Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1783: Until you remember

  Veneto was able to understand the intelligence of the decisions made by the observers through side-by-side intelligence, and the initiator Lu Muda was also unable to understand after Qi Xiaomeng's personal talk.

   When facing Yue Zhong, Lu Muda, who always felt powerful and unable to make use of it, finally found the possibility of retrieving a city. Even if this opportunity was not something he had come up with, he was still fighting for it.

"I understand what to do with Xiaomeng." The observations given by the observers gave Lu Muda a new feeling. This is an angle that is hard to think of in his thinking. Even if the subconscious urges him to do so Can't go further.

  In fact, the observers had reached a conclusion after gathering for a while, but when Veneto could not receive the news, Qi Xiaomeng did not leave the headquarters.

   She felt that this was a bit excessive. After the Judicial Tribunal had made corresponding punishments based on Yue Zhong's crimes, it would be unethical for others to lynch the code even in a way that circumvented the code.

  Qi Xiaomeng didn’t know why he felt some heartache when he thought about the predicament that Yue Zhong was about to face, probably because he was the one he had defended.

"Tatsuya, did you really think clearly?" Qi Xiaomeng sighed. Compared with her, she also worried that Lumu Da without coping means would be forced to a more difficult position, and the possible consequences. It is much more serious than telling him the answer.

  I still can't put aside all the past as taught by First Will, at least I can't leave Lu Muda, the younger brother now.

"Some things can't look back once the first step is taken, as this will not offend Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan, but you are finally standing on their opposites." Qi Xiaomeng seriously Said.

Lu Muda also nodded slightly and showed a sunny smile: "Maybe this will make me look more unreasonable. Yue Zhong is kind to me, and the more I deal with him, the more he is his friend. We can’t tolerate it, but since I decided that I couldn’t go back, I think that’s what I should do, and not let my hometown cause turmoil because of his presence.”

   This is the same thing that Qi Xiaomeng used to teach Lumu Tatsuya. Now the other party took it out to show his heart. Qi Xiaomeng didn't know what to say for a while.

"It's not too late, I'll go first." Lu Muda also bowed deeply to Qi Xiaomeng, because he knew that Qi Xiaomeng told himself that this countermeasure was also very determined, "Thank you little Meng sister."

   Lumuda also went back to Qi Xiaomeng this time, because he no longer lost his mind, but the world's impermanence will still bring him a difficult choice in different situations.

   Qi Xiaomeng froze for a long time, until the delicate girl with white hair walked in front of her.

"What the Admiral owes to you has been paid back. Your current path and scenery are accomplished by his own sacrifice. Now every thing you do is not good for the Admiral. It will be settled sooner or later. Maybe It’s up to me or someone else.” Veneto didn’t endure it anymore, because she found that the resignation of the admiral and her own move would only allow more people to get involved.

Lu Muda also cannot be the admiral's opponent with his own strength and wisdom, but his life is too good, and someone will always help at the most difficult time. Now this person is Qi Xiaomeng in front of him, he can't do it himself Other things, but at least the line connecting Lumu Daye and Qi Xiaomeng can be cut off, for which no cost is needed.

  Oh, it’s really good. Admiral He clearly has no threats, but you still want to use uncompromising means to erase his last hope or even beg, are you still human?

Qi Xiaomeng, don’t you want to abandon all your pasts with Admiral? Now that you haven’t done this, you still have inextricably connected with Admiral. If you are good to Admiral, it’s okay. 'S so-called younger brother to help you for abuse, then don't blame me for being rude.

  I don’t want to remember that memory any more. It’s your freedom. Even if I’m thinking of admiring, I hope you can completely forget it. Unfortunately, if you can’t do it, don’t blame me for reminding you one by one.

   "I'm not too clear what you are talking about, Veneto." Qi Xiaomeng said with a smile, she is not in a good mood now, so she doesn't want to hear what the ship mother said.

"If you don't know, then keep listening. Even if you want to escape and want to avoid this cause and effect, I will do everything I can to let you know. Even if it takes ten or twenty years, I will let you know!" Veneto took two steps forward, but Qi Xiaomeng clearly realized that what she was about to say was definitely not what she was willing to hear, so the whole person was integrated into a calligraphy and painting and then dissipated in the wind.

Veneto still didn't give up. She shouted heavily on the ground, ignoring the surprises of her surrounding behavior and shouting: "Qi Xiaomeng, you like Admiral, you have been unstoppable like Admiral since the day you knew the Admiral's story!" You can even die for him without sacrificing your life without asking for anything!"

"The Admiral also wanted to repay you, even if he took the initiative to put himself in the cage to see you, even if he had to endure the pain of being separated from Homura again or even never on the day of the reunification, he willingly let you set him up. The shackles. Do you understand the Admiral’s Are you willing to let the Admiral continue to suffer because of you, do you have the heart to destroy his only craving for a hypocritical deer Lu Muda!"

Veneto shouted her voice hoarsely, but she still shouted: "Do you know how much I want to have this story with the Admiral is not you but me? Everything I gave to me by the Admiral will be my whole life. It’s not over, I won’t be willing to forget the bits of the Admiral, even if I watch him and Homura love each other. As long as he can be happy, it’s my greatest reward, but I’m not you, I can’t even Do what you have done!"

   "Since you are so reluctant to get close to Lumuda, where did you have the courage to let go? You were not brave at all but escaping."

"Qi Xiaomeng, whether you can't hear it or not, I will say it until the day you let it be heard." Veneto's loud cry was finally stopped by the security officer who came to stop it, after all, in the headquarters area There should be no such confusion on the streets.

Veneto rudely pushed away the sheriff and turned her head away. In fact, she said something in her heart today that gave her an unprecedented sense of pleasure. She likes the admiral but never dared to express it, at least for now I dare to face my feelings.

  Fleeing back to her home, Qi Xiaomeng curled up in bed. She didn't know why she had tears wandering in her eyes. She just kept repeating: "I don't know, I really don't know..."


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