Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1688: Dream galaxy

Li Xiaobei left from Lianhua, and was not angry or even punished Lianhua because the offense mentioned Yue Zhong. She went directly to the library and sat for a day. After reading the library with unprecedented reading speed One book is too modest to say that it will never be forgotten, just like picking up a book and turning it over quickly and keeping it in mind.

The second day, the third day, the fourth day...Li Xiaobei and Rosa both spent their lives in peace, the former stayed in the library every day except eating and sleeping, while the latter insisted on sending the young master every day When I went to the studio, I didn't go in to see him painting, but I stood at the door for one day.

Li Xiaobei reads to understand the whole picture of human civilization, and Rosa uses her eyes to confirm that she can’t look through the Xinghai plane at a glance like Xiao Meiyan, but she can still do it by looking at a world. of.

As for Lianhua, she went out with the housekeeper to participate in the reception feast every day, surrounded by all kinds of people, and then gathered those who had the courage to think of themselves one by one under the skirt.

They all chose their favorite lifestyle to spend the quiet early days until the day when they went out to trade.

After a glimpse of that day, Master Xiao had nothing to do with Li Xiaobei. He was even afraid of seeing Li Xiaobei. She was afraid that her slightly outdated performance would ruin the grandest beauty in his mind. Fear of seeing her perfect face will be mad again.

Rosa's daily companionship was firmly remembered by the young master, although it was a little strange why such a gorgeous beauty would accompany himself a timid coward every day, but that made the young master feel after his mother passed away. Never touch the warmth again.

Although he has become a slave to Lianhua, the husband of the house still behaved normally. He called the young master today and sternly told him what to do when he was not at home. To be part of life and death.

Businessmen like him who maintain an affluent life through the interstellar luxury trade, but do not have enough strength to form an **** are usually big fat sheep in the eyes of pirates. They are under the control of the optical branch of scientific theology Pirates are very severely attacked, but this severe blow to commercial ships will certainly be very frequent. It lures those pirates who are already difficult to survive and are fierce to come. If they encounter these pirates, there will be no livelihood. of.

The owner of the house is a man who is greedy for pleasure and selfish. As long as he is alive, he does not care about the life and death of anyone else, but he at least understands that his prosperous life comes from the benefits he has risked for his life. No trade can be found for the second person.

After all, those who have the courage have chosen to do it themselves, and who will throw their blood for others.

As the nature of life, the family owner pays more attention to family inheritance after having a son. Although he is very strict with his young son, he has never forgotten that he is his heir. If he is really unlucky to meet a pirate These things in the family will always be taken away by people. Instead of giving them to people they don’t know or to become the property that those officials wantonly dominate, the young master has nothing to do with his blood.

He sent the young master to the studio to cultivate his ability to appreciate the paintings, and he has made such preparations since the day that the young master can luckily stand out and become a well-known painter, this family can become a stable wealthy class, nor You need to take risks yourself.

After explaining to the young master, the owner began to prepare for this trade. The means of transportation in the universe is not so much a spaceship as a personal vehicle. Only one person can drive in the vast sea of ​​stars. In the past, he would bring some women who did not know the danger of the universe in order to arrange the loneliness of the journey, but this time Li Xiaobe must be accompanied as a consultant, and naturally will not make the owner's trade journey so comfortable.

After reading all the books in the library, Li Xiaobei began to prepare for this trip. The experience on the journey is an opportunity for her to grasp. When she is integrated into the world with a legal identity, this is the book. The beginning of the journey.

"You have to go with me. The so-called Heavenly Path is there. You and Shaojun miss what you want to see there. In fact, there is nothing good to see." Li Xiaobei was packing up Lianhua asked.

Just like people who have never seen the sea will yearn for the vastness and romance of the sea, but the sailors who have lived on the sea all year round generally don't think so.

Lianhua has not yet enjoyed the prosperity of a different world, but she still has a strong interest outside of Heavenly Dao. Everything depends on how Li Xiaobei arranges: "Rosa has no movements. She wants to come and give up with you this time. Going out, don't you need me to stay and help you look at her?"

"Can you watch her? Don't be brainwashed by the other party and run to join the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment as a cannon fodder, then I can't help but feel sorry for your stupidity." Li Xiaobei folded the newly bought The clothes are put into the space equipment that Xiao Meiyan gave her. The clothes she wears are still too conspicuous. It is better to keep a low profile after going out. "Of course, how to choose is your own thing. com I never forced you to do anything."

Lianhua frowned seriously and thought about it, and finally said to Li Xiaobei: "Then I will go with you."

The young master’s character is weak, but this does not prevent him from being a very kind and filial person. Knowing that his father’s journey is full of danger, he hopes that his most trusted Rosa can protect his father, even if he is small The young master had never seen Rosa shot but instinctively felt that she must be able to protect her father.

But Rosa refused at will, and she had no plans to eat ashes all the time behind Li Xiaobei, which was as stupid as Fan Hanshi. Of course, what she is looking forward to is not much better in the eyes of others. Rosa hopes to see that the young master he has been protecting can become a top painter: "Li Xiaobei and Lianhua have gone, what am I going to do , When will the painting in your memory be drawn?"

"I... I don't know, the picture is too far away from me, and I may not be able to describe the background of the painting in my lifetime." The young master lowered his head in shame, feeling that he had lived up to Rosa's earnest expectations for himself .

Rosa shook his head indifferently. He felt that what the young master lacked was not ability but confidence: "It's okay, you will be able to draw it after they leave."

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