Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1763: Rain ball game

"Mr. Yue Zhong prefers which national team in the world?" Speaking of football, Smith is still very proud. The religion they represent and the continent ruled by them have not only become the leaders of modern civilization. Europe and their colonial descendants are also far ahead of their old rivals in confrontation sports that can highlight a country's cultural demeanor.

"I haven't watched a football match in a long time. Now that the stars have come out, I probably don't know any of them. I might be more familiar with their names. After all, I can always see relevant news on the Internet." Yue Zhong mentioned for the second time This sentence.

  The light rain under the gray sky made the road between the wilderness extremely slippery. Although the driving skills were good but the rough character Han Meimei still drove the car very quickly, it didn’t take long for Xiao Meiqing to feel motion sick.

Yue Zhong guessed that this would happen in advance, so he prepared the motion sickness medicine for Xiao Qing to eat. He didn’t propose Han Meimei to drive himself, but the last time in New Zealand, Yue Zhong made Han Meimei’s car unrecognizable. It is impossible to give up the driver's seat anyway.

The football game is usually not played in the morning, but Yue Zhong, who is in Madrid for the first time, is ready to take a stroll in this city with a long history. Today he did not bring other stewards out. Those stewards have already followed Yue Zhong. Was ordered to do other things, and the accompanying Smith then self-recommended and became a tour guide for the pedestrians. After all, the Iberian Peninsula was also one of the active areas of the Knights Templar, and he was also a native of Spain. There is no reason. You will be unfamiliar with your country's capital.

The light rain that started early in the morning did not mean to stop. Famous places such as Puerta del Sol and Prado Museum have left pictures of Yue Zhong, Xiao Meiqing and Han Meimei holding umbrellas. Smith knows that he does not belong to them. In addition to being a tour guide, he also took the role of photographer, bringing a new collection of photos to Xiao Meiqing's album.

   I tasted local food at noon. In the afternoon, bars all over Madrid opened for business. Yue Zhong, who wanted to take Xiao Qing to experience the atmosphere of a football bar, was rejected because of Xiao Meiqing's underage.

   "Ha ha ha ha, don't you buy this bar right away, so Xiaoqing can go in." Han Meimei seemed very happy about Yue Zhong's deflated eating, sneering without any face.

Yue Zhong was also unkind to her, patted Han Meimei's head and retaliated when she was furious: "Don't look at yourself, don't take the magic girl's emblem out, and you will be treated as a minor. Maybe the bar owner thinks you are Xiao Qing’s sister."

"You mean to fight myself!" Han Meimei said this sentence for the second time with her small fist waving, and it was obvious that she would like to find a chance to close another game with Yue Zhong, probably because of the time at the shooting range It's not a good idea to lose.

   "I don't care, no one can control me anyway, but if you don't want to be called by Sayaka, you can give it a try." Yue Zhongyou said without fear.

   "Wow." Han Meimei uttered a strange cry in Peking Opera and rushed towards Yue Zhong.

   Of course, the two of them would not really fight to make Smith joke. After a joke, Smith reminded them that it was time to buy tickets for the ball game tonight.

The first game Yue Zhong took with Xiao Meiqing was not the match between the two famous teams in Madrid. It was not that they didn’t want to watch it. They just happened to be in the kick-off venue today and went to other cities. The remaining two The reputation is not obvious and there is not too strong a willingness to sell in Xiaomei's housekeeper's contact yesterday. It is relatively difficult to complete the acquisition of guilt this year without resorting to other means.

The final selection target can only be placed on a club team called Vallecano in the secondary league, and it is currently in a financial crisis and the achievements in the league are in jeopardy. May wait for the downgrade again when Yue Zhong acquired.

In Yue Zhong’s long-term memory, this team is still somewhat related to the motherland in the plane where he grew up. After the explosion in the municipality near the imperial capital, they also mourned and prayed in a game. Once, Yue Zhong also remembered the name of this team.

  Although this team in their hometown disappeared along with other glorious or unknown teams on the Iberian Peninsula, they still exist here, although they have grown unsatisfactory.

  Unexpectedly, it is likely that he will acquire this team, and Yue Zhong did not plan to spend a lot of money to buy a giant to play as an injustice, that would be much less interesting to him.

   Will today's game have Vallecano players who will make their eyes shine?

At nightfall, the lights of the Vallecas stadium lit up, and probably more than 10,000 fans poured into this not too large stadium to watch the game, but many fans did not wear Valleca Nuo Lai supports the home team. They may be the kind of neutral fans who are addicted to the ball and have spare money. They occasionally patronize Madrid's secondary league games.

   After a long rainy day, there is still no sign of stopping. The players of both sides can only start this game in the rain curtain and not much attention.

   Yue Zhong and others did not buy tickets for VIP seats, but instead temporarily bought a Vallecano jersey to put on and mixed them with the fans.

  Although the attention is not high, after all, the professional league is unmatched by the intra-school competition in the junior high school. After the opening, the cheering or boos issued by the fans in the phalanx have already made Xiao Meiqing feel the tsunami.

Her purple eyes were filled with daze, looked around and then watched the players on both sides of the court chasing a football, they often fell or fouled, and the game was often caught in a timeout. The unsmooth and unpleasant game made her really don't understand what's so good about it.

   "Come on, pass!" Han Meimei showed more excitement than the home fans, but she was more like playing together than really understanding the game.

Vallecano did not perform well in this game, the whole game entered the final injury stoppage time and they have fallen behind by five goals. In this case, the official game of completing the overturn has not appeared in football history. .

   The visiting team's kick shot and flew to Xiao Meiqing's face, but Xiao Meiqing didn't panic at all because her brother-in-law, who was most at ease for her, sat beside him.

  Yue Zhong did not disappoint her. He reached out and grabbed the football in his hands. The fans around him were a little surprised to see him react so quickly, but what surprised them was behind.

Standing up, Yue Zhong ignored the sound of the court staff below asking him to hand over the football. He threw the football gently into the air, and jumped up on the seat that was not spacious. The swept foot was like a dull thunder I played football as hard as I could.

   Then the black and white elf drew a splendid arc across the audience under the rain curtain, rubbing his ears and falling into the net behind him without any response from the visiting goalkeeper.

   "Something, isn't football in the midfield..." The goalkeeper turned blankly and watched the football in the net fall into the confusion of life.

   There was nothing exciting about the game, so I had to take the opportunity to create some movement to make Xiaoqing interested.


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