Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1711: Devout nun

Li Xiaobei, who started a new life as a nun believer in the Guangtu Holy Pavilion, feels that everything is new.

Such a rich religious atmosphere is very difficult to see in the seven galaxies and any other plane world that Li Xiaobei had been before, or it was lost to other powers in the struggle between secular power such as kingship, political power and theocratic power. The product of the castration of the powerful, or it can only lag behind the times in the continuous development and finally curl up in the last holy place. It is difficult to continue the inheritance.

Li Xiaobei has gone to too few worlds, and this plane of the earth has the identity of a neutral zone. It is more like a world of modern civilization. Only when you really enter the control of the Holy See can those most basic atmospheres be treated with the most real The form is felt by her.

In Li Xiaobei's design, the corona veil of the Virgin Lady that Lian Hua had put on took the majestic fleet to the front line, and no one except the Archbishop and the Privy Councilor knew that the true Virgin had quietly infiltrated Among the hundreds of millions of believers, in order to cooperate with the saint girl to play this scene, they really paid attention to Lianhua as a saint girl, even to the point of completely ignoring the existence of the real saint girl, so that she is doing now No one knows anything.

This is a reality that is difficult to achieve in a secular regime, because politicians only have interests and power in their hearts, and they will not so easily listen to the opinions of a strange little girl, even if it is obviously beneficial to them even the little girl’s No matter how precious your identity is, there will always be eyes on Li Xiaobei.

But this religious world has its magical features. Every believer, regardless of the status of the highlands, has a belief that transcends all, and what they are pursuing is what Li Xiaobei said that the wisdom of the gods will not stick to the rules and refuse to change. Renhe is in Li Xiaobei's control, so she can open the curtain of this bullying.

Li Xiaobei, who is mixed with hundreds of millions of believers, still can't hide her beautiful temperament, but like her master, she is able to play a false but true identity, even if she is so shocking but beautiful As long as the dust is not revealed above her, her influence is limited to a priestly area and spreads slowly to the surroundings.

Everyone likes this new nun, who understands the teachings of the Bright Holy Church more deeply than many older believers, and is not afraid of being dirty or tired to take any work in daily life, leading her godfather to Li Xiao Bei is extremely satisfied and always let her come to teach the doctrine.

The virgin that appeared on that day was too high, and it was impossible for people on the ground to look up at the clouds to find any meticulous difference between each cloud. Even if they were devouts as light believers, no one could distinguish the saint who had left the front line. Women are fake, as Li Xiaobei said, when everyone thinks it is true, the fake is also true.

Li Xiaobei’s age can easily be taken care of by others. If there is any benefit, she will naturally let her without having to fight for others. For example, the position of a Privy Council bishop recently fell to Li Xiao. Bei's body.

The light pollution in the Zongduo District was too serious, which caused the climate here to be very hot in summer. At this time, Li Xiaobei, who was compiling the text of the light of the Holy See, heard this news. She raised her sleeves and wiped the forehead. Xihan smiled regretfully.

   "Mr. Godfather, let this quota be given to other people in need." Li Xiaobei said modestly and politely that she didn't need to listen to the announcement of a princely bishop. There were many opportunities for her as a saint.

   But this was not the reason for her refusal. When the godfather thought that she was only in moderation, Li Xiaobei gave the answer.

"It’s not such a godfather. I have signed up for the purification operation to the death star that was invaded by the evil god. I hope I can really make my own contribution to the light of the Holy See instead of staying here for everyone’s care and preferential treatment. , In that case, I will doubt my piety." Li Xiaobei said very sincerely.

"But it's very dangerous there now, too close to the battlefield and maybe when I will face the attack of the evil **** again." The godfather who guided Li Xiaobei was reluctant to let Li Xiaobei go to that place, she played here The girl is clever, sensible, and talented. No one wants to see such a promising girl die, even reluctant to let her hurt a little, "You are still young, and you haven't yet to take on the mission of the rise and fall of the bright church. I’m going to explain to the local bishop now and arrange for someone to replace you.”

Li Xiaobei hurried to the godfather to block his way. When he lost the halo of the saint, his age was an advantage and a disadvantage. The godfather thought that it would be best for her, so she would not care about her. What is his opinion, so Li Xiaobei can only use his body to block his thoughts.

"Godfather, if you don't let me go, I will keep this in my heart and become an indelible regret in my life." Li Xiaobei's watery eyes stared at each other and ~It's really terrible, terrible than death, terrible than being attacked by evil spirits, I don't want to lose my faith, and I don't want it to be dusty because of fear or something. "

"But..." The godfather instinctively didn't want to answer Li Xiaobei's request, but what she said left her with no room for refusal. If you don't agree, not only is it contrary to the doctrine, but you really want to have a theological debate with Li Xiaobei He is not even an opponent.

"You are a rare genius in the light of the Holy See. In the future, you may even have the opportunity to follow the Virgin to become an apostolic figure for the revival of scientific theology. Why should you do something dangerous but not very useful at this time." I don’t think Li Xiaobei can bring much help to the Dark Death Star alone. This is the best reason he can think of to keep each other. “Stay here, the vast holy code can bring you more help. "

Li Xiaobe shook his head unmoved, insisting on his own opinion: "Mr. Godfather, if a genius cannot grow up on his own, that is just a nominal genius. That planet is where the saint is born. , The radiance of miracles rises in the boundless despair and death, if this life cannot be pilgrimage before it has dissipated, I will never reach the step I want to reach in my heart."

  The godfather pondered for a long time, looking up and sighed: "I really can't take you, promised that I must protect my safety. I'm still waiting to see you appear next to the saint."

   "It must be." Li Xiaobei replied incomparably.

   This is a continuation of her plan and will not stop because of anyone's obstruction.

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