Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1792: Early seedling mission

"Recently, the Red Devils Pavilion living near the Imperial Capital has become lively. Many big monsters living in Fantasy Township have visited there to investigate what is going on."

Dongfenggu Zaomiao accepted the direct assignment of Fengcong ear **** son this time and went to the emperor capital to investigate the Red Devil Hall.

As a banner character in the International Criminal Police, since the disappearance of Bollying Dream and in the new fantasy township, she has become the lazy witch again, and no one can match her on the action side.

What is interesting is that in the decision-making level, Fengcong ear gods have occupied the unparalleled leadership position with the help of Xiao Meiyan. The original black wing top leader and the white Shuangsui direct action faction reached a new order of reorganization. Subtle balance.

Fengcong Ear God has always believed that the war between humans and monsters is only a temporary truce. When each of them breaks through its own imprisonment and there is no longer any need for cooperation, the war will come again. The reason why the human side now holds the great advantage Tolerating the existence of monsters is only because of the false moon over the night. Only the realm of Yakumo Zi can keep the earth that has lost the moon in a balanced state, but one day the artificial moon replaces the false moon. Make any compromises with the monster side.

But Dongfenggu Zao Miao obviously doesn't think so. Although St. Bailian and others who represent peaceful coexistence have lost power, she is still able to win broad support from the bottom and devote herself to peaceful coexistence. Even if she has always suffered from the son of Fengcong Ear In terms of high-level pressure, but she has always insisted on her own principles of unwavering.

She was originally a witches from the Shouya Shrine, and the gods behind her could not return to the Monster Mountain without her condensing faith, but only existed as an ideology with the early seedlings, and many divine powers gathered together. She is also enough to make Feng Cong ear gods don't dare to act. In addition, Zao Miao is also the dry daughter recognized by Yue Zhong’s parents. She has also been taking care of the clothes and food of the two elderly people. At least before Yue Zhong’s parents passed away, Xiao Meiyan, the best friend and guide of Feng Cong Er Shenzi, was not very good. May agree how to treat the early seedlings.

With such a large background, it is obviously feasible for Zaomiao to maintain his principles and Fengcong ears to a certain extent.

As soon as I accepted the new task, Miao arranged the affairs of the family at home, and found two people from the little sisters in the original white Shuangsui to help her take care of the godfather and mother, and then she could comfortably embark on the journey to the capital. stroke.

The Red Demon House under the close supervision of the International Criminal Police has so many big monsters visiting them intensively, but they have not received any news. It is obviously a strange event. If so many big monsters gather at the reception of Fantasy Township, Let Interpol pay special attention to it, not to mention that they have come out to find the big monsters who live in reality. If they start to plan any unfriendly big moves now, it will be very unfavorable for Dongfenggu early seedlings.

So even if Feng Cong Er Shenzi does not send himself to investigate, Dongfeng Gu Zao Miao will take the initiative to ask Tassel or run over to see the situation.

After the flight arrived at the Imperial Capital, Dongfeng Gu Zao Miao just met the Interpol personnel who came to greet him just after getting off the plane. Today's Interpol has expanded greatly than the original concept. Fighting transnational crime is only their business. Some of them deal with monsters that are disrupting or even causing vicious incidents in the human world, and even dealing with politicians who intend to wage war in their countries.

With the help of the century war between humans and monsters, the Interpol has gradually become an overwhelming force. It has become a veritable international police a few years ago. The hard wrists of Fengcong’s ears are not like Sayaga’s. In truth, as the top politician, she knows how to have the greatest say.

This time, it was the people from the monster retreat department who greeted Zaomiao. The influence of Zaomiao was basically in this department. So the people here have special respect for Zaomiao, and probably this is also the case when Fengcong Ear God Son visited.

Dongfenggu Zao Miao did not put any racks, her affinity like a spring breeze was an important part of influential competition, and after greeting everyone, they came to the Imperial Capital's combat headquarters.

"The Red Devils House now finds signs of how many monsters are visiting." As soon as Seo Miao sat down, he immediately began to work.

"According to incomplete statistics, there have been more than a dozen monsters from Fantasy Township, and the whereabouts of the monsters living in the present world are difficult to find out. Only Datengou and Yayun Blue, which replaces Yayun Purple, can be determined , The one in the Dutch garden is said to have no whereabouts, nor does it rule out the possibility of appearing in the Red Devils Hall."

Dongfeng Guzao looked at the list of big monsters. The reason why the big monsters coming out of Fantasy Township can be determined because they need to report to Interpol unless they control the entrance and exit of New Fantasy Township Zi decides to tear up the disguise of peace with Feng Cong Er Shenzi, otherwise she will not hide the whereabouts of the big monsters.

"Still haven't found how the Red Demon Hall contacted these big monsters?" The light from the list has simply moved upward to see that Miao Miao has not been able to find valuable clues. The big monsters did not go to the Red Devil Hall at a unified time. It's just that their whereabouts after leaving are unknown, and the news of no return at the entrance of the Great Enchantment has come, so it's impossible to rule out the possibility that they will stay there after going to the Red Devils Hall in batches.

However, there was some speculation that Zao Miao had vaguely, and her eyes finally fell on the name of Penglai Shanhui Ye, and she never looked away again.

"Will that little girl come? If it were her, it wouldn't be difficult to deceive the Interpol's surveillance and other mysteries can be solved by putting it on her." Hopefully, Li Xiaobei is back, because the world of the girl’s scene can no longer be carried, so it is impossible for her to want to provoke war here, and it is not a big deal for Zao Miao as long as both humans and monsters can live in harmony.

Even he will be assigned to investigate, and finally go to the Red Devils Hall to meet her is also planned. After all, the godfather and mother who have been taking care of them are Yue Zhong’s biological parents. If her traces appear at home, they will inevitably leave clues. .

"Miss Zaomiao?" Seeing her a little preoccupied, the monster retreating from the treatment department reminded her in a whisper.

"Oh." Dongfenggu Zaomiao recovered from his thoughts and nodded to the crowd. "I have known the situation, and I have guesses about what is going on. Next, I will go to the Red Devils Pavilion. You There is no need to follow."


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