Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1741: Postscript of theology

Even if you want to contact Li Xiaobei for a long time, it will not be the present. If there are outsiders who appear in the plane of scientific theology repeatedly, no matter how slow people will find out What's wrong there.

Now it’s time for Li Xiaobei to win the reward of victory after defeating opponents of the same level. If there is no hatred, now it’s too rude to interfere with her. Xiao Meiyan won’t allow thousands of generations to wantonly trample on Li Xiaobei’s. future.

This is not the time when she picked up Xiao Meiyan in Fan Hanshi's hands. That's right. None of them showed the value they deserve. They can also be arbitrarily placed in the hands of Qianzao Jiedai, but now it is different from the past, Xiao Mei. Homura doesn't even need to do anything. As long as she doesn't do anything, it's enough to express her dissatisfaction. At that time, the trouble is to take over herself.

Li Xiaobei, who had been staying in and out of the curtain before, could wipe out all the clues of her existence, but since she decided to resume her activity, she will hold the infinite magic machine in the hands of humans and other awakened and fell in the war Picking up anomalous creatures, it will leave some traces.

Rosa, who insisted on staying, still wanted to find an opportunity to win with her honest belief, but she did not know that this battle was already sentenced to her own elders. Called back, but considering that doing so would hurt the self-esteem of his own disciples, and since Li Xiaobei has already made the corresponding deployment, it is regrettable not to let her complete her ending.

"Really speaking, the two of you guys are still one step behind. After all, no matter how you fight, it's really impossible for me and Xiao Meiyan to sit idly by and be really helpless. Compared with those who can only bear on their own, they are much luckier after all..."

"It is natural to have your own advantage to use it. Is it a pity to leave it alone?" The same research direction made Li Xiaobei start to notice the attention of the Void Eye to this world, if this is not the case Mu Yuan is still not stubborn, so the related technology of the pan-plane is called, which is only the possibility of her own teacher.

Although her existence may bring herself opponents who are not at her own level, she can also provide her with corresponding shelter, at least no irresistible force will fall on her, and she will respond by coincidence across time and space. After thousands of years of emotion, Li Xiaobei did not have any mercy on Rosa.

Some people who had been baptized by the Virgin and survived the war before came forward. While the senior leaders of the scientific theology tacitly understood the influence of the Virgin, these people began to claim that they got the Virgin. Inspiration.

At first, no one believed that the so-called virgin still existed in this world. These people were also arrested as heretics with ulterior motives. However, an officer with a firm belief followed the revelation of the virgin and died in the end. After repeated achievements in the war of the last crisis, the scientific council of the ruling class of scientific theology can no longer be ignored and confronted with increasingly fierce public opinion.

Human territory has already fallen to more than half, but the deduction of the infinite hopeful magic machine is still far away. The anomalous existence of ether dragons and star eaters, which should have played a great role, have been skillfully destroyed by the warped conscious army. , They can't bring out more power to bring the infinite magic machine close to the deduction.

  Compared with the rise and fall of the entire civilization, the true and false of the saint is no longer an important thing. If she is truly qualified to undertake the mission of resisting the crisis and the mission of revival, she is eligible to be given the name of saint.

The status of the members of the Science Council and its subordinate Privy Architects is not stable. Once a better person stands out in the war, they will easily take their place. Therefore, they are not vested interests and there is no climate. It is natural for interest groups and groups who oppose change to make some changes. Even a small number of diehards believe that outsiders as saints are very likely to make the entire civilization controlled by higher civilizations. Puppets, but more bishops have shown ambiguous attitudes. They are neither willing to be the first bird to actively greet the false saints, nor do they want to sit back and watch the end of human civilization in this final crisis.

   At this time, as long as someone can boldly stand up and support the revelation of the saint, they will immediately dump on this side and become the majority.

The other Archbishops were still hesitant. The Archbishop Guangming once again convened the original Privy Councilors to discuss. They discussed the character of Li Xiaobei who had been with him for a while. The person who was not the most evil to the evil made a decision quickly.

If they don’t want this opportunity, the officer will probably replace it. If he is gaining more and more prestige in the army relying on the reputation of the saint, it is also a breeze to ban the establishment of a dictatorship by the Scientific Council~ The wind direction soon changed, and the Holy Girl was given the meaning of hope again to inspire everyone, so that the devout believers and loyal believers firmly believe that they can resist the end crisis.

Of course, their thoughts are naturally correct after being guided to the direction that Li Xiaobei hopes to see. Now she is also the one who controls the direction of the twisted conscious attack, and she is the only player on both sides of a game. If you want someone to win but you can't win, there is really a problem.

At the end of reincarnation, all control of the Legion of Distorted Consciousness has now been handed over to Li Xiaobei like throwing garbage, because Li Xiaobei has confirmed to it the truly terrible existence. When this threat hangs over his head at all times, wash Inferior civilizations are dispensable without allowing them to develop to the point where they can threaten themselves.

It is also a threat. There are undoubtedly two concepts in intuitive existence and speculation. There is no overwhelming force in this universe, but Li Xiaobei opened a breath of void through the reverse exploration of the eye of the void. It is enough to make the reincarnation feel great fear at the end.

The longer the life is, the more it will be afraid of extinction. As long as it is the life of the material plane group, then no matter how strange life forms or high life levels they have, they must be afraid of the void, and the higher they are The greater the fear of life, after all, the more things they can feel the more irresistible.

  Eye of the Void is built on the Void. Under its observation range, a mark belonging to the Void will naturally appear, and it is only a matter of time for the latter to invade into it.

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