Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1703: The Virgin

   The mirror body at the peak of the light church at the highest peak suddenly shone with the dazzling light that covered the entire planet, and then the waves of bells waved out and spread across the world.

The believers who were dazzled by the light closed their eyes tightly, following the footsteps of the bells and converging towards the preaching square of the Bright Church. The people who were close to each other were orderly and slow. Streamers, carrying their bodies like phantoms.

There are no other civilians living in the General Duo District, and the relative population is not large, but when the entire planet has millions of believers gathered together, wearing a pure white robe gathered in the preaching square, forming a vast Spectacular view.

There is only one purpose for all the light believers to gather here. The virgins they fought for and finally broke through the heavy blockades and blockades and came to the most sacred holy place in the world. This will be a time for the Holy See in the holy war. The great encouragement is also a declaration that the branch of scientific theology that has been split for thousands of years has once again been recognized by the highest will.

  Whether they will rejuvenate or go to destruction are all guided by the will of the saint.

This is the obsession and piety of the Light Holy See during the war. Of course, the difference between scientific theology and other religions is that the believers will not pin their hopes on the arrival of the Holy Girl, showing the miracles that manpower cannot violate. The strong enemies committed in the future will be repelled. They believe that the Holy Girl has wisdom that no one else has. As long as she can break through the scientific difficulties in the Holy See that shackle the prospects of the Bright Holy See, then the Bright Holy See will have A huge advantage that none of the other six denominations had.

Everything the Bright Church is doing makes Gong Yong feel a little uncomfortable. After all, she will definitely be regarded as a devil or a witch who is more abominable than heresy in the eyes of these people. Gong Yongruo can be planned by the former extradition. The first thing I want to do is to destroy this Holy See full of temperament that she doesn’t like. If you are defeated, you will definitely be sent to the Optical Execution Shelf by the Bright Holy See and burned together with your soul. ash.

   is born to be two opposite sides, even if it crosses the plane and crosses the life and death will not change.

  Kung Yong, who knew what she could not do, maintained a certain degree of tranquility, and she began to look forward to who the virgin would be, and why she could not see her when she was on a spaceship shrouded in light.

The battleship of light from the dark death star slowly entered the orbit of the twelve colonial loops. The civilians who lived on the orbit and contributed their own value to the believers who lived on the ground, after knowing the news of the coming of the Virgin Invariably came to watch the star sea to watch the arrival of this warship.

  Even if they could not see the appearance of the saint, they felt it was an honor to see the vehicle she was riding on.

   At this moment, Li Xiaobei still sorted out her appearance in front of the mirror. She stopped communicating with anyone three days ago. She was immersed in her world and imagination as if she had nothing to do with the world and she was independent.

The regional bishop was surprised but in his heart, watching Li Xiaobei's temperament become more and more untouchable, he believes that this is the divine revelation, no matter what kind of life the saint has lived before, her character Whether it was a trip or a calm, when she began to accept the worship of hundreds of millions of believers, when she was getting closer and closer to the holy place of the bright Holy See, she will naturally become this sacred and beautiful appearance.

That is by no means anyone can imitate the dust. Even after repeated proofs to confirm the identity of Li Xiaobei’s saint, she can still make the bishop sure that she is the one she wants. .

The belief that was instilled from an early age gradually washed away the selfishness in the heart of the bishop in the region, and made him feel a kind of confession and sin, because when he found Li Xiaobei, he still thought about controlling what she did. Your own ungodly sins.

The believers on the ground have begun to recite solemn poems, Yunxia in the light layer has also paved the stairs for the coming of the Virgin, and the bright battleship has stood above the layers of Yunxia and opened the cabin door. Li Xiaobei, who came out with the crown of soft light and the pure yarn, clearly appeared in everyone's eyes.

   Her gaze never looked at her feet but at the most magnificent church, where there was something she chased after her trip, and it should be the best destination for the Virgin.

But just when Li Xiaobei stepped up and stepped on Yunxia's ladder, a chaotic and wicked will penetrated hundreds of millions of light years. That was as scary as the gaze of all evil gods, no matter how devout believers Can not help but exclaimed.

   This change is not in Li Xiaobei's plan, even beyond the extreme that Li Xiaobei can bear in the ordinary state, as if facing the cold Xiao Meiyan, leaving the unknown category but knowable awe.

When Xiao Meiyan first met Li Xiaobei, she did not recognize the apprentice Yue Zhong picked up very much, so she stared at Li Xiaobei so coldly in the laboratory where the ice crystals bloomed, and also made the latter full of bones. Icy.

"Who is looking at me?" But today, Li Xiaobei is her most natural state, growing up in Bai Yujing without help and reverence and fearless detachment, she can condense her will to resist that vision. Gaze at and gradually realized that there was a trace of incredible tenderness besides deep jealousy.

   shouldn’t be the Evil God, they don’t have that terrifying power, and they don’t have the courage to match their teachers and mothers.

  Under the huge pressure, Li Xiaobei's eyes walked step by step firmly in Yunxia. She saw that the panic of the believers was dissipating, and her eyes became more religious.

   This sudden accident did not destroy Li Xiaobei's spirit, but became an opportunity for her to conquer the hearts of the people after she appeared.

Seeing Li Xiaobei's moment, Gong Yong produced great emotional fluctuations, because in this set of thousands of indulgent and beautiful girls, Gong Yong felt two inseparable temperaments intertwined. .

   is the temperament that I insist on waiting, but I don't know who it is, and the other is intertwined with the temperament that makes me feel very angry and jealous.

   It was all lost after the death of their own life. They should have been buried along with the memory, but somehow she always accompanied her special soul.

   Palace never likes the latter, not to mention their inseparable intertwined, even if she is dead, she must stand in the kingdom of the deceased and express her unwillingness to show her position.

   That should be my thing, you can't take it away.


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