Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1758: Golden apple

Smith, who looked at Yue Zhong, shook his head a moment later: "Mei Mei will not bring a real estate salesman to me for no reason. Maybe you are really short of money to do big things, but you will not let a priest I’ve been selling the castle to me for a long time. I’d like to say something directly, but before that you should understand that the situation of Xiaomei’s family is not very good. If too much money flows out of a stink boy, you will definitely be concerned. You may be afraid. Can't deal with him."

Smith looked around a little bit uneasy. They started to be active again as an organization that should disappear in the early 14th century. Many people may feel a little uneasy. Of course, there are many who are thinking about the Templar’s ​​treasures. The forces may deal with them, just like the French kings against the Knights Templar.

"Don't worry about the security of the castle?"

Smith said truthfully: "Yes sir, the Knights Templar have been disbanded nominally. The so-called reorganized Knights Templar is just a fake. We cannot directly control any property, even if it is sold to Xiaomei's house. The castle also has to go through complicated procedures, you should be able to understand our difficulties."

Yue Zhong pushed a piece of paper and a pen in front of Smith: "Then open your price tag."

This time, Smith no longer refused. He wrote three characters on the paper with the pen, and it was in Chinese in block letters: "Golden Apple."

Yue Zhong raised his eyebrows, picked up the piece of paper and put it in a candle to light it, until it burned to ashes completely and never said a word.

Among all the legends related to the Knights Templar, the legend of Golden Apple is undoubtedly legendary, and the effects it can produce are undoubtedly very attractive to Yue Zhong.

Today Yue Zhong is not short of things, but he only needs to worry about his longevity. He is not sure whether waiting for decades can make him wait for the desired result.

The legendary Golden Apple, which can restore life, can naturally make up for this lack of him. As for bringing efficiency beyond the times, it is not so important.

The first witch that Xiao Meiyan encountered in the enchantment of the witch from ancient times to the past came from the primitive civilization, which shows that thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years ago, there have been the appearance of magical girls in this world. A magical girl brings more or less to the world what can be called a miracle. Their existence can be dissipated, but they may not leave nothing.

The Golden Apple and the Knights Templar, and perhaps they have been fighting against them, and the Assassins who were finally crushed by the Mongolian iron ride may actually exist and are far more mysterious than historical records. The mystery of a world has never been On the surface it's that simple.

"Excuse me, if the Knights Templar had these holy objects, how did King Philip IV get you all out of the net?" You Zhong has faced a lot of confusion, even the Golden Apple It also only gave him a brief silence, and after the silence, he once again restored his unpredictable style.

"The sacristy has been lost in Saladin's capture of Jerusalem. At that time, those who fled with the sacristy became apostates. The Knights Templar have been pursuing their whereabouts. From the Renaissance to the modern times, there are several suspects. The person holding the holy weapon appeared, but the strength of the Knights Templar was already negligible, so we could not do anything." Smith said earnestly, "Mr. Yue Zhong, I hope you can provide us with sufficient financial support , We will share its power with you when we find the holy artifact."

If you can really find the legendary golden apple in this world instead of relying on the power of other people who are not in this world to get a longer life, even the legal court can't pick out anything wrong, Fan Hanshi may be because of this Things spit up blood.

But obviously an offer from a stranger is not so reliable. They may also be just a group of well-planned scammers who want to make a fortune from Xiaomei's home and disappear.

"If Mr. Yue Zhong needs time to consider, the Knights Templar will have to wait patiently. After all, we have waited for so many years and don’t care about this time. If Mr. Yue Zhong wants to investigate us, it is not necessary, Because it is impossible for you to investigate any clues, until now, unless we take the initiative to identify yourself, no outsiders will know that the Knights Templar still exists." Smith felt that Yue Zhong would definitely hesitate, but he would eventually choose Believe in yourself once, after all, the price paid is nothing to him.

Yue Zhong stood up and walked behind Smith, holding his arm and raised to see the cocoon and distribution in his hand.

"If I want to check anything, there is no secret that can hide me. The Knights Templar should send you to do enough homework, but you don't seem to know me too much. If Lumuda is here, he would not dare to say anything. Say something that I won't know."

Smith turned his head a little confused, looking at the self-confidence and inexplicable smile on Yue Zhong's face, and he was also not so sure.

"The biggest effect of your coming is to make me think that there are things that I have to do even if I don’t interfere in the operation of this world. In return, I can trust you once, go to the outside manager and say your demands, I The Knights Templar who wanted to have almost mastered the financial lifeline of Europe in the Middle Ages must be able to make good use of Xiaomei’s funds."

After getting Yue Zhong's promise, Smith was a little giddy away. He came with full confidence, and Yue Zhong's decision also met his vision, but there was always something wrong with it but he couldn't find it out.

Han Meimei, who listened to the entire conversation, asked curiously after Smith went out: "I don't know if he is a real member of the Knights you are not afraid of being cheated by him? If you are cheated? Don’t pay me if you’re cheated, even if you sell me, you won’t be able to pay.”

Yue Zhong pours a cup of tea for Han Meimei, and sits back in the chair again, saying: "Too much money is not a good thing. Isn't the Knights Templar a lesson? I always need to find some place to use it."

"It was the same when Queen Isabella sponsored Columbus in search of the New World. No one knew whether Columbus was an excellent navigator or a fraudster, but she finally harvested an America and a glorious era."

Han Meimei’s history is not well studied, and she doesn’t even know who Yue Zhong told her Isabella, so she patted the shotgun behind her and said, “There are quite a lot of wild animals outside your house, or we should go hunting Right."

"Xiaoqing said in the morning that people should not be hunted here, so this time I will disappoint you."


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