Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1692: False fear

"It's really interesting, have you left the earth for so long, haven't you forgotten the habit of living in the deep sea, where did the seawater around me come from, this planet is a pure land world, the so-called sea It’s just Neihu."

Li Xiaobei, far from the trade ship, was almost attacked by the evil spirit at the same time, but she was full of fear and hostility without seeing the terrorist creatures she had never seen like Lianhua. Li Xiaobei even ignored it. Those seemingly grisly appearances, let countless pairs of dazzling eyes in the deep sea stare at themselves, countless dry tentacles tried to stretch out to tear her body, she touched with interest in the deep darkness A tentacle, and then squeezed naughtily.

Li Xiaobei’s fearlessness comes from Xiao Meiyan. The magical girl who defeated fear and despair told her more than once that all fears in the world came from the unknown. When they could treat the unknown as a kind of For fun, fear is a very rare thing for them.

Xiao Meiyan didn’t do it herself. She was still afraid of worrying about Yue Zhong’s comfort, but it was only an emotional bond rather than being directed against other people. Li Xiaobei learned from her This kind of indifference and enthusiasm, no matter how bad the scene can no longer affect her heart, of course, to be able to learn the characteristics of Xiao Meiyan in such a comprehensive way, it is also due to Li Xiaobei’s genius, but it’s not Anyone can do it when they hear it.

The feel of the tentacles was moist and sticky. A pinch left a layer of secretions between Li Xiaobei's fingers. It seemed extremely disgusting, but Li Xiaobei was curious and licked: "Is it sweet?"

"Can you speak? Tell me what is left here is your body or just an image." Li Xiaobei sat on the shaking legs of his tentacles, and he asked the other person in a general tone.

It may be that I have never seen a human being with such strong spiritual power. The existence of the suspected evil spirit can feel her inner curiosity and joy, but she does not have the fear that she most wants to see. She can still ask her questions so lightly. When everything in the deep sea does not exist?

"If you are the body here, the power to turn a planet into a dead star without being known will definitely crush me easily. The purpose of not doing this is that you are weak now or want to talk to me Speaking? The words recorded in the literature are nothing but a group of cowardly mortals slandering you, you are not a void life, as long as you follow the rules of the material plane, no matter what form of life there will be communication Ability."

"If you are just a residual illusion, just to stay here and tell the people outside that you haven't let go of each other's struggle and hatred and killed them back again, then I will be disappointed."

Li Xiaobei’s index finger pressed on his lips, and he smiled a moment later: "But that doesn’t matter. I can exist as a survivor of this planet. Wait until the human outside finds the anomaly here and rescue me. No one will care about where I came from. Everything here is destroyed by you. Even if you want to check, you can’t find anything?"

"Do you want to eat me, or do you want to play with me, or you can communicate with me, then always have an attitude, it just doesn't make sense to look at it."

The existence of the suspected Evil God seems to have no good means other than the threat of mental pollution. It may also feel that Li Xiaobei is not as weak as it seems, and if she can fight it, she can kill her, but she It can also leave a huge trauma to yourself. When the evil god’s most intimidating means of terror is completely ignored, it is actually far less powerful than imagined, but even so it has destroyed a planet of human civilization. Hundreds of millions of people are crazy and killing each other under its spiritual horror. Strong negative emotions and death breath will completely change the characteristics of the entire planet.

Li Xiaobei didn't wait for the evil god's response for a long time, but she seemed very patient and nagging. She kept talking to the other party and tried to attract attention, and what she said always gave people a slight oppression and invisibility. If she is allowed to continue to say so, Lianhua may not be able to collapse first, but Li Xiaobei may also be the first man in history who is irritated by nagging the evil god.

The pride of the evil **** and the hatred that has long struggled with humanity make it disdain to negotiate with any human being. Even though Li Xiaobei is an absolute exception among human beings, it did not respond in the end.

After discovering that there is no good way to take Li Xiaobei, the deep sea that submerged the whole world retreated as fiercely as it came, although the woman in the trade ship can be easily destroyed, killing one or two human beings The individual does not make much sense. Evil God feels in the underworld. This beautiful and nonsense girl among humans will be a very important person in the future. She will not even regard Evil God as a life and death enemy like other humans. Then you may wish to give her a little sweetness before planning.

Li Xiaobei stands alone among the remains of human civilization. All the buildings here have maintained an intact form, and they can clearly see the cultural characteristics of the optical branch of scientific theology, not even the remains. The ruins are nothing more than abandoned cities.

No one can interfere with the situation of Li She can rest assured that she is here to find something with technical content for brute force cracking, and the entire Death Star is a huge treasure trove for her. If all the valuable things here are completely wiped out, then basically have the technical reserves of one-tenth of the optical branch.

Evil God didn’t communicate with Li Xiaobei in any way and disappointed her, but being able to reap such a treasure trove can also comfort her heart. She doesn’t know when humans on other planets will find the anomalies here, so she must pay close attention Time to start your own treasure hunt.

The defensive scientific research station, the solemn scientific theological church, and even the government agencies that have left a lot of secret materials are the targets of Li Xiaobei. Life and death are completely immersed in the fun of exploration. If you are tired, you can find a private house to rest. When you are hungry, you can find a restaurant to make something for yourself.

Until a long time passed, Li Xiaobei faintly noticed the engine energy in the sky and stopped the exploration journey. She returned to the trade ship and dragged the dying Lianhua out, and gave it no mercy. Physical damage was caused to himself, and the two lay together near the collapsed monument waiting for rescue from the outside world.

"You crazy..." Lianhua murmured with her last energy, she was really afraid of Li Xiaobei this time.

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