Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1727: Military intervention

"The kid in the French Tribunal is not at all useful. The so-called best man has spent a lot of hard work to get some time for the panplane. Now this kid is not as good as the previous one. It is a wrong decision for a person who does not know whether there is or does not exist, to choose a person from the Judiciary to deal with someone who is not only a criminal."

Mu Yuan’s actions are not a secret to many people in the panplane. The last decision of Fan Hanshi made many people stunned, but there were also a group of special people who appreciated it. They felt that Fan Hanshi’s growth had reached a satisfactory level. It was also acceptable that he finally developed fear under the threat of Xiao Meiyan. Every recruit has a similar reaction when facing the human enemy on the battlefield, and Fan Hanshi can be overcome in a moment is already good enough.

These people are not even satisfied with Pan Hanshi’s disposal, wasting a lot of resources to cultivate a usable talent but giving him to the snow, and choosing a person who is weaker than Fan Hanshi to bear without taking the previous lessons. His work is bound to waste a lot of resources, which is almost unforgivable but cannot be violated.

Because this is the decision of the first will, it is reasonable to make any incredible decision at the height of his position. Other wills can be questioned and refuted, but it is difficult to veto without sufficient reason. After all, he doesn’t make decisions often.

Even the military with great voice in the panplane can only complain about one or two internally. They are the most urgent group of people who need the Eye of the Void, or they have military value for any advanced Technology has urgent needs.

  It is them who fight on countless void battlefields, and it is them who deal with the alien civilizations that pose a huge threat to human civilization, and they also suppress the hostile organizations of the general plane.

   It is precisely because of the existence of this special group of people that protects the stability of human civilization that the various planes and organizations can do their own things without any worries without worrying about others.

If the military can have the eye of the void, it means that it has absolute military initiative. Any enemy, including the life of the void, can be controlled by the military as long as they are in the material world. The losses avoided are incalculable.

Because Fan Hanshi is the one who knows Xiao Meiyan best, so the military accepted the result when he stepped out of the legal court and assumed the mission of the pan-plane delivery, but they finally waited until Fan Hanshi grew up to his satisfaction. The panplanet came back with a decision that was confusing.

From the military's point of view, in addition to the rigid and inflexible people, the legal court has a fatal feature, that is, once this group of people has left the support of the general plane, it is not beneficial to ordinary people. Fang’s geniuses who grew up in countless wars are the mainstay that can really be entrusted with important tasks. If the task of recycling Xiao Meiyan is left to the military to handle, she should have been in a pan-plane laboratory by now. Serve all mankind.

Now Mu Yuan’s performance is difficult to satisfy. The military’s questioning from the beginning has turned into an attempt to take actual action to replace him with the military, but the military cannot directly intervene in the political landscape because of the special status. That is undoubtedly an action that violates the prohibition of all other institutional departments and tends to be military.

They want to find someone who is influential and fair enough to be recognized by everyone to do this thing, and that this person can not be a giant in a certain department or industry. With Meng, she seems to be the best person to do this.

   "The military is looking for me?" Qi Xiaomeng, who is enjoying a leisure time in the dessert shop, was found by two people in military uniforms. Qi Xiaomeng was also a little surprised when they explained his intention.

  Her position and insight have given her a vision and wisdom that transcends ordinary people, but that is not yet to the point where everything can be expected, and Qi Xiaomeng is also very surprised that the military has found itself as a spokesperson for the purpose.

"Everything Xiaomeng does seems to be fighting for some people who have been wronged or helpless, but how mortals understand the meaning of Xiaomeng doing this is actually revising and promoting the progress of civilization. You are better than anyone We must love the civilization created by mankind, and don’t want it to eventually go to destruction like the short-lived civilizations in history. Our military is the most solid barrier to the development of civilization. Only if we have more powerful power can we give the pan-plane more A solid guarantee."

"The technology of the Eye of the Void project is urgently and must be obtained by the military. For this reason, any individual sacrifice or dedication is valuable. We hope that Xiaomeng can represent our will and let the people who recycle Xiao Meiyan change As a genius in our military, Mu Yuan in that legal court is now in a terrible position, and letting him preside over this work will only push Xiao Meiyan farther and farther."

"Of Xiao Meiyan comes to the pan-plane successfully, the military will also provide her with protection from all crimes she has done before, and then she will need Xiaomeng to convince us on our behalf. Xiao Meiyan, we can achieve everything she wants."

The characters sent by the military are not old-fashioned. This group of special significance has almost all kinds of talents in all walks of life. Because they are in the most extensive species of people, they have also sharpened a comprehensive Talents, this time it was two of them who convinced Qi Xiaomeng.

  In the absence of any previous contact, only the intelligence can tell the real meaning of what Qi Xiaomeng has done, and knowing her heart’s aspirations already shows that they have something extraordinary.

Qi Xiaomeng, who was directly said to her heart, did not immediately agree or refuse. She pondered for a long time and weighed for a long time.

Xiao Meiyan or Yue Zhong’s name can no longer make waves in Qi Xiaomeng’s mind, but the biggest intersection between them is because Lu Muda has always wanted to prevent these two people from doing too harmful things, and Lu Muda also Qi Xiaomeng is regarded as a younger brother who needs guidance and protection.

  I really want to take action against Xiao Meiyan, Qi Xiaomeng does not have unwilling thoughts, as long as it is reasonable enough to benefit human civilization, she has no fear or resistance.

"It turns out so." Qi Xiaomeng clenched his fists as if he had determined something, and then smiled and said to the two military representatives, "If you came to me two days ago, I might have agreed, but Now I can only say sorry to you."

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