Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1706: People can bully

To explain the reasons for the Guangming Holy See, Li Xiaobei has prepared many and many.

At this stage, the Holy See is facing the siege of six other denominations. In such a critical period, as a saint who has led the human civilization, she can’t stay behind and watch the devout believers on the front line bloodyly fight. The characters have been standing at the forefront of the struggle since the wild times, and the original intentions cannot be changed nowadays.

As a combination of technology and religion, scientific theology is of course a combination of faith and piety, which will of course increase the combatants and combat weapons. The Holy See also relies on the Virgin to gather piety before it has mastered the key techniques for victory. The most direct and effective way for the army to enhance its combat effectiveness, and the enemy army will naturally be weakened accordingly when they know that there is a saint among the enemies they face. This is the strategic value of the saint in the value of existence.

The six major denominations affirmed the identity of the saint, which is the reason why they can explain to the believers and believers that they can put aside prejudice and heresy tolerance and fight side by side. When the saint appears on the front line, the fight will inevitably revolve The virgins unfolded. At that time, although the Holy See would risk a huge loss of the virgins, they were able to take the initiative in the battle instead of passively defending because of their military weakness...

   Many of these were the war strategies made by Li Xiaobei after he had a thorough understanding of the Guangming Holy See and even the scientific theology, but now the archbishop and the bishop of the Privy Council are more concerned about changing the saint.

   If it is a false virgin, then all the previous assumptions will no longer exist. Once the news of the false virgin is exposed, it will be a major blow to the light of the Holy See and the entire scientific religion.

  Li Xiaobei also responded to this, and the reason for the explanation naturally fell on the panic evil god's attention.

She believes that the virgin did not let a substitute go because of the fear of the battlefield. It is quite deadly for humans to forget the external threats during the racial civil war. Now the evil spirits who have been expelled are planning to return, trying to continue with the human spirit. In order to survive, the true saint should stay in the direction of the evil god's attack, not on the battlefield between humans.

"Is there really no problem with this?" Li Xiaobei's ideas are too plausible for a sect that can adhere to the development of optical technology for thousands of years, and their nature is stubborn and prejudiced. If not the same Believe that Li Xiaobei is the saint who symbolizes the apocalypse, she will definitely be regarded as heresy and executed if she says such words.

Li Xiaobei did not answer the question. Even in ordinary nun clothes, she could not conceal the holy temperament from the inside. She is a saint herself, and she is qualified to define what a saint is: "Master Bishop, our **** is what?"

The archbishop fell silent for a while, there must be a standard answer in his heart, but the symbol of the saint is obviously above his archbishop. If his definition does not match the definition of the saint, his authority will be greatly affected. .

Li Xiaobei did not want to embarrass the Archbishop in this matter, and immediately gave an explanation: "Our gods have never been an actual existence. As the most supreme **** of scientific theology is our human wisdom, it is An omnipotent carrier, free from any religious paradox, can explain everything in the world."

   Li Xiaobei, who arrived just a few days ago, could not give such an answer that could convince all bishops, but now that she has the key information, this statement can speak to everyone's heart.

Even if the wisdom is wise, everything it can create and realize will be irrefutable orthodoxy. Li Xiaobei’s explanation does not stand in the light of the light of the Holy See but is at the height of the entire scientific theology, which makes all the secrets The bishop was hard to accept.

They tried to correct the view of the virgin, and let her understand that only the bright side is the orthodox created by wisdom, but in the end they were defeated in the theological debate. Li Xiaobei’s wisdom, knowledge and knowledge are far from a group of ideas. The rigid old things can be compared.

Compared to the excitement of knowing that the Virgin came and was under her own control, what is left to every bishop now is an uneasy doubt. The Virgin accidentally was not a character at the mercy of her. It has been a few days since the culmination of human civilization. If she is allowed to go on like this, will she eventually deny the persistence of each sect for thousands of years and achieve unity?

   Some people do not want such a situation to appear, just like there was a lot of stories behind the assassinated child. When the authority of the saint cannot be denied from the bright world, some people will choose to take dark means.

Li Xiaobei believes that such a person will appear soon, but she is full of expectations in her heart, and the struggle with people is full of unknown variables. Only the smartest person can turn all the unknown into a known situation. Follow your own path.

   This is the case in the light of the Holy See, in the world of scientific theology and the confrontation with the evil gods~~ And who might be attracted by the glance of Miyako?

The road Xiaomei Yan once walked, Li Xiaobei no longer needs to go again. As the true inheritance of Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan, Li Xiaobei wants to challenge Yue Zhong's wisdom and Xiao Meiyan's perseverance similarly In the scene, even if the gap between information and technology is heaven and earth, he can only look up from the ground while standing in the sky. He has no secret to him like a mortal, but mortals can also make a deception. Bureau.

Therefore, what Li Xiaobei said to others was just the tip of the iceberg she thought. She regarded her opponent as a nearly omnipotent existence this time, aiming to seek their only possibility of negligence. When no one knew it, he repeatedly studied the applicable methods of the top technology of the panplane and used it to figure out his best response.

"Fan Hanshi, or someone else?" Li Xiaobei was looking forward to coming here to play against her is Fan Hanshi, so she can directly prove to Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan that they are not worse than them, because the starting line is different. Said it is blue, but it can also bring great satisfaction to Li Xiaobei.

However, Li Xiaobei also thinks that Fan Hanshi is very likely to be unable to appear in person like the old man of Master. She only knows from the words and phrases that she learned from Rosa’s mouth that Fan Hanshi is now fighting with her teacher and sister. It is no longer the weak existence that he was chased to escape in the thousands of planes. Why did he come at this time?

  'S people are probably Fan Hanshi's men, or other people who want to prove themselves like Rosa.

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