Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1748: move

   said all the way, and Xiaomei Manor appeared in front of them unconsciously. This time, preparing to move to the other end of the world to settle down will be a journey without a return date. The family doctor judged that the climate environment there is more suitable for Mrs. Xiaomei's body care, so Mrs. Xiaomei's life may be in her lifetime. Spend there.

Since seeing Takihara’s Judgment Day, Yue Zhong has been clear that any peaceful body cultivation method can no longer make Mrs. Xiaomei’s body truly recover, and has experienced several tragic separations in life with an ordinary woman’s body. The origin of her life is nearing its end. This is not the damage that any medical method can recover now, unless you completely change a way of life such as mechanical prosthesis or network awareness.

   But the biggest stubbornness of Mrs. Xiaomei's life is here, she insists on reaching the end with the life span of human beings, and even some time expecting death to come.

Since her husband passed away, Mrs. Xiaomei has been thinking about it. Even if she discovered that her husband has other women after she developed, she has not changed this idea. She may also think that she can reunite with her husband in the kingdom of the dead. Not only did he live up to his promise, but he also boldly asked him why he wanted to betray this feeling.

The stewards were instructing the servants to pack up their clothes, because this time it was not like traveling before, and Mrs. Xiaomei was a very nostalgic person. Almost everything except the unmovable house buildings in Xiaomei Manor Take away together.

   In order to adapt to the time difference on the other side of the earth in advance, Mrs. Xiaomei has begun to adjust her work and rest. Although it is near noon, she should be asleep. The junior high school graduation ceremony is not so important for a student. In this country, the high school graduation ceremony is generally paid more attention, which means that the adult ceremony of a child is also the first time they are treated as adults and are respected before they start to enter the society. Therefore, Mrs. Xiaomei did not go to Xiao Qing's graduation ceremony.

   "Mother Mother is still resting, we will not bother, Xiaoqing, go and see what else you need to clean up." Yue Zhong still has things to do, so let Xiao Meiqing get rid of it first.

"Well." Xiao Meiqing said yesterday that she would take care of her own things and not let others touch them. When the young girl grows up, she may have her own privacy and small secrets. Such a normal thing is not Yue Zhong. Will break.

After Xiao Meiqing left, Yue Zhong set his sights on the direction of a building, where Xiao Meiyuan and his mother lived, and Xiaoyuan was going to junior high school in two years. One of the main reasons for the construction of Li Guozhong was the place where he studied.

   Yue Zhong didn't want to keep this boy at home for training. He had developed the arrogance and arrogance as a distinguished young master. Although such a character was also needed by Yue Zhong, it was too rough and needed to be polished outside.

   After he went to junior high school, his family will not give him any support. If he can still stand out with these personalities among other peers, he will meet Yue Zhong's requirements.

  Yue Zhong, who used to plan to change a world pattern, can only plan some family affairs on one acre and three points of his own home. I don’t know whether this is his sorrow and misfortune, or whether this should be the stage where he made up for the loss.

  Xiao Meiyuan and his mother do not need to move to Spain to live together, they will soon become the real owners of this manor, but before that Yue Zhong has some things to explain to them.

   After arriving at the Western Pavilion, Yue Zhong saw that Xiao Meiyuan was secretly carrying a pocket and wanted to run out, and then was caught by Yue Zhong, standing there motionless with a sad face.

   "What are you going to get out of?" Yue Zhong has always been severe in facing Xiao Meiyuan, as meticulous as he was in class.

Before the child was annoying at home, he wanted to run out and play outside. He made some bad teenagers outside and became the leader of them by virtue of family conditions. Peng Ju found that Xiao Meiyuan took bad teenagers to bully people more than once. He also complained to Yue Zhong, but Yue Zhong didn't punish Xiao Meiyuan very much but only cut off his monthly pocket money.

Xiao Meiyuan, who had no money in his hand, could no longer envelop the bad boys who had already taken a fancy to his family, but he didn't seem to want to give up his hard-working "jiangshan" so easily in Xiaomei's family. Any display is a precious treasure. When Yue Zhong is away, he will secretly go out and rescue him.

Yue Zhong opened the pocket that Xiao Meiyuan had held before. To his surprise, it was not the antique calligraphy and paintings at home. It was a photo album with a beautiful outer layer. The photos taken by Xiao Meiqing when they were together, this kind of thing is very important for their sisters and brothers, but obviously there is no money for it.

"This is ready to be given to your sister?" Yue Zhong's face eased a little, no matter how Xiao Meiyuan was disobedient, he always respected and loved his own sister. Yue Zhong could allow him to do anything. .

  After all, everyone is born with a different personality, and forcibly tampering with it will only eventually become incoherent, and only the things that you decide to change can truly integrate into yourself and become their own reality.

"Sister is going away, I want to send her the photo album to prevent her from forgetting me and my younger Xiao Meiyuan whispered with his head down, he had always been afraid of Yue Zhong, Although the other party had never beat him or scolded him, in front of Yue Zhong, he dared not make any attempts.

   "Since you know that your sister is going away, you will have to take responsibility yourself if you do something wrong in the future. If you understand this, go." Yue Zhong said solemnly to Xiao Meiyuan.

   The kid nodded, took the album carefully from Yue Zhong's hand, and then disappeared as if chased by a mad dog.

   Yue Zhong gave a smile and walked a few steps into the living room of the Western Pavilion to see Mrs. Nakamura who was watching a soap opera.

Everyone knows that there is only one person in Xiaomei’s family who can be called Mrs. Xiaomei. Nowadays, no one cares about this mischievous Mrs. Nakamura when her former owner’s body is cold, so she wants to open her social circle. It was very difficult, and often received the eyes and sarcasm of other wealthy ladies. After a while, she did not go out very much, and felt at ease to be an elder lady at home.

   This young and beautiful lady Nakamura immediately turned off the TV and stood up to see Yue Zhong when she arrived. Although she was also Yue Zhong’s elder in name, she dared not put any rack in front of Yue Zhong.

   "You are here, is there anything else?"

   Yue nodded and said: "I'm going away soon, and I have something to explain to you."


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