Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1771: Enter the main club

  On this world, many stories surrounding the magic girls who existed in the past are a series of stories that have made the magic girl organization want to dig hard.

The unique magic flow and manipulation rules of the existing magical girls have been thoroughly studied in Xiaomeiyan's time. On the basis of the flame system, the magical girl scientific research department continued to improve the research of each magical girl, further While promoting their fighting power, they have also tapped their potential to the limit.

In the absence of new research topics, the magical girl organization also focused on the magical girls who have existed in the past. Although their traces have long since disappeared, they have evolved into a witch in despair. The wish is due to Zhizhu Renmei, but the power that has fallen into the dark side is listed as a taboo subject, and what is really valuable is when they are magic girls.

Almost every legendary girl who may be linked to a magical girl has been systematically traced, including even Queen Isabella of Spain, even though Isabella has obviously not kept her body in history. The character of the figure, but the magic girl organization insists on tracing the roots of this. After all, compared with being interpreted as a legend, the miracle of magic is also more convincing.

At the same time, Queen Isabella was also suspected of having held a golden apple. The Knights Templar began to build a secret laboratory that traces genetic memory after receiving a large amount of capital from Yue Zhong. They need to come The goal of memory tracing is not limited to the descendants of suspected legendary assassins. The direct or side descendants of the major royal families will also join the plan after temptation.

Such huge plans and actions make it difficult for the Knights Templar to remain secret, not to mention that their goals overlap with the magical girl organization, and the competition and confrontation in the dark will soon revolve around those key figures Too.

In the standard moral concept, the Templars act as guardian knights of faith, unless they are fierce characters who are determined to bear the accusations and curses and force them to be wiped out like Philip IV, even if they are now reproduced in Many people in the world are afraid of it, but it is not realistic to come up with a bright and just reason to cleanse them like the dark apostles.

Kasin’s personal style of work naturally has no bottom line, but he is thinking about Sayaka so it will not detract from the reputation of the magical girl organization. This is his limitation and he can be allowed to exist and still have great power. The reason is that when the objectives of the Knights Templar overlap with the tasks behind the organization he is responsible for, and the Knights Templar has a background funded by Yue Zhong, there is no reason why he should not deal with the Knights Templar.

The time came to the end of May. All levels of the Spanish league have ended. Players playing in the league have either started a vacation career or have gone to the national team to prepare for the upcoming World Cup. At this time, Yue Zhong The acquisition has been fully completed, and he also passed the FIFA assessment and obtained the coach's qualification certificate.

As a mid-level team in the Spanish sub-League, a large part of Vallecano are local players. Their current strength is obviously not related to the national team, but they should have been summoned by Yue Zhong when they should have gone on vacation. On the training ground.

Because of Yue Zhong’s identity, many players thought that he would probably buy a large number of powerful players during the transfer period to enhance the competitiveness of the team, so many players who feel that their position is unstable have already begun planning to move away. Now, was Yue Zhong called to make an ultimatum at this time?

   Appeared on the training ground, Yue Zhong did not have a suit and leather shoes, but wore a loose training suit. He seemed more like a idler than a coach than a coach.

  Spain's summer is still very hot, and the sweat of the players came out after standing for a while on the training ground, but Yue Zhong did not sit in the shadow but withstood the high temperature with them.

  Light is just to calm the players' minds, but Bama Mei and Xiao Meiqing around Yue Zhong are both basking in the sun together, and they can bear this kind of girls like Jiao Didi. There is really no one who stands out and complains.

In the past half an hour, Yue Zhong didn't even say a word. Ba Mami felt that he did something too much, so he glanced at him, and then Yue Zhong said, "Sorry, it's not that I didn't leave you standing for so long I want to say something, but I want to see if there are any players who do not meet my requirements. Now it seems that you are at least qualified. Do not question my decision is a good character. Only then can I help better. Each of you develops a training plan."

   No one should respond to Yue Zhong, because they are not familiar with it, and no one knows whether it is weird to have this world-renowned rich man come to experience life as a coach.

"According to common sense, teenagers have a decisive factor for the growth of a player, but this is not the case with me. When I was in my twenties, it was no different from the ordinary fans in the stands, but I Know how to use effective training to further stimulate your potential when you feel that you have reached the peak or towards decline..."

  Yue Zhong’s remarks did not last long, which also showed an attitude that this holiday will definitely be ruined. He hopes that the team will have a change after the start of the next season, so this time must be occupied.

   Therefore, even Yue Zhong showed shocking shooting, passing, running and goalkeeping skills on the training There are still many players who have pimples in their hearts and feel that he is not very human.

After all, they are playing in the secondary league. Except for those young players who are under 20 years old, they will have a good vision for the future. People are also very high. Although they are not enough to allow them to have a prosperous life after retirement, they will definitely be able to afford food and clothing as long as they don’t waste.

  Yue Zhong knows this clearly, so it is especially important to talk to every player.

What he did on the training ground was just what a qualified coach should do. As he expected, without leaving any traces, every player on the Vallecano team is his experimental object, regardless of whether they have Whatever the problems and defects, Yue Zhong didn't plan to let them go or let them maintain the status quo. If he failed in a person, then Yue Zhong's overall situation would also fail.

In the one-on-one conversation, Yue Zhong did not use money or honor to tell them to chase these things. He still did the same as ordinary coaches, encouraging, approving, criticizing and guiding.

  Finally, each player agreed to stay in the club and agreed to remain on the training ground for training during the holidays.

   Even Baba Mei, who is a layman, looks incredible, but it did come true, just like Yue Zhong suddenly had the legendary apocalyptic aura, turning all his men into his brain powder.


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