Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1718: Saint statue

"Who sent it!" The archbishop's majestic voice resounded through the glorious battleship, and the gentle light also shone with his anger.

Every bishop present in the painting is familiar with each other, but it is they who have been searching for it for a while and have to be like the sacred woman Li Xiaobei, which has evaporated in the world, because in the understanding of the bishops Only in this way can she stand on an ordinary library balcony so casually that all the world will become sacred.

   The Archbishop clearly remembered that this library is definitely not a building belonging to the planet of the Tudor District. Its architectural style is more like the earth in the neutral zone. There is no obvious denomination logo that means it belongs to private ownership.

The preconceived concept makes the archbishop never think that their saint came from the earth, and she is just an ordinary girl who does not experience the attack of the evil god. At most, she looks better than ordinary people, so the archbishop will not He thought that it was the picture left by Li Xiaobei before being discovered by the Bright Holy See. He thought that after the disappearance of the Virgin, he did not stay on the planet of the priesthood but went to the earth to pursue something.

   was then discovered and sent the picture to the Guangming Holy See.

After all, anyone will definitely be impressed by this picture. Although it is also a commendable thing to be able to depict the appearance and grace of the saint, even if it is a normal thing, even the archbishop may be jealous of him, but it is definitely not cherished now. As an artist, this picture was sent to myself at this node in the world. Isn't that person's intention to express it obvious enough?

I don’t know what his purpose was, but it happened that the Holy See wanted to continue to hide the news of the true virgin. When the fake virgin was pushed to the stage, the painting arrived. The three parties know the identity of the true saint, and if the other party not only gave the painting to the Bright Holy See but also presented it with the other six great churches, the fake saint will be punished mercilessly once he shows up.

  What is the purpose of this person who does not want to see the scientific theology unite to reunite and fight against the returned evil spirit?

This is the source of the archbishop’s anger. He feels that he is threatened by a rat with his head hidden, and the fate of the entire human race seems to be pinned by the other party. There is no one in humankind who has enough authority to do this. It is impossible for each of the seven denominations that have split for thousands of years to listen to heretics.

   They will continue to fight each other, even if the best result that the Holy See will try to mediate is only an indefinite truce, the problem has not been solved at all, and their religious significance of welcoming the Holy Girl cannot be realized.

   "Find this person right away!"

With the order of the Archbishop, the forces of the Holy See began detailed investigations. As ordinary believers, they were not qualified to see the painting, but they were also able to realize the seriousness of the situation from the teaching orders issued by the Archbishop. Sex, this is a major event that is not weaker than religious wars. Those who can accept the task are absolutely devout believers, and only they can avoid the eyes and ears of other churches and conduct a search in secret.

The mentality of the task is of course placed on the earth. While investigating the black hand behind the scenes, it is also carried out along with the task of finding the virgin. Now no one knows what the situation of the virgin is. Maybe she is facing an unknown threat. Faithful believers need to be rescued at any cost, so as long as the members of the bright Holy See who traveled to the earth can find the trail of the virgin, they can call other churches to put down their prejudices and welcome the virgin as long as they don’t need to show up.

The split state that the Scientology continues to maintain will not be a good thing for any human being. The real beneficiaries are the evil gods. As early as the earth age, there were a group of deviant people fanatically worshiping the evil gods. Knowing that the fate that will call upon the evil **** will usher in destruction is still done without turning back, after all, it is possible to have any personality after the human base is large.

   Now the Archbishop of the Holy See has reason to suspect that the evil spirit believers who have disappeared after the evil spirits have been expelled have resurrected, and it would be a terrible thing if the virgin accidentally fell into their hands.

   "Holy lady, how did you leave the priesthood in the end, what are you planning in your heart?" Even though the holy lady disappeared and faced a serious crisis, there was no complaint in the heart of the archbishop.

  Because she is the one who guides civilization to break through the crisis, the world she sees is by no means accessible to others. No matter how many hardships and dangers there are, the Bright Holy See will surely usher in its prosperity.

   But the Virgin is not omnipotent. The last Son before her also fell under the conspiracy, so giving enough support must also be done. You cannot rely on the Virgin alone to assume the heavy responsibility of civilization.

  Is that all I can do now...

The archbishop twitched his brow deeply and fell into Other princes also stayed here. After all, today's state of affairs has already exceeded their cognitive scope, and they are vaguely aware that they are in a brand-new At the intersection of the times, it is very likely that when human civilization breaks through the predicament before them, it will be an unimaginable era waiting for them.

   If the religion of imprisoned thought fears the emergence of change, however, the doctrine of scientific theology itself is a higher-order form of chasing wisdom, and their longing for the unknown has never disappeared.

After a long time, Lianhua, who had left, did not wait until the Guangming Holy See acted as she said. She did not know what went wrong, or the bishops still had insufficient confidence in themselves, so she came back to the bishops. In the cabin where I was, I saw a picture covered by a canvas.

"What's this?" Because the first person who really came to know this world was the young master who was passionate about painting art, Lianhua thought of something almost instantly, and she was a little uneasy to the silent archbishop. Send an inquiry.

   Bishops glanced at each other. Although the appearance of the painting greatly reduced the value of the pretending virgin, but she was ultimately designated by the virgin, then there must be other meanings.

   "Let's open it and see for yourself. The plan we discussed before can only be put on hold." The archbishop kept his eyes closed and said in a helpless tone.

  Lianhua carefully grasped the corner of the canvas and slowly pulled it away. The scenery above didn't surprise her.

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