Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1680: Unimportant person

"What are you talking about?" The little master's weak voice sounded from a distance, but they also interrupted the conversation between the three. They each had their own thoughts, but they never thought about irrelevant people being rolled. Into it, it is not necessary to add cause and effect in a strange plane.

The so-called causality is not as magical as some mysterious planes pass. It is nothing more than leaving something unwilling, just as Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan could not give up, or had a deep bond with Yue Zhong. Those people.

This little master is just a lovable ordinary person, so let him continue to live in ordinary years, there is no need to involve him in the vortex of battle.

Li Xiaobei's face once again brought a calm and cold look, Lianhua also maintained a charming smile, only Rosa's expression did not change, after all, she has not changed from beginning to end, still so proud and capable .

"Friends I haven't seen in a long time, just narrate the old." Lianhua said to the shy young master, blinking mischievously.

The little master's face became flushed with a brush, and he did not have any resistance to Lianhua's teasing. He could only bow his head and stuttered and said: "Butler, you are yours."

At the moment, the middle-aged woman who was standing behind the young master looked at the three beautiful women who were called peerless, and she felt that these women were all in love with their young master's property Yes, the girls of the good people who are as fancy as they are, such women can't be as beautiful as they look, and they have to talk back to the master.

Although I thought so in my heart, the middle-aged female housekeeper still kept the etiquette without saying anything outrageous: "The residence has been arranged, please come with me."

The three who didn’t have a place to stay for a while did not refuse to follow, and soon they saw the place where they lived, and the room next to the corner of the first floor was piled with debris. There were three beds in it. The single room was reluctant to live for them. The butler stood chattering at the door and said, "This is the only free room. Please forgive me for the lack of hospitality. Also, it is better not to mess around in the house without permission from the owner. Let’s go, this is all private privacy and also protected by the Holy Scriptures, when the meal will naturally be sent by a maid..."

This kind of treatment is really not something that should be given to guests. Perhaps the housekeeper wants to use this method to expel the three unknown women. She nagged and explained many problems, and finally closed the door with a dark face. , Leaving Li Xiaobei looked at each other in silence.

"It's really too much. Let's say it's a guest. This room is for the next person at a glance." Li Xiaobei first complained that the display in the room was not the same as the facilities to satisfy her. Not even a bathroom and toilet, but also to go to the public toilet outside the door, not to mention the dressing mirrors commonly used by girls.

While talking about the shortcomings of this room, she secretly observed Rosa's expression. According to the previous impression, this woman must not be able to bear this kind of living environment. It would be good for Li Xiaobei if she could leave it angrily. thing.

To Li Xiaobei's disappointment, Rosa's expression was calm and normal, and she even glanced at her contemptuously, as if to say that her method was inferior.

"I really don't want to sleep in a room with a man who likes to dance with a knife and use a gun at night. It would be too bad if someone was cut off in the sleep." Li Xiaobei's eyes turned and immediately occupied the window. Then the bed began to seriously deploy the defensive enchantment, "I will sleep here, you have to be careful, Lianhua."

Lianhua's only understanding of Rosa is the heavenly anger she caused when she chased down Li Xiaobei, coupled with the indifferent attitude of the other party and the strong murderous intention of the whole body, Lianhua will not take Rosa for granted. People, but it would seem ridiculous to guard against the other party’s midnight violent murder.

She was very lazy and leaned on the bed, a simple white bed single bed also let her lie out of the taste of paper drunken gold fans, the naturally revealing charm is a hook that turns the smoke wave, and then talked about the topics that have not been just mentioned. : "What is the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment, you have never heard Xiaobei talk about it before."

"It's a place full of ideological extremists. They have no reason to be hostile to all men. They don't have a bottom line to do things. There is no credibility to the outside world..." Negative evaluation of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment Rosa's stimulus wanted to see the other party show different attitudes, but in the end all ended in failure.

Rosa's experience in these years has tempered her mind as quiet as Wanli Pinghu. There is no longer a half shadow of Li Xiaobei's easy provocation of emotions. She is deaf to Li Xiaobei's words and lies on the side of the bed with her eyes closed.

"It looks very interesting, why is your teacher and sister there in such an organization?" Lianhua, who has recovered herself, has realized what she was asking while Li Xiaobei tested Rosa Zhufan The other party's problem.

Li Xiaobei did not answer, still staring at Lianhua with her usual illiterate eyes and said, "If you had such curiosity before, I would not have worked so hard to collect intelligence."

"What do you mean?" Lian Hua glanced at the meaning of the words was obvious, she followed Li Xiaobei to see the outside world itself. Although she was her own wish, she has always been North was suppressed and shouted but Lianhua did not like it. Now she has the opportunity to go to a higher civilization and it seems pointless to continue to follow Li Xiaobei.

"It's still stupid. There's really no harm in studying more." Li Xiaobei gave her an indifferent glance. If Lianhua really made such a choice, then she would go, and she never made any reliance on her. Whatever, your chances always need to be grasped by yourself, and any decisions you make must also be borne by yourself.

Feeling Li Xiaobei's indifferent attitude, Lian Hua originally thought that she could squeeze her, and the thought went out. Think carefully about Li Xiaobei's fact that it is not important at all. Being a man can be sly but not too stupid.

The three soon no longer have any topic to continue, and Rosa is not so eager to recruit Lianhua to enter the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment. It seems that he just forgot to forget it in a blink of an eye.

What next? There must be a plan in Li Xiaobei’s heart, but Rosa’s sudden appearance made her can only hide that plan in her heart. The more she thought, the more confused Lianhua felt, and she seemed so weak and lacking in the new world. help.

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