Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1799: Fog Lake assembly

Since then, there is one more person who has traced the mystery of the big monster’s collective disappearance. According to Marisa’s current idea, it seems that there is a plan to gather all the people who still know in Fantasy Township to go out and do things together, so she quickly takes Enchanted dream came to the door of Alice's house in the magic forest.

The chic two-storey building is covered with snow, and the beautiful girl, who is carved like a porcelain doll one by one inches, is standing in front of the courtyard in a cotton cape. Dozens of invisible magic threads are wrapped around her dexterous fingers In the wrist, the other end of the silk thread is the humanoid who put down the rifle and artillery holding a small broom. The magic of the humanoid is cleaning the open space in front of the door covered with snow in the way she is best at.

The arrival of Marisa made a flash of joy flash in the eyes of the delicate girl, but then she greeted her emotions of concealment and restraint: "You are here, Marisa? Where did you go in the morning, I will go You are not here to find you."

This kind of thing is put in the past. Alice may be secretly angry, because as long as she can’t find Marisa, the other party is probably going to the big library under the Red Devil Hall and the weak magician soaked up, now Pa Qiuli no longer lives in Fantasy Township, and Marisa cannot find her if she wants to find her.

Maybe Marisa will go to other people, such as Boli Lingmeng or something, but Alice knows that Reimu is more like a pair of gangsters that hurt each other than Marriage, so there is not so much in mind. .

"I went to investigate the change of DA☆ZE, Alice, would you like to go with me!" Marisa gave Alice an invitation with a brilliant smile.

Alice asked nothing, looked at the demon dream behind Marisa and nodded her head gently. She was not very happy that Marisa was not the first to invite herself, but she soon convinced herself that Marisa might have received some news from Yaomeng, so take her with her, so it seems that the first one was invited Is still my own...

The brain patch in the girl's heart completely ignored what Marisa said about the aberration. She only knew that she could act with Marisa.

The courtyard, which was only half cleaned, was empty again, and even the white snow that had been flocking in the daytime began to pave a little bit.

From Boli Shrine to Baiyulou to Enchanted Forest, even though the speed of Marisa was fast, it was already twilight, and according to the agreement with Meihong, Marisa brought the dream and Alice to the Lake of Mist.

Looking up at the sky, Marisa was wondering why Meihong was overwhelmed by a snowball when she didn't come over: "Discover the black and white thief, Lettie come and help!"

This ice spirit has been playing around for a whole day but still not half tired. Even if the game that can be played here is very monotonous and boring, he will not be tired. After seeing the new guests appearing in the Lake of Mist, he even runs over and launches a sneak attack. .

Marisa should be thankful that Qi Lu Nuo is playing a snowball fight instead of a barrage game, otherwise it should be an ice cone flying to her face.

"Catch her and don't let her run!" Although Marisa was generous but her temper was not too good, she screamed at the snow on her face to retaliate against Qi Luno.

Yaomeng didn't want to fight with other people in such a place, so she didn't move, but Alice was very angry and directed the doll to rush towards Qi Lu Nuo.

Qi Lu Nuo and Retty in Fantasy Township no longer have the powerful combat power they had when they were outside, so even if they joined forces to release the snow storm, they still couldn’t stop Alice’s humanoid legion. The goblin is about to faint, even if he rushes over to help, it is only a mere addition.

After an unbalanced battle hitting the ice surface of the Lake of Mist and creating hundreds of holes, it was finally over. Alice bundled the three fairies in front of Marisa.

"Wow, you stupid attacked me again, I must teach you a lesson today!" Mo Lisha furiously took out the gossip furnace from her pocket and prepared to blow these three goblins into gray, anyway, they were natural incarnations. It will not die so easily, and Marisa will naturally not feel the guilt of killing the residents of Fantasia Township.

"Black and white thief, stinky mouse, who asked you to steal and cook my frozen frog last time!" Qi Lu Nuo is completely afraid of the gossip furnace in the hands of Marisa, shouting while struggling, "wait the strongest Lord Qi Luno will definitely freeze you into an ice sculpture when he comes out!"

Hearing Qi Lu Nuo's words, the monster dream on one side couldn't help but laugh out loud, she realized that Marisa really didn't care what she could steal, but liked the evil taste of stealing, and there were some clothes in Baiyulou anyway. Jewelry, but in the igloo of Qi Lu Nuo, except for the messy things she picked up, she was almost poor. What did she do to steal things?

When Marisa was about to refute, there was a distant voice from Mei Hong: "Why did you fight again."

Sister Red came from afar with a little frown on her face. She went to the old **** and she did not find several kings of the ghost family. The earth spirit palace was empty. The sisters of Gu Mingdi and their two pets were missing. This seems to be It further confirmed the authenticity of what Sheming Maruman said.

The door of truth is constantly opening towards Meihong, but Meihong must think more about it. Because she knew that Li Xiaobei had deliberately abandoned herself this time, and the other party probably thought of the possibility that she would be aware of, so she must have some layout to prevent herself from interfering with her In the past, this kind of brain-moving thing was done by Yue Zhong, but now Mei Hong has to take up this responsibility. This is a profound experience that brain-moving is really a very painful thing.

It's almost a fantasy to break Li Xiaobei's layout with her own wisdom and strength, but Meihong didn't give up because of such difficulties, so she could think of a method that coincided with Marisa, that is Seek more help in Fantasy Township.

So she is no longer alone this time. Behind Meihong, she is followed by a big rabbit, Lingxian, who is wearing a school uniform for female high school students.

Ling Xian, who stayed in Yongting Pavilion, was brought over by Meihong in a semi-forced way. If she didn’t come, Meihong would set fire to Yongting Pavilion. Lingxian didn’t dare to imagine that the princess would be after Yongting Pavilion was burned. How to toss yourself so I can only compromise under the coercion of sister red.

There were also many people who saw Marisa. Meihong was somewhat grateful that she had first found Marisa and successfully persuaded her to act with herself, otherwise she would not be able to get these people to participate in her social circle.

"Meihong, come and help!" Seeing Qihonguo of Meihong as if she saw a savior, she started calling for help.

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