put down her posture to do housework like an ordinary girl, maybe watching herself she can feel that her advisor is still around, it is a pleasure to do these Veneto for him.

After Veneto had packed everything, Xiao Meiyan suggested: "Is there still some time to rest? Do you want to see the bedroom here and choose a room you like?"

"I have started preparing for the cooperation negotiation of the Void Eye project. I want to take a good rest today. You must be more exhausted than Homura, I won't take up your time." Veneto looked up. , Chi Cheng and fiery eyes looked at Xiao Meiyan, "The Admiral is not here now, but I want to say a word for him. Don't think about anything else today, take a good night's rest."

Xiao Meiyan stunned slightly, then nodded gently. She doesn't like others to arrange her life or even her destiny. Except that Yue Zhong is always nagging and urging herself to eat and sleep, now Veneto replaces Yue Zhong to urge herself, and she can't help but obediently.

Veneto has been sending Xiao Meiyan to the bedroom, waiting for her to take a bath and change clothes to lie on the bed, making sure that Xiao Meiyan no longer intends to do other things before leaving and closing the door with satisfaction.

They occasionally reveal their temperaments as girls, but they are also unusual girls. Veneto does not want to be seen as a child, so he has to go to bed by himself instead of squeezing a bed with Xiao Meiyan.

Although the commissioner of the diplomatic department on that occasion is not good to eavesdrop, but they have nothing to say secretly. Since they have come to the sun and follow the rules of the sun, the indescribable things are known to each other.

Probably after drinking too much coffee during the day, Veneto was very energetic now, and he had no sleepiness when he put on his pajamas in the room, sitting on the bed and silently watching the night outside the window.

The moon in this world is pale cyan, maybe it was influenced by some natural phenomenon, or it may be caused by a story worthy of excavation. Veneto turned a book on the bedside table and looked at it, and then wondered Unconsciously fell asleep.

The next morning, Veneto, who had a lot of government and military affairs to deal with, woke up early. She didn't have time to put on formal clothes, so she walked to the living room in pajamas and slippers.

She got up earlier than Xiao Meiyan, so she started preparing breakfast in the kitchen with a triumphant smile. When she came out with the prepared food, she just saw Xiao Meiyan ready to go out.

"This is about to go out?" Veneto asked, subconsciously waving the spatula in his hand.

Xiao Meiyan looked back, looked at Veneto with an apron on her pajamas, and turned around: "I thought you weren't up yet."

"Breakfast first. The ingredients here are rather strange. I can only try to make them. I don't know if they suit your taste." Veneto is still a little confident in the dishes, but the strange ingredients make her lack of confidence.

After sitting down to have breakfast together, Xiao Meiyan did not comment on Veneto's craftsmanship. She was not picky enough to eat Yue Zhong's meals. In this respect, Veneto is definitely more important than Yue. less.

It's just that she doesn't really praise others, and it's already an achievement to make her nod her head.

"I may not have time to come back at noon." Xiao Meiyan said to Veneto after picking up a tissue and wiping her mouth.

"It's good to come back in the evening. I'll cook and wait for you. During this time, I can study the ingredients of this world." Veneto started to clean up the tableware again, and said to Xiao Meiyan.

"Okay." Xiao Meiyan agreed to leave and left, but her mood was a lot of joy, even her pace was lighter.

Being able to be waited for by others, or expecting to wait for others is a kind of shallow happiness, and so is Xiao Meiyan and Veneto.

The scientific research summit is that Veneto is temporarily not eligible to enter the venue, because her identity is different. Even if she brings Li Peiyun to the latter, the latter is not qualified. Li Peiyun's theory system of Tianli circle has been included in the general plane but has not caused too much Big response, he needs more effort to win respect and recognition.

After meeting and talking yesterday, Veneto’s power came here. Now she is just a very ordinary counselor. She has nothing to do except choose to leave or stay. Waiting for Xiao Meiyan To get more results from the scientific research summit, Veneto can only wait in the house. After all, a large circle outside is managed by martial law. Even if you want to go shopping alone, you can only see the deserted streets and fully armed. Security staff, that is really meaningless.

It seems to be back to the time when I could only be a spectator in the era of Fantasy Township, watching Admiral and Xiaoyan fighting and fighting in the battlefield in front, and I can only pray and not help.

However, Veneto's mind is now much firmer. She knows that her path and battlefield are not here. Although she is small, she already has a future that she can look forward to and fight for. That road is much better than the self-sorrow and self-sorrow.

Now her job is to take care of Xiao Meiyan, she is not very good at taking care of herself, so no one has taken care of it for a long time.

After thinking about it, Veneto got into the kitchen and retrieved the recipe and ingredients information and began to study it.

Shortly after Xiao Meiyan left, there were uninvited guests outside the house. Obviously they came to Veneto, because she stayed here did not meet the needs of some people, so I tried to get rid of them. she was.

The people who stayed here in the diplomatic service changed a group, but they did not open the door unreasonably. The chopping sound of the kitchen knife and the chopping board in frequent contact with the doorbell from outside, these people looked at each other. For a while, finally decided to do nothing to continue to be their wooden role. ...


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