Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1760: Ugly duckling and white swan

   "Brother-in-law..." Xiao Meiqing looked at Yue Zhong with some grievances. She was embarrassed to say that she had played too much and caused the hot inner pain of the inner thigh, and wanted to get some comfort from her brother-in-law.

  Yue Chong struck Xiao Meiqing's hair with tears and said with a smile: "Would you like to ride a horse to school in the future?"

   "I don't want to." Xiao Meiqing pouted and leaned on Yue Zhong's arms.

"Talk to your sister Mei Mei about what's uncomfortable. Their magical girl's healing methods are much more effective than the doctor at home." Yue Zhong held Xiao Meiqing's hand and put it in Han Meimei's hands. Your sister Mei Mei is chatting blindly, so let's talk before eating."

  Xiao Meiqing nodded and leaned over to Han Meimei's ear to secretly say two words. She was a little shy and didn't dare to say anything about the pain, but Han Meimei's smirking appearance obviously sold Xiaoqing completely.

  After Han Meimei took the limp Xiao Meiqing to her room, Yue Zhong asked about going to school this afternoon: "How is that school, is Xiaoqing still satisfied?"

  The manager in charge of the matter immediately replied: "Miss Er liked the high school very much, but after listening to a class, she felt that she might not be able to keep up with the progress of the study there."

"Then let the school reschedule the course according to Xiaoqing's learning progress." Yue Zhong didn't care what other students would think about it. After all, it was not his own student. Anyone who has nothing to do with him has always been. Don't care.

Although Xiaomeiqing's academic performance is not important, she came to an unfamiliar class as a transfer student. If she can't keep up with her progress, she is easily rejected or even laughed at by other students, letting Xiaoqing go outside The biggest purpose of her school’s education is to let her make friends, and if this makes her confused, it is more than worth it.

   "The second lady needs to wait another day before going to school." The manager said after understanding Yue Zhong's meaning.

   "It's okay, she didn't graduate long before, the classmates are enjoying graduation leave without homework, and don't worry to send Xiaoqing to the new school so quickly."

  The start time of schools like Spain is a bit early compared to the East, and their holidays are relatively short. The new life is not so easy for Xiao Meiqing to adapt immediately.

"When I don't go to school, arrange for people who enter the school to pay close attention to the people Xiaoqing contacts, and don't let the bad habits in the West teach her to ruin." Yue Zhong finally emphasized this, but he still thought A very conservative person, even though he has experienced a lot of worlds, is still not able to accept some open ideas in the West. Of course, Xiao Meiyan seems to be the same, otherwise they have experienced so many hardships together, in a slightly peaceful time Li only stayed at the stage of Lala Xiaoshou and agreed on a marriage. If Xiaoyan knew that she had misled her sister, if she could meet Yue Chong in the future, she might not be able to walk around.

After arranging Xiao Meiqing to go to school, another manager who went out together reported another thing to Yue Zhong: "Homeowner, I have already contacted several football clubs in Madrid. It is clearly stated that there is no willingness to sell, and other teams have indicated that further negotiations are required."

"It doesn't matter if the top team can't get it, it's really impossible to find a goal in the secondary league." One of Yue Zhong's reasons for coming to Spain was to buy a team and become a coach. After the teacher’s new life experience plan, the Judicial Tribunal exiled him to this world, but this does not mean that Yue Qiang has been sullen and unhappy. If he is really like this, there will be some people who are worried and will let some people. happy.

   "The sole proprietorship acquisition is completed before the end of this season. I still have to find the right player for the team."

  Actually, Yue Zhong's life is more like experiencing a bullfighter, but the job that that professional is engaged in is more **** and not suitable for taking Xiao Meiqing to watch.

Half an hour later, Yue Zhong saw Xiao Meiqing again in the restaurant. The magical girl’s magical power is indeed difficult to achieve in the medical field at this stage of medical technology. Not all magical girls will use their magical powers more than 20 years ago. The magic is used for medical treatment, but all the basic applications under the magic system created by Xiao Meiyan have already become the skills mastered by every magic girl.

After the physical pain disappeared, Xiao Meiqing became active again. Han Meimei, as an older sister she knew when she was a child, and occasionally traveled during these years of travel. She had a deep affection for this sister who did not have much relationship with her husband. , So it will inevitably make you happy when you meet.

   If Yue Zhong had asked her to come over to dinner, maybe the two would still be able to speak for a long time in the room.

When a visitor visited, Mrs. Xiaomei made the old but elegant long table re-arranged. The restaurant in the old castle finally had the style of nobility, sitting at Yue Zhong in the left and right direction of Mrs. Xiaomei. After looking at each other with Xiao Meiqing and then laughing for no reason, they may all feel that it is meaningless to support the scene in front of Han Meimei.

"It's nice to have money, I want to have money to set up such a long table at home, and put on a variety of foods while walking to eat." Like home, now even if Mrs. Xiaomei is present, she is still so unobstructed.

Mrs. Xiaomei, who is not very familiar with this magical girl, is not very accustomed to her self-familiar character, so the smile is also a bit Finally, Smith, who finally arrived, finally found Mrs. Xiaomei familiar The feeling is that the other party is polite and elegant, which is much more educated than Han Meimei, a country girl who grew up in the country. Comfortable.

She is really envious of Xiao Meiqing, and can even be said to be jealous of her being so carefree, but her innate passionate personality makes her spontaneously take care of her after getting familiar with Xiao Meiqing, but when she finds out Xiao Meiqing also behaved gracefully in such an atmosphere, but on the other hand, she was a little out of place.

Here, she is not the protagonist of the stars, and other people will not lower their posture to accommodate her personality habits, which is different from the feeling in the manor near the imperial capital, and even makes her feel a little inferior. It is like the difference between an ugly duckling and a white swan, and Xiao Meiqing is born to be destined to be loved by thousands, and if she is not a magical girl, no one will care about herself?

"Mei Mei, although you can't meet your hunting needs here, don't worry so quickly, let's go to the football game tomorrow." Yue Zhong saw Han Meimei's absent mind and asked without trace of concern. .

   "Huh? Okay." Han Meimei nodded blankly, then slowly turned back to see Yue Zhong.

   This guy actually has the kind of gentleness that magic girls want.


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