Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1752: Castle Night

Xiaomei’s new home in Spain is not inferior to Xiaomei’s manor and has a Western character. That is, a building that has existed for hundreds of years. It is different to witness the confrontation between the Chinese Crusaders and the Knights from North Africa. The ancient castle of the history of religious culture civilization.

Although this historic castle was once the property of the Knights Templar, it now fell into the hands of a capitalist and became a private property. It was fortunate that it was not developed into a tourist attraction by tourists from all over the world. Trample and destruction, although it has undergone several renovations, but still retains a heavy historical atmosphere. Xiaomei family not only spent huge amounts of money but also used some contacts to win this property, just to maintain Xiaomei family Status in a sense.

After all, it’s not seeing Takihara or even Country J. Just buying a real estate close to the city will be troublesome and the natural environment will have a certain degree of impact on Mrs. Xiaomei’s body, with sufficient funds. Yue Zhong will naturally consider the best option.

   And which girl has never had a princess dream, the best choice in the West in addition to the magnificent grand palace to match the princess's identity is naturally an antique castle.

Xiaomei's family has enough funds to build a palace, but it seems too flamboyant and will take a long time. Even if it is built without historical precipitation, it will always have less taste. It is not well-known that it is considered in many aspects. The old castle has become the new home of Mrs. Xiaomei, Yue Zhong and Xiaomeiqing here.

The position of Xiaomei’s big housekeeper has been unresolved, and all the managers who are qualified to compete in this position have always spared no effort to show their abilities, and they also know that the head of the house is very disgusted with the fighting within the family, so they all consciously While doing their best in their respective fields, they also help other managers to help Xiaomei's work efficiency enter a fast lane.

   Such a situation is obviously the opinion of Yue Chongle, but this is the place that should be achieved as a qualified homeowner, there is nothing to be proud of.

  The starry sky's black color made Xiao Meiqing's purple eyes deeper and quieter. She looked at the ground from a little bit and gradually turned into a castle with white walls and black roofs. The shock on her face was self-evident.

Before coming, Yue Zhongke never told Xiaoqing that he had bought a castle here, so Xiaoqing took it for granted that the new home would be similar to Xiaomei Manor. Now there is a deviation between reality and imagination, but That will not be disappointment but surprise and shock.

The beautiful stories of princes and princesses appear tirelessly in the eyes of children in the Enlightenment period. Even if they grow up, they will be deeply curious and longing for this building that seems to only exist in the story book, even if there are enough conditions to be able to Go outside to see the legendary castle, but those places are usually full of modern atmosphere without real life feeling.

Xiao Meiqing had also seen many castles before. At that time, she was listening to Yue Zhong about the history of the castle rather than paying attention to the castle itself, because what she saw at that time was just an old brick wall. It’s just a building that’s gone. It’s hard to experience the long history of history when the historical story and the present are not matched. In comparison, the castles built by some film and television bases are much more magnificent and beautiful than these tourist attractions.

The new home in the castle lit countless torches, and even the servants who did things changed into the dresses of hundreds of years ago. After completely isolating the atmosphere of modernization, it seems that time has gone back hundreds of years and came to a real In the castle era, Xiao Meiqing opened her mouth slightly and expressed her shock at the moment.

"I have done a lot. Xiaoqing still has to go to school outside school, and it's not true that I have lived here and had been an addiction to the princess." Yue Zhong said silently in his heart that he didn't do this in advance. Arrangement is definitely something that the stewards made their own claims after guessing that they wanted Xiao Qing to have a longing for a new life.

However, Yue Zhong didn’t blame them when she saw the surprise and longing on Xiao Meiqing’s face. It’s impossible for him to take all aspects into consideration, and to do things within the scope of his authority to make the owner happy. Things are not a bad thing, which means they will have a sense of belonging without forgetting to think.

   "Do you like it?" Yue Zhong asked loudly, holding Xiao Meiqing's hand. If he didn't speak loudly, he would be masked by the noise of the propeller.

  Xiao Meiqing looked back at Yue Zhong, his eyes slowly recovered from the surprise and became full of joy: "Well!"

   "So from today Xiaoqing is the princess of this castle!" Yue Zhong grinned.

   grabbed Yue Zhong's arm and yearned to lean out and wanted to see more comprehensively. Xiao Meiqing laughed completely, and was as charming as blooming flowers.

   The atmosphere of the castle was not very harmonious. The helicopter slowly landed on the apron in front of the castle. With full of curiosity and longing, Xiao Meiqing jumped off the helicopter and walked towards the new home.

   Yue Zhong has been watching her jumping braids bouncing up and down, and watching the thick wooden door of the castle pushing open from the inside.

The entire castle can become antiques, but the clothes worn by the servants can only be imitation and modern touches. It really does not conform to the design of hundreds of years. The aesthetics of modern people are also inconsistent with the images in storybooks or movies.

Xiao Meiqing's curiosity and longing came from the information related to the castle that she was exposed to when she was a child. She is not a persistent historical seeker like Qi Xiaomeng and has no such cultural heritage to find the deviation. The visual senses are enough to make her I was immersed in the new home built by the housekeepers on the background of the old castle, especially when she saw that Mrs. Xiaomei also put on the queen-like dress and elegant smile and waited for her to come, the taste of happiness was on the face Come and hug her in it.

From the top to the bottom in Xiaomei's home, she has a pampering attitude towards Xiaomeiqing. She knows that she must bear a lot of sadness after she is separated from her friends. Negotiated.

Yue Zhong did not approach the past for the time being, but he called a steward with a light hand and said with a smile: "Why don't you tell me in advance when you have such preparations? In that case, I will find a white horse and bring Xiao Qing to ride over, the helicopter Whatever it is to fly into an old castle, it doesn’t mean that it’s not a flying one.”

   "Homeowner, we reported to my wife. She said that she didn't need to notify you. It also gave you a surprise while giving Miss II a surprise."

   Yue Zhong was dumb, nodded and smiled more brightly after a moment, maybe in Madam Xiaomei's eyes, she was also a child.


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