Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1713: Bright Embers

The planet that was attacked by evil spirits and plunged into boundless darkness is slowly recovering its past vitality under the purification of the light church. The seven major churches in the branch of science that are at war seem to have reached a consensus to avoid burning the war. Here, to allow the Holy See to have enough time to safely remove the traces of the evil spirits, and to uncover the new secrets of its opponents that have disappeared for thousands of years from this attack.

The first batch of people who arrived here and found Li Xiaobei's cultists were almost to the point where they were almost exhausted. The evil spirit **** exerted on the entire planet was a great horror in substance, and he has not fought any form of war with the evil **** for a long time. The means of coping with the scientific theological civilization still remained thousands of years ago, and it is necessary to form a huge sea of ​​consciousness with the weak spiritual power of mankind to dispel the spiritual substantive effect of evil gods.

   This process is a great test for the members of the Light Holy See. The risk they face is only second to the human beings who are mentally polluted by the evil god. If they accidentally fall into collapse and madness, they will lose themselves.

The bishop of the region who found the only dawn in the darkness still underestimated the crisis. He brought a lot of people who thought it was enough to complete the mission of purification, but the spirit of the evil spirit was more deeply entrenched than it was imagined, and it was divided. A group of people escorted the new virgin Li Xiaobei to the planet of the Tudor district, and the remaining believers were intentional and powerless to complete the more difficult mission.

This is the reason for the second batch of replacements, and they are also the last batch of believers who went to this planet. After all, the war on the front of the bright light is quite huge. It is impossible to allocate more resources to deal with the impact of the evil god. This is also the only chance for Li Xiaobei to come here as an ordinary nun.

She witnessed batches of exhausted believers being sent to warships for rear cultivation, and also seeing that many people who lost their selves affected by mental pollution were sent to batches of martyrdoms to be accepted. The bright purification disappeared.

That was the final destination of the believers as the bright Holy See. Even if their bodies were still alive, their consciousness had long since disappeared, and they could return to the light embrace of the beliefs from an early age. The most desired ending.

  Li Xiaobei began to understand their thinking patterns during the process of contacting the most common believers. After substituting herself into them, she can also become a devout believer who can devote her life and soul.

She was mixed with the replacement believers, and did not deliberately cover up her appearance and whereabouts. Although many of the believers here have seen themselves before they became saints, these people basically have no spare time to look at themselves again. Li Xiaobei does not need to worry about the risk of exposure.

  Because of the arrangement in the tudor district, no one knew that she had returned to this place, and the people who knew that she came did not know that Li Xiaobei was the saint who they worshipped.

   She is now an ordinary nun, and was normally arranged into a purification area.

His own spiritual power is definitely different from other believers, that is, the evil **** feels difficult to face, so Li Xiaobei took advantage of his own age to show that a Protestant should face the unknown horror Some fear.

Originally seeing her age, she felt that Li Xiaobei was not suitable for this place. The senior believers were entrusted by the godfather to let him take care of Li Xiaobei before leaving. Now Li Xiaobei is afraid of the unknown The body shivered slightly, and the higher order had to call her over.

"Don’t be afraid, the remaining spiritual essence of Evil God has now been purified for more than half. The dangers faced by our people have been greatly reduced. You must stabilize your emotions before entering the purification process. If you can’t, don’t force yourself. Everyone can understand."

  Li Xiaobei nodded quiveringly, then sat on a stone in place and looked nervously.

Despite the prejudices of outsiders and prejudice against religion, Li Xiaobei must admit that most of the members of the bright church are good people with good hearts. She has never seen the existence of imaginary intrigues and has not met her. Have a person with a sinister heart or an idea because of his beauty and youth.

Getting along with them as ordinary people is actually a very warm thing, but Li Xiaobei's heart is resisting this warmth. She is afraid that she will be immersed in it and lose her motivation to move forward. She is afraid that her dreams will be wiped out. In the light, like the burning embers, sway the earth.

Li Xiaobei doesn't know what Yue Zhong is with Xiao Meiqing's life, but she knows she can't do this, even if she can interpret many kinds of temperaments realistically, but she can't interpret a real ordinary person. That is a mentality that was born to be an extraordinary little girl who never had or wanted to have. That is an identity that can assimilate any personality.

  When the eyes of the high-level believers were not on him, Li Xiaobei was finally able to observe the status quo of the death star in detail.

The purification method of the Light Holy See is relatively old but still effective. The darkness surrounding the planet is much thinner than when Li Xiaobei first saw it. When the star's light is the strongest, it can penetrate the darkness and bring a little to the planet. Bright This makes the sky as gray as noon at noon, as if a downpour will fall at any time.

Compared with the absolute darkness that brings people a dark sense of closure and fear, this kind of climate is also very depressed. Li Xiaobei looked at the believers who came here with himself naturally with a sad face, and they were also being The environment here affects the mood.

"Fortunately, you didn't really leave. After attacking a planet, it disappeared without a trace. Even I was deceived by you. Actually, you want to see to what extent your old opponents have grown, they This looks the same as it did thousands of years ago. Endless infighting has exhausted all opportunities for civilization. Although war can promote the rapid development of science and technology, if the war does not end, then humans will have no time to digest this. progress."

"This world has reached a certain extreme. They want to break through the barriers of the plane and communicate with other planes. It’s a breeze, but no one has ever thought about it like this. They are good, but they are too religious. So there is only heresy in their eyes, and they will not look further away without destroying each other or achieving common prosperity."

"This is a delicate and delicious fruit. As long as you see its life, you can't help but chew on it." Li Xiaobei thought quietly in her heart. Xiao Meiyan's intentions could basically understand her. Let yourself eat this delicious fruit, but there are too many variables in the process, and now it is difficult to eat it.

  Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:

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