Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1730: Virtual life

"It's a little weird this time."

If Li Xiaobei still has a body and can still make a sound, now she should be holding her chin in contemplation and her face is full of curiosity, but she can’t do it now. She can only think in the circuit drawn by the blood a few years ago. .

  The endless observations and speculations over the past few years have finally proved the facts. Li Xiaobei has guessed all the truths of the veil and the virtual realm, so that the sources of psionic energy of the Scientists can be reasonably explained.

After the last gluttonous feast that engulfed the universe, it also had no food for a long time. Sealing the evil spirits on the earth, secretly controlling them and continually fighting and growing with human beings, and finally produced a bright and fruity and spiritual The opportunity to be embedded in it.

   It can completely wait for humans to explore into the virtual realm as in the past, and then lure them to sign a terminal contract as usual.

   But it didn't choose to do this, but it was very artistically accumulating power for a period of time and sent these last eras of energy bodies to pick fruits with the least nutritious violent plunder.

Understand, it is not that it does not want to do this, but that there is no real foreign enemy in the scientific theology now, and the entire universe no longer has the same civilization other than their intelligent life. Since there is no competition but the internal friction of race, It is very likely that they will not choose to accept a contract with unknown consequences, even if the price it offers is very attractive.

The last liquidation was too tragic, the end-effects of the psionic civilization and the civilizations that were still in the ignorant era were all destroyed, the vitality of the entire universe was consumed, and the original seal was born in all possible new The planet of intelligent life can only be completed by human beings who have stepped into space to become stars.

   They are so lonely, they have no natural enemies.

How the existence in the virtual world is formed is not yet known, but it is clear that they cannot come to the material world, and even to intervene, they have to accumulate a long time to realize, they cannot come to complete the harvest in person, they only The energetic organisms that can be hoped for from the last era to the present day bring a sense of crisis to mankind.

Of course, the crisis of the fourth wall being broken cannot be ignored. The extradition and the **** forces behind it who are competing with the soul energy must also bring it a huge threat. It accumulates energy and interferes with reality as much as possible. sovereignty.

Li Xiaobei’s consciousness did not expedite with the evil gods. Before, she still felt that this species has high intelligence and unique civilization structure, so she has a lot of interest and eagerness to explore, but now I find that although they have IQ Very high but the memory structure is incomplete. Without continuous memory and inheritance, there is no possibility of civilization, so Li Xiaobei has lost interest in them, but it is just a group of unreasonable beasts. Such existence may threaten Individuals in real civilization, but they have no possibility of continuous evolution.

   "Hey, can you see me?" Li Xiaobei really didn't know what horror and awe were. After losing interest in the evil spirits, she dared to greet the virtual realm under the curtain.

It used to be that speculation failed to be confirmed, but now Li Xiaobei knows that the other party has existed for some years, and he has used this method to know how many heyday civilizations he has destroyed, or how many heyday civilizations he has witnessed self-destruction, prehistoric civilization Not the first one, after all, there was a plan for the pioneers to investigate in their time.

The long years are enough to accumulate magnificent insights. Although many long-lived existences have been abandoned for a long time, they have to start earnestly until they are overtaken by others, but Li Xiaobei believes that the existence in the virtual world should be relatively Active life, since it has witnessed and destroyed countless civilizations that are more advanced than scientific theology, it is not surprising to see through a little trick of oneself.

   So there is no need to hide, if it intends to destroy itself, it does not need to wait until now.

"Who are you?" Simulated Li Xiaobei's voice behind the curtain and conveyed it to her thinking circuit. It seemed like another Li Xiaobei behind the curtain was talking to it, even the body could not distinguish it. Any difference.

   "My name is Li Xiaobei."

   "So, what am I in your eyes?"

   "A very curious existence, whether it is everything you know or your own existence makes me extremely curious."

   "What do you want to do here? I don't seem to be interested in what I can give you, but you also have no ability to destroy me."

   "I want to make a deal."

   "So you also want to get a contract, even if you see me, I will take everything from you in the end?"

"I don't want your contract, and I don't want to be a magical girl." Li Xiaobei's words made the existence after the virtual realm incomprehensible. Her talent of cold jokes inherited from Yue Zhong is as dumb as his master. Speechless.

The virtual world was also silent. It seemed to really observe Li Xiaobei's thinking circuit for a long time, and finally concluded that even if he destroyed this circuit, he could not completely wipe out Li Understand how she did it, but she couldn’t destroy it personally. The existence after the virtual world couldn’t see any place that Li Xiaobei was eager for: “You don’t have what I want, everything you need to pay At a price."

"That's not necessarily, at least I now know that you actually have fear... I don't know from what age you have been born of psionic life, and the power of opening the curtain and the virtual realm has also caught me, but since You give up the ability to exist in the physical world to embrace psionic power, then it means that your door is always here, and one day you will be approached by a more powerful presence and you cannot escape."

Li Xiaobei’s existence after the virtual world is almost ignorant. Ordinary people face this kind of unknown, and it is basically impossible to calmly communicate with this horrible existence of how many civilizations and many lives have been destroyed by ignorance. However, Li Xiaobei can.

No awe is itself an awe-inspiring trait, and other beings have no way to pressure him to seek to destroy it or even desperately want to destroy it, because every life must exist after the external cover is put aside. Its weakness, and such people are often able to find this weakness.

"You have been destroying the new civilization, do you need their wise souls as food, or are you afraid of their unlimited growth and eventually kick your door, hiding you and all the existence inside Do the research work?"

   "Unfortunately, there are already civilizations that can do this that have discovered this place, and you should think about your own journey."

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