Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1722: Curtain

There are many people living in the occupied area of ​​the Bright Holy See. When the war came, in order to stabilize the people’s hearts, the Bright Holy See specially selected a group of believers to go to the priesthood for baptism and blessing, hoping that they could serve as the second front of the war, even if the planet After being captured, it can still be active in the enemy-occupied area and cause trouble.

   And a few of these people were lucky to be personally received and presided over by the sage girl Li Xiaobei at the time, which was the only opportunity for Li Xiaobei to spread more chess pieces. Of course, for the sake of identity confidentiality and mystery, no one even sees Li Xiaobei's face even when she sees her followers.

The common disciples scattered on various planets are the pawns in the hands of the light of the Holy See, and some of them are also pawns in the hands of the Holy Girl. The girl who was killed by the heretic trial because of insisting on the correctness of the belief is given by Li Xiaobei. The light of the Holy See marks that this method naturally belongs to this world, and outsiders cannot find any mistakes from it.

  Through this mark and the use of his own soul research, Li Xiaobei explained that the girl would bring the pre-made equipment to the planet and bury it. After she was unfortunately killed, she came to her.

After confirming the data on the watch-like device, the girl with a lifeless dismantled the watch and threw it into the river, and then returned to the cemetery to sit in the pit where he crawled out and personally took it outside. The mud of the earth was blocked in and back to bury himself again, and finally suffocated in the grave and died.

People who have died can no longer be active again, Li Xiaobei naturally will not leave such a big loophole, so even if personally experienced death in different ways again and again will be uncomfortable, but this is what she needs Sacrifice, otherwise it would be so simple to want to win a person from the legal court completely.

In addition to borrowing this body, Li Xiaobei can naturally have other ways to "wake up" on different planets. Of course, it is not necessary for now. After all, Mu Yuan has not started his actions, and Rosa should also show the means. Not taste enough.

She must bear this kind of pressure. At first, she reminded herself that Rosa is a very real woman. No matter how stupid she is, she shouldn’t forget about it. People with similar personalities can now do this despite the fear of strangeness.

After experiencing the pain of dying alive again, Li Xiaobei's main consciousness went along the direction of the data on the watch, but even in an intact state, Li Xiaobei could not yet face a real evil god. The power is now only scattered soul clues, she can only look at it from the blood gene marker before her death, and she can't do anything else.

This technology is one of the applications developed by Li Xiaobei under the background of Xiao Meiyan, which was developed under Miss Michelia’s house for several years. The obvious characteristics of the blood family have existed in many planes, so There are also many references to this study of supernatural forces, which also means that Li Xiaobei can master more purely, even though Xiao Meiyan and Li Xiaobei continue to be the innocent girls who are little white mice. But many of the characters in the Fantasy Township era have experienced this fate, and they are probably about to get used to it.

The power originally used to rely entirely on experience and inheritance will be substantially improved after being systematically regulated. There is no trace of the blood lineage in this plane, even the powerful evil spirits and even the more powerful existence You will understand what it is, knowledge is power, and ignorance of certain aspects is naturally a weakness.

If it is just a manifestation of supernatural power, then there is still the possibility of being discovered. The magic technology that can be used in the general plane is not an ordinary commodity. The supernatural power after the realization of the standard can be achieved by the needs of users. Corresponding amendments, this is an area that indigenous people who have not mastered this technology cannot understand.

All in all, the data on the watch means that Li Xiaobei’s plan has taken another step forward. She does not have much curiosity about the so-called evil **** itself. After all, scientific theology can overcome them, even if they have gone through thousands of years of accumulation. In the return, their growth is also quite limited, not all intelligent biological civilizations can create miracles like human beings.

What really makes Li Xiaobei interesting is the story behind the evil spirits. They must have been imprisoned on Earth for a reason. Later, even if they were expelled from the earth, they have held humans in the universe for countless years.It may not be just because of hatred. They understand that they should have a vast living space, but they seem to be able to choose to confront and vaguely fear something.

   I am afraid that there is no clear field for humans in the general plane. Only such things are eligible for Li Xiaobei to be curious, and it has also become an important means of her layout.

Of course, it is an extremely dangerous thing to rush to explore without deep understanding, but Li Xiaobei can rush into the dark death star before, unknown to her is actually the sweetest poison~www.wuxiaspot. com~ After the cult of the callers and the light believers was completed, the evil **** originally intended to expand the results. Unfortunately, a very unreasonable **** extradite appeared to **** its victory and also caused him heavy damage, and hell. People with a little common sense, such as plane snatching the soul, may not do it. Evil God has no such common sense, but after doing it, it should understand what it cannot touch.

However, without the nourishment of the human soul, being the biggest source of strength of the evil spirits, the evil spirits and their compatriots who had escaped seriously wounded had no possibility of confronting the extradition, so even their previous battles were extremely fierce, But at this time it is still necessary to find a common guide, just like the branch of the sect of scientific theology needs the existence of the saint.

There is an inexorable hatred between each other, and only a common fear or respect can make them unite. Li Xiaobei does not know where the evil **** went after being completely defeated by humans, but since they have put on an endless death before The postures of the universe and the scientific theology have beaten you to death, indicating that their retreat is even more difficult to take.

   So where did they retreat, and what supported them to recuperate and make a comeback?

   Li Xiaobei's main conscious eyes followed the evil spirit without knowing how far, as if it had reached the end of the universe but did not seem to have passed long, and finally the evil spirit stopped in one place.

   There is no cosmic starlight without any movement of stars, many similar existences are gathered here, and they are facing a light and shadow that is impenetrable to matter but different from the void, which is like a curtain.

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