Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1746: graduate

  Takihara had already spent three springs, autumns, and winters in peace. The cherry trees in the overwhelming city were opened and defeated several times, and the cold silver snowflakes came and went several times.

Groups of freshmen stepped into this school with the expectation of a new stage of campus life, and batches of graduates stepped out of this bearer with relentless attachment School for three years of youth.

   Yue Zhong stood calmly at the door of the school. The security guard who was very strange three years ago was already familiar with it. Since he became a general teacher at this school, Hou Yuezhong has been the man of the scene here. His eclectic teaching methods and the teaching achievements of other teachers have been widely concerned and recognized. See Takihara City Junior High School The legendary teacher has become well-known throughout the country of J. Many rich children want to send their children to Yue Zhong’s class, but there are very few that can finally do what they want. After all, Yue Zhong does not like Xiao Qing’s side. It was the rich children and the ordinary children disappeared.

   Now Xiaoqing is about to graduate, and Yue Zhong has no reason to continue to work in this school.

Every student in his class was admitted to the best high school in the world with excellent grades. Except for a small part of those who can’t leave Jian Takihara because of family reasons, most of them will go to a metropolis like Tokyo Or go abroad to start their high school career.

During the three years of learning, none of the students in the class taught by Yue Zhong was left behind. He had to go to his home to help repair the garden when his family was in trouble. When he was young, he would tirelessly patiently enlighten and provide strict classroom discipline guarantee during class Every student can efficiently absorb the knowledge taught by Yue Zhong, and the various actions after the class also make them willing to take every class willingly.

  After all, today is to say goodbye to his teaching career in Jian Takihara, Yue Zhong looked back and didn't feel anything boring, it was full of life.

The graduation ceremony held in the auditorium was over. Yue Zhong should have given each student a diploma and a corsage for the graduates as a teacher’s representative, but he didn’t seem to like the parting atmosphere, so he went to school alone Doorway.

  The years gradually left more traces on him. Yue Zhong's body was no longer as straight as that of Songbai, and there were a few more strands of white hair at his ears. He did not like the parting but could not stay away from it. Many graduated students couldn't bear the sadness of separation, crying, and sadness spreading in the wind on campus, but he had to wait here for Xiao Meiqing .

The girl with braided braids who grew up with each cherished friend in the school, Yi Yixiu, became more and more slim. She had always insisted on combing her hairstyle. She had also controlled her own temperament and charm. It can also be dazzling among students, and the girl has grown up in three years.

Xiao Meiqing's eyes are also red. She has not been so strong in character and tough image. After understanding this part, many students or friends here may be farewell. Xiao Meiqing's tears can't help but hold her eyes. Spin around.

My mother’s health is getting worse and worse, seeing Takihara this winter is cold and no longer suitable for her to live, so Yue Zhong will later take Mrs. Xiaomei and Xiaomeiqing to distant Spain to make a final decision. There is a developed country At the same time, the climate in winter is relatively warm, and it is in the northern hemisphere that will not allow Mrs. Xiaomei to adapt to the contrast of the climate...

  Yue Zhong considered various factors and finally decided to go there. Xiao Qing chose the former between her mother and her friend in Takihara.

   Therefore, she still carries a deeper difference than others, and she can hold back without crying out, and she is much stronger than before.

The classmates finally negotiated an idea. They went to the classroom to pack up their things together, walked through the corridor of the teaching building that had been cleaned thousands of times, passed the miserable playground that was tortured by Yue Zhong, and passed together The award stage...

There are already freshmen who are ready to enter the school to see the new school. Everyone here looks at their figure three years ago. Time is faster than they imagined. When cherishing, those years passed by in a hurry and never looked back.

  Yue Zhong’s students are not so fragile. Even if they touched the scene, they could not resist the tears. They just walked in silence, with a dullness that even the spring cold had to avoid.

The teacher stood at the door of the school, as if shielding them from the wind and rain in the past, as if blocking the sorrow for them. If he can stand there forever, he can wait for others to stay in this time. Until eternity.

   But he must go. Instead of waiting for him to say goodbye, he would be stronger and free, and let the teacher see his students.

"It's all coming out, one by one, what to do with frustration, but it's not life and death..." Yue Zhong saw his students, each of them had their personality, hobbies and specialties in Yue Zhong's mind, each of them People are unique.

   Yue Zhong wanted to say something to dissipate the heavy atmosphere, but he didn't follow up after only half of what he said.

  Students stood in order like soldiers. These are the rules that Yue Zhong taught them. Even if they are young, they don’t understand the purpose of this. I think that they must be of great benefit to their lives.

The squad leader walked out of it and stopped at a distance of one meter away from Yue Zhong: "Teacher, thank you for your teachings to Dun Dun in the past few years. Every one of your teachings will always accompany me and wait forever. I will never forget the points of care and so on. In the days after UU reading, we may not be so lucky to meet a teacher like you, but you have paved the way for us, we Will walk down to earth."

   "You are about to leave, we can no longer follow your footsteps, I hope you live long and long, I wish you Changping Chang'an."

The class leader took the lead in paying a bow of ninety degrees, and then the students folded their waists uniformly as if they had practiced countless times, as if the sorrow at this moment was moving with this small momentum Nowhere.

  Faced with the noble salute of the students and the honest hearts and simple gratitudes of these young and innocent children, Yue Zhong showed a smile that was unspeakable and bitter but proud and gratifying.

   Actually, like them, tears rolled in their eyes, when did they become so sentimental and so vulnerable?

"I..." Yue Zhong wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything at the end, because once his words were unavoidable, his emotions were inevitably announced, and he wanted to be the most upright banner for the students. Can only be free and easy as always.

So Yue Zhong just beckoned Xiao Meiqing, let her follow her and walked away without looking back: "I'm gone, take care of yourself, and who came up with the words just now, my Mandarin class But I didn’t teach you such nasty words."

   This question, Yue Zhong did not wait for the answer.


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