Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1684: New World Layout

The housekeeper at the house of the young master's self-proclaimed behavior seems very unhappy. Although the servant can bully the master, all her power in this family comes from the trust of the owner. She is the only one who wants to rectify the disobedient young master. The way is to ask the head of the house to complain, but now her head of the house is busy with other things. At this time, if you have to disturb him, I am afraid that you will only get a swearing.

Without relying on it, the young master in this family has the right to speak, even if he does not understand that the resistance to doing things according to his own mind is the smallest, but Rosa will definitely know so he gave him such a hint .

Not surprisingly, Lianhua certainly has the ability to control the owner, so Rosa has a reason to stay here when he controls the young master.

Among the new guest rooms, although the decoration in this room is still not as luxurious as the master bedroom, it is heaven and earth compared to the previous maid room.

Li Xiaobei didn't seem to be exposed to Rosa's light at all, so she was grateful to her and flung herself on the soft bed to hold the pillow. Her delicate feet were swinging up and down outside the bed and threatened the other party: "You Don’t think I’m going to chase you away, can that young master have the ability to leave you?”

"If you dare to do this, I dare to take this little master and throw you all out." Rosa said in a threatening voice as well.

Li Xiaobei wrinkled his nose for a while and then smiled sweetly: "Then you are really amazing."

The room is separated from the inside and outside. The two bedrooms also have a living room. The two do not have to sleep with their eyes wide open. The better master bedroom is occupied by Li Xiaobei, and Rosa does not seem to have Interested to grab but pushed the door and walked into the separated side bed, the three people who rashly appeared in the little master's house in the night's tranquility had no other action to spend the first night in this way.

Li Xiaobei didn't let go of Rosa's wariness, even if she separated the room to sleep, she didn't forget to set up a security procedure to prevent the other party from thinking about killing herself. As for Rosa's attempt to win over the young master, she wouldn't care. , The other party has always had a lot of trouble with him, but since she knows that Rosa has arrived, if she leaves Li Xiaobei’s line of sight, she may bring greater harm. Rosa’s combat power and equipment technology must be in On top of Li Xiaobei, when one is in the dark, the other is in the dark, but it is not as good as the current situation where the well water does not violate the river.

This feeling Li Xiaobei slept extraordinarily sweetly, staying alert during the crisis but ensuring deep sleep has been the instinct that she has formed over the years, even if there are enemies who want to take their own lives on the side of the bed, it can not affect To her quality of sleep, and the comfort of the room is much better than under the bridge hole.

When I woke up the next morning and found that Rosa was no longer in the room, she went to the bathroom and rinsed well. She put on clean clothes and left the mansion to the courtyard. The owner of the shady place under the banyan tree was just like Xinhuan's Lianhua had breakfast together.

From the owner, he can't see any anomalies. Only when his eyes pass by Lianhua will he reveal the complexity of deep fear and primitive impulse. This scene allows Li Xiaobei to be sure that Lianhua has been completely controlled. He has lost the housekeeper, and he has done better than he thought.

The housekeeper no longer dared to look at Lianhua with her previous eyes. As a servant, she could clearly feel that Lianhua's status at home was equivalent to the lady who was mad at running away from the house. Dare to show any contempt for Li Xiaobei, only to secretly scold the fox and the like.

When the housekeeper did not summon her, the housekeeper even looked at them for breakfast in the courtyard and dared not approach.

"Have you seen Rosa?" Li Xiaobei ignored the eyes cast by the house owner, and even didn't even care about any emotions in those eyes, whether it was stunning or greedy, the only value of such a person was to help They provide a legal identity and residence.

"I sent the young master to school early in the morning, and she seemed to arrange for herself a bodyguard." Lianhua said with a smile that she had no worries in front of the owner.

"It's really a bit weird to talk about this home. Tell me about the main situation of your home." Li Xiaobei turned his head and said to the host.

The owner did not show any disgusting emotions, but honestly stated: "I am a businessman engaged in the sale of paintings. Most of them buy some famous paintings from the earth and sell them to other wars. There is no artistic creation atmosphere and environment. On the planet, sometimes the priests of scientific theology also ordered some religious propaganda paintings from the earth. I also work in this area to make some money."

"It looks like you're having a good time. What about the rest of the family?" Li Xiaobei elegantly sat in front of the other party and asked.

"Father and mother have passed away. They were attacked by interstellar pirates when they went out to trade. I took over the family business when I was thirty. The legal wife took her eldest daughter back to her family seven years ago. After that, I had three women. Two were older and drove me out without giving birth to my children. The last one gave me a young son, the one who brought you to my house, but She died of illness a year ago, and now only my son and I are left in the family. Other relatives do not have much contact because of financial reasons. Letting his son learn painting is also to let him enhance his appreciation ability. In the future, he will always inherit my family business. of."

Li Xiaobei slowly digested the news in the family's and then asked about the situation outside: "How big is your trade scope and who can reach the highest status?"

"The main trade words cover the seven solar systems, all of which are carried out in the sphere of influence of the scientific branch of Scientology. Their attack on interstellar pirates is the most powerful of all branches. It is safer to do business in their sphere of influence, but sometimes There will also be other branches to send me to order goods, I will do as long as the price is right."

"As for the highest-ranking person, I must be a bishop of the optics branch, but to visit him, but to make a **** capital, if you make any request, the price will be higher. I usually don’t dare to be close to it. contact."

Li Xiaobei thought for a moment and then nodded to arrange: "The next time you go out to trade, I will go with you. Your identity is your expert consultant, and Lianhua is your new wife. You should resolve these two identities as soon as possible."

"What about Miss Rosa?" The family owner obeyed Li Xiaobei's words and seemed to have become a puppet in Lianhua's hands.

"Don't she want to be a bodyguard, then let her stay with the young master all the time, and hope she doesn't make any taboos." Li Xiaobei grinned badly.

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