Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1725: Dead Road

Gong Yongsaki's glimpse of changing the world alarmed Fan Hanshi and brought Mu Yuan from the pan-plane, because Li Xiaobei was also at the moment of high light in this world at that moment, so it was almost without much effort. The monitor is located.

   But then Li Xiaobei realized the crisis and made a series of deployments. Since her appearance in the Tudor District, her whereabouts have been difficult to detect.

Mu Yuan, who arrived immediately after receiving the news, realized that he did not understand the world, so he did not take immediate action but chose the means of management penetration to obtain key intelligence, in order to analyze a newly discovered world with the comprehensive strength of the pan-plane Even if it is faced with the subconscious resistance of the local indigenous people, it will not be too difficult.

  However, it takes time to do any simple thing. Just like eating and sleeping, no one will find it difficult, but it will always take time.

   Mu Yuanjin's Xiao Shenwei's character created his gorgeous resume, but this time his cautiousness made him miss the best time to find Li Xiaobei. When he wanted to take the initiative to attack again, it was too late.

Regarding the civilization of the world of scientific theology, Mu Yuan, who has a strong team, can be said to have countless minds assisting him in understanding and summarizing. His understanding of scientific theology must be above Li Xiaobei, but there are some things that the other party did not If any flaws are left, the truth cannot be obtained through investigation.

After the clue reached the priesthood area, it was difficult to make further progress, as if Li Xiaobei never appeared in this place, as if the virgin lady who stepped on the clouds at the time was the one who was currently active in the hinterland of other churches. Virgin.

When the Archbishop and others remain silent, no one will tell the truth about the true and false virgins. The only Privy Archbishop who objected to the appearance of the virgins disappeared silently in the Archbishop’s conspiracy. Even the Archbishop and others no longer know the whereabouts of Li Xiaobei. Qianglong still cannot overwhelm the ground snake. No matter how powerful the penetration of the panplane is, it cannot be compared with it.

After all, panplanes still have to pay attention to the organization of diplomatic reputation and influence. Even if they face a low-level civilized ruler who is still in a split state, they will give corresponding respect. That will never allow foreign officials to make any exceptions. Mu Yuan could not forcefully capture the Archbishop of the Holy See and others for memory reading, even though the technology of the ubiquitous plane has been advanced enough to not cause any trauma and sequelae in the process, but after all, it is right Desecration of the ruler's identity.

What Fan Hanshi did at the Scientific Research Summit was obviously not something that Mu Yuan could copy. At first, he did not have the determination to bear the price, nor did he have the premise. At the time, Fan Hanshi could eventually bring Xiao Meiyan back, The importance of Xiao Meiyan, who created the Eye of the Void, to the panplane is obviously not comparable to that of Li Xiaobei. As long as he issues the corresponding order for this purpose, the order of the panplane to suspend his post will also follow. Here.

From the beginning of Li Xiaobei’s arrival in this world until her whereabouts disappeared completely, the direct evidence of her existence only existed in the house of the young master, although the confessions of other servants can also indirectly reflect her existence. It can't directly prove anything, because the temperament they describe is exactly the same as the virgin who is still active today, but the fascinating woman is missing.

The woman who doesn’t know what world Li Xiaobei brought out and stays with her is obviously not an important person. Although she may know a lot about Li Xiaobei’s secrets and past, the identity she currently represents is the Archbishop and so on. Above people, the impact on her directly will be more serious.

All the directions that can be investigated are blocked. It seems that as long as Li Xiaobei does not take the next step, everyone will have no way to take her. The team of Mu Yuan even guessed that the previous information was wrong, and Li Xiaobei may not have at all. It has appeared or has completely left the world by some mysterious means, otherwise it cannot explain that the entire human civilization has no trace of her activity.

   As long as the person is still alive, she will leave clues, no matter how secret she hides the pan-plane, people can use more advanced means to detect it, but there is no trace of it.

Mu Yuan firmly believes that Li Xiaobei cannot be as good as her sister-in-law Xiao Meiyan at the age of fifteen, and has mastered the same advanced technology that has not yet mastered the universal plane, so it disappears from under his nose. Is she dead?

  With this speculation, Mu Yuan had to choose a path that Fan Hanshi had traveled, that is, go to the plane of **** to find corresponding clues.

   The Archbishop secretly handled the affairs of a privy bishop. Obviously, Mu Yuan couldn't hide it. Intuition told Mu Yuan that the person must know something. If he can find the soul's doubts in his heart, he can be answered.

However, there is a palace Yong Misaki in Hell. Fan Hanshi didn't get a favor in front of her. Although this is because they had a deep contradiction and Mu Yuan and Gong Yong Misaki were not in communication, it didn't make Gong Yong Misaki. Open the net to him and go out. "

   This is the final reply Mu Yuan got here from Gong Yong Saki. She didn't even give Mu Yuan the chance to slap him, just like the others who want to enter the plane of hell.

Mu Yuan has encountered countless insidious and cunning or cold-blooded opponents in his life, but he has always been able to lay out a seamless Tian Luo Di net through perfect deployment, except for the first one who has left him a profound lesson. Except for wanted criminals, as long as he appears as the inspector, there is no possibility of miss.

   He has never been as unpretentious as it is now. Except for those speculations and information that cannot confirm the authenticity, Mu Yuan, who has used all means within the limits of conditions, can't find even a piece of clothing corner of Li Xiaobei.

   She simply does not exist in any corner of this world. The only obvious identity in the civilization of the human world is still active, but Mu Yuan has investigated the so-called Saint Girl and found that the other party is not the person she is looking for.

From the moment Rosa sent the statue to the Holy See, Mu Yuan had to take action, but his final findings also stopped there, and he got a ridiculous status quo supported by countless facts, Li Xiaobei no longer exists.

At this moment, Mu Yuan may be able to experience Fan Hanshi’s painful failure in facing Xiao Meiyan again and again, but he is even more embarrassed than Fan Hanshi, because he can’t even determine the apprentices of Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan. Without being here, it is not even sure whether this person still exists.

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