Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1996: search

  Fujiwara Meihong returned home after leaving Lake of Mist, Huiyin did not ask her where she went, and directly reheated the cold meals to the table.

The life in Fantasy Township is far less comfortable than the outside world. Not to mention the food can only cope with coarse tea and light rice. Meihong is not picky in this regard. As long as the dishes made by Huiyin can be eaten as delicious in the world, This is why she has been able to live here indifferently.

   "Huiyin, I'm going out in the afternoon, maybe I won't be back at night, and you don't have to wait for me." Meihong said to Huiyin directly after she put down her chopsticks.

  Haizawa Huiyin used to stay in the world as an ordinary teacher, but since she heard that Meihong was being bullied by other monsters here, she hurried back and never left. For her, the interest in teaching and educating is still not as fettered as that of Mei Hong.

  Huiyin, vaguely aware of something, bit her lip and nodded: "Then you have to come back earlier, if you can't do anything, promise me not to force myself."

  Mei was stunned for a while, and then whispered in a guilty conscience: "Huiyin, do you know anything."

"......My sister, why?" The reason why Shang Bai Ze Huiyin left Mei Hong's side was because she felt that the other party no longer needed her company so urgently, but it was not a woman like her. Shout, seeing Meihong wanting to find news of that person now, Huiyin feels a little uncomfortable.

   "Huiyin, you know that I can't let go. But just like you know that the danger I'm facing will come over immediately, he must be in need of help now, so I can't convince myself to just ignore it."

  上白泽慧音 frowned and said: "But don't you understand? His apprentices already think that you will have no effect if you go, and may even add some unnecessary trouble."

"Li Xiaobei is just a little girl who hasn't grown up. She doesn't understand that not everything can be calculated." Mei Hong still said stubbornly, "Even if you just take a look, if you really don't need me anymore, Well, then I will leave again."

Huiyin no longer speaks, she can pull her face down and count when Meihong has some minor problems, but if Meihong really has a decision, she can’t stop it, just like she didn’t stop Meihong from entering history before. The time and space protected Yue Zhong all the way, and even had to help them solve some troubles.

"I'll be back sooner." Meihong no longer asks Huiyin if she knows anything. In fact, in the fantasy town outlined by the historical axis, Huiyin has control power comparable to that of Yakumo Zi. She will know what happened.

The reason why she didn’t ask was that she was afraid of hurting her heart again. What she wanted most was not the vigorous and magnificent magnificence, as long as she could be accompanied by sunrise and sunset with herself, even if she lost her hobbies .

   But Mei Hong's heart couldn't be left. Since Li Xiaobei appeared in Fantasy Township, Mei Hong couldn't hold back the throb, so she chose to go out again this time.

   There is no Shogi Shrine in Fantasy Township now, and the monster mountain force that originally worshipped the shrine has no past momentum.

   When the news of New Fantasy Township came and called out to the monsters in the past, many Tengu and Kappa did not want to leave Lanxiang Heavy Industry. After the war between humans and monsters ceased, all the early seedlings of Fantasy Township have continually fought for their rights to survive, and the pressure on them during wartime has begun to ease, although more humans have entered Lan Xiang Work started in heavy industry, and their labor volume has dropped significantly compared to before.

   Facing the charm of this world, the peaceful and peaceful fantasy town is really not very attractive to monsters. Although they can no longer attack humans for fun, the entertainment methods invented by humans can make them indulge in it.

   If you go to Lanxiang Heavy Industry, you are likely to see Kappa, Tengu and humans gather together to talk about football and basketball. After get off work, there will also be a combination of different races to enter the Internet cafe, KTV or nightclub. Such a scene is the prosperous age that Miao Miao always wanted to see. The two monster races Tengu and Kappa are also representatives of successful integration into the real society.

However, some Kappa or Tengu miss the quiet life in the past. They chose to go back to Fantasy Township and set up a new home on the Monster Mountain. Datengo also regards this as her new home. She is too old to be fresh. The ability to accept things is far inferior to those young monsters.

  Meihong's figure appeared at the foot of the Monster Mountain, and he could not even see the white wolf tengu who came out to block the road. Now the number of Tengu living in the Monster Mountain is not enough to lay down such a wide alert circle.

   "I found the whereabouts of the undead bird, I shoot!" A gust of wind rolled up and brought a series of flashing lights.

Meihong reached out and grabbed only a black crow feather. She looked at the traces of the gust of wind a little strangely. According to her knowledge, the crow tengu was not always outside and she had run a newspaper office, claiming to be a fair and selfless report. Any secret news?

According to rumors, Sheming Wanwen has become a very powerful reporter. Even the privacy of Fengcong Shenzi was photographed by her and appeared in the newspaper. Shenzi was very angry about it but there was no way to take her~www. Sheming Maruwen is no longer the tabloid reporter who took pictures and made up the news indiscriminately, her report is extremely authoritative and impartial, and it has a strong influence in humans and monsters, many At that time, even the Son of God needed to use her influence to propagate policies and policies, and to suppress her was even more harmful than good.

   "How did you come back?" Mei Hong cared that she was forcibly photographed. She just calmly shouted in the direction of the wind.

  Seeing that Meihong didn't chase her to find her account, she shot her life and turned around and fell not far in front of her.

This time, she pressed the camera for a while, until she got the most perfect picture, she sat down and said: "Recently, the monsters outside want to know what is happening in Fantasy Township, so I will do a special issue. What about the status quo of Fantasy Township, but why do you come to Monster Mountain for no reason?"

"I'm here to inquire about the news. Did Tengu go out and not here?" Mei Hong originally planned to grab a Tengu and ask about the situation, but now I have seen a lot of the most informed reporter Wen Wen, but it has been removed a lot. Trouble.

Sheming Maruwen has always been committed to giving the most real news to uninformed people. This also made her a reporter who will not keep secrets. She nodded her thoughts about Meihong’s question: “Yes In this way, Big Tengu has already gone to the Red Devils Pavilion outside."


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