Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1709: Perfect teacher

Because Yue Zhong likes to use physical training to punish students, the students in Xiao Meiqing’s class are exceptional in sports performance, and Yue Zhong, who also serves as the subject of this class, actually knows the status of each student. It is hard to change the habits he has developed for a long time.

   The upper limbs of the students who had a small gap need to be exercised, otherwise Yue Zhong may punish him by running 20 laps on the playground and then doing palm pressure and playing 100 times.

   Yue Zhong was equally strict when he took the physical education class, both men and women were miserable for his training, but because Xiao Meiqing did not get any preferential treatment from Yue Zhong, the students could only admit their noses.

   After the bell rang, Yue Zhong hadn’t left. The next step was the club’s activities, so the students didn’t mind him delaying for a few minutes.

"I was delaying some time to talk about the upcoming sports meeting. This time all the middle schools in Takihara will participate. I hope you can get good results at the sports meeting." Yue Zhong after class was not as good as during class. Strictly, it seems that the bell is the switch of his character switch after class. Once the devil teacher sounds, he becomes an amiable uncle, and he will not be angry at any joke with him at this time.

   "Teacher, if we take the first place, is there any reward?" Students who know that Yue Zhong has always been generous and dare to ask him questions after class, the little girl sitting in the first row asked very much.

   "I will take the first student who will take a trip abroad after the holiday, as for where to go, it will be kept secret for the time being." Yue Zhong said with a smile.

After getting Yue Zhong’s promise, the class blew up. The young and energetic teenagers always have a lack of enthusiasm for playing, and foreign countries also have great attraction to them. After all, most students’ families Conditions are difficult to go abroad several times in a lifetime.

   They were discussing where they might go. Some people said it was Mount Olympus in Greece, some people said it was a ski resort in the Alps, and of course, some students started to allocate all the items they signed up for.

   The only thing that children in this class do not lack is confidence. They feel that as long as their opponents are not classmates in the class, then the first thing on a certain project is a hard thing.

   Soon the baseball team was formed, the football team was also formed, and the students with more lonely personality also chose the personal projects with confidence to win the first place.

Although Yue Zhong did not treat all the students in this class as pro-disciplinary disciples like Li Xiaobei, he would not do anything sloppy, so every student has his study plan and exercise program, Teaching students according to their aptitude is best shown here in Yue Zhong. The students can actually feel their own growth and progress since Yue Zhong’s arrival. Although sometimes unhappy with his punishment, no one ever hates Yue Zhong. .

Even the boy who was punished upside down just returned to the teacher and learned that as long as he got the first place, he can go abroad and immediately put his unhappiness down. Yue Zhong’s class is not as old-fashioned as other teachers’ geography class. Yue Zhong on the road seems to be a tour guide who has been to every corner of the world. He is able to infuse knowledge points into the minds of every student with anecdotes and his sneers. Other classes are similar to this situation.

   There is such an interesting teacher that he is still in a daze. It is indeed his own mistake. The boy came to Yue Zhong and admitted wrong.

   "What did you think in your heart just now?" Yue Zhong asked with a smile.

   "I said you were a greasy uncle, and then cursed you for being bald." The boys were not afraid of Yue Zhong after class, and generously said those words that would make people angry.

  Yue Zhong hadn't expressed anything yet, and other girls began to criticize the boy.

Xiao Meiqing was always frightened by the bold expressions of other boys who started to love when she went to and from school. Since Yue Zhong came to the school to pick up a few people, this hasn't happened much, but Xiao Meiqing has it in her heart. Added another worry.

His brother-in-law is not handsome, but he has already passed the age of attracting girls' attention by appearance. The brother-in-law in Xiao Meiqing's heart is full of poetry and masculine charm, and has all the middle-aged men he has seen. The essential difference, and other girls seem to have the same view, their comparison is more from the former bald head teacher.

Because it was Xiaoqing’s school, Yue Zhong removed all social influences that should not belong here, let the students here enjoy a pure teenage time, and many of the girls who were still in the school were talking secretly In the astringent relationship, those naive or self-righteous boys became less attractive after Yue Zhong appeared.

Rich and generous, he has a unique charm no matter when he is serious or intimate. At this moment, Yue Zhong is a person who really enjoys life. He no longer thinks about who to deal with and who will use it to cheat. All of his thoughts are focused on the quality of life, and his mannerism naturally makes others feel it.

Xiao Meiqing feels that her brother-in-law is too popular with girls, just like Lumuda was in school. Before, she could take care of her brother-in-law without a sense of But now it is a bit different from what she expected same.

   She couldn't tell what it was like. On the way home from school, she couldn't help but ask Yue Zhong: "Brother-in-law, if a female classmate confessed to you, what would you do?"

   Yue Zhong's smile in the sunset was like overflowing, he gently stroked Xiao Meiqing's head and said: "Please parents, love between teachers and students is not allowed."

Xiao Meiqing laughed out loud, and imagined that the uneasy girl would get such a result after bold confession. It must be a very pitiful but funny thing. Maybe they all know that it will be the result, so even girls They all like Teacher Yue Zhong but no one ever thought of doing it.

   "Sister-in-law can't be gentle? Isn't it too much harm to them?" Yue Zhong's answer made Xiao Meiqing's heart clear, and she couldn't help worrying about the girl who didn't exist.

   "I can't help but say that I have never been interested in girl films that haven't grown up." Yue Zhong made his debut without thinking.

   "This is so..." Xiao Meiqing slightly lowered her head. She felt that she was also a member of the girl film that had not grown up.

   "What does the silly girl think? My sister and I are already a husband and wife. Although this is a school sister's approval, she has not agreed with your sister." Yue Zhong comforted Xiaomeiqing's hand.

   "I also call you brother-in-law, and I agree." Xiao Meiqing looked up and looked at Yue Chongman firmly.

   Two shadows, one long and one short, walked on the long street, and the way home was full of the gentle sunset.

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