Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1695: Coronation

The attitude of the regional bishops to Li Xiaobei is seen by everyone. As a believer and knowing the existence of that secret story, I have guessed that the regional bishops have been constantly deciding what, but they still do nothing. Still fulfilling other work missions with due diligence.

But even among forces controlled by religious means, there is no shortage of spies. Some spies are sent by other bishops who have a competitive relationship with the bishop of this area, and some are from other churches.

The news about Li Xiaobei spread quickly and secretly to the entire human civilization. The regional bishops personally cast more than ten times when Li Xiaobei was sleeping. The dictatorship of spies did not suppress the spread of this trend. After all, it The influence is so great that every force needs to know at all costs.

If you can't have her, then let her be as if she has never appeared before, even if the crime of killing the saint bears for this, someone will always break the bottom line.

Realizing that this is no longer a situation that he can stop, the regional bishop had to conduct further tests without fully recovering from Li Xiaobei’s injury. As a virgin, she must not only have strong mental power to resist the spiritual pollution of the evil god, but also need Possessing the extraordinary wisdom as an inheritor, as the light church's optical attainments are extremely deep, and as a high-level priest, the regional bishop is also a top-notch scientist, and he began to teach Li Xiaobei about the optical branch Knowledge of the system, and all this as Li Xiaobei wished.

Her growth and progress are unmatched, and her talents are unprecedented and there is no one to come. Even if Li Xiaobei does not have that strong spiritual power, the amazing scientific research talent she has shown has already made the regional bishop The previous work is worth the money.

The bishop who was originally worried that she would not be able to carry the wisdom of inheriting civilization was completely reassured. A girl who could survive the attack of the evil **** in a complete state and resist the spiritual contamination. A girl with amazing scientific talents never seen before. The young girl, a girl with extraordinary temperament and amazing face, can there be more worthy of the qualification of a virgin than her?

On the battleship of the regional bishop, all the believers were summoned to kneel together in the empty and solemn hall. The grand and sacred light allowed everyone to bathe in it. The regional bishop put the symbol of supreme optical and The divine crown of light and shadow and the long silk of soft light are not stable substances, but unique creations composed entirely of optical energy.

Being led by the local bishop to the godly seat where everyone knelt, Li Xiaobei was the first to experience such a scene of worship and reverence piously by people. Her eyes turned to curiosity, and it was not like a puppet. Allow others to manipulate themselves.

Li Xiaobei boldly smiled brightly, and said softly to all the followers: "Everyone should get up, so I'm not used to it."

"This is a ceremonial ritual. Although the saint is compassionate, it must not be abandoned." The regional bishop helped Li Xiaobei to become the saint of light and wanted to influence her more. This is his selfishness under piety. .

The Christians who were also not used to the existence of Saints above all listened to the words of the regional bishop and did not get up. Then the regional bishop also crawled down in front of Li Xiaobei, bowed his head and kissed Li Xiaobei's toe in a holy manner.

Li Xiaobei's small feet shrank unnaturally, because she felt that the saliva of an old man fell on her toes. It was really unacceptable. She was not curious about such a ritual, although the tentacle mucus of the evil **** was more than saliva. More disgusting, but Li Xiaobei will not care about it as long as she has curiosity. When she is not curious, she still loves cleanliness.

Realizing that Li Xiaobei's resistance did not dissatisfy the local bishop, he felt that this was the response a normal girl should have.

Magnificent and ancient ceremonies are constantly going on, but this is only a preview of the coronation of the Virgin of Light. When Li Xiaobei goes to the shrine where the Archbishop of the Bright Holy See will have more grand and cumbersome ceremonies waiting for her.

Becoming the sage of light has allowed Li Xiaobei to fly to the top of the world like a dragon, but she will also lose some freedom. Fortunately, Li Xiaobei can look forward to the knowledge of the optical branch. Will have any reservations about the Virgin.

The difference in treatment between Lianhua and Li Xiaobei, who was also brought to the warship for rehabilitation, can be described as heaven and earth, but her physical injuries were not serious. After the turbulent blood and rain on the rivers and lakes, Lihua slowly adjusted. At this time, she also watched the ceremony of Li Xiaobei's coronation of the Virgin with other Fei members.

Her heart is very complicated at the moment, but there is no jealousy when Li Xiaobei took away his own focus position, because Lianhua has vaguely realized that everything is in Li Xiaobei's plan, even if it is out of the ordinary. Unexpectedly, he couldn't jump out of that frame. Such a person has been beyond his fifteen years.

The madness that made her incomprehensible finally came to such an ending. Li Xiaobei's courage, self-confidence, and her talents are more powerful than the vastness of the universe. Lianhua feels powerless. Her personality is doomed to be no longer. To change something, it would be so unrealistic to want to step on Li Xiaobei under his feet one day.

When Lianhua was stunned, Li Xiaobei had walked towards her in the company of the regional bishop. This time he was no longer led by the regional bishop to lead Li Xiaobei's hand and was already crowned as a virgin. Xiaobei has a detached position more than anyone else, even the Archbishop can only follow Li Xiaobei here, because this is the doctrine of subversion of scientific theology.

"She is the sister who survived the disaster with Li Xiaobei looked at Lianhua, blinking naughtily as if she were a ignorant girl.

"Yes, the virgin, I think she has a relationship with the virgin, so she brought her here, do you have any plans for her?" The regional bishop replied humbly, so far Li Xiaobei's performance has not allowed him to have Any dissatisfaction, so he will naturally satisfy the requirements of the saint.

"Let her stay with me, otherwise I won't even have a speaker." Li Xiaobei said rather pitifully.

Regarding Li Xiaobei’s past, the regional bishop never asked about it, and he didn’t care what Lianhua had to do with Li Xiaobei. As long as Li Xiaobei was a saint, everything else didn’t matter. How could the regional bishop have imagination? Li will not know where Li Xiaobei came from, and what kind of character her master or maid is, so she will definitely not be a puppet that is dictated by others.

"Since this is the case, a lot of maids are naturally needed around the saint."

Lianhua looked at Li Xiaobei silently. She didn’t listen to what the other party and the local bishop said. She only knew that Li Xiaobei brought herself to the side again. There was something for her to do. Something is obvious at this stage. Can't stay, and you are the best knife.

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