Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1807: The pity of magic

"Little Sisters can come to your house as a guest, why can't I come?" Ryoko Asakura strode the room and saw that her Remilia seemed to be further stimulated and her senses were gradually lost, and her sharp claws were deeply pricked. Entering the floor, facing the Asakura Rikako growling.

Asakura Rikako can be said to be the first student Xiaomei Yan seriously taught, but at that time, Xiaomeiyan was far from the knowledge and accumulation today, so even if she did not keep it deliberately, she could teach Asakura Rikako an assistant. The level of knowledge is ultimately much lower.

Therefore, the purpose of Ryoko Asakura's appearance today is similar to that of Okazaki Mengmei, but she not only came to the underground laboratory of the Red Devil Hall, but also to Li Xiaobei herself.

The people in Fantasy Township have a lot of connections with Yue Zhong, but they rarely have an intersection with Xiao Meiyan. Even the son of Feng Cong Er who regards Xiao Meiyan as a close friend does not have a deep relationship with him. It is only Rikako Asakura who personally teaches that Miyan is involved.

Therefore, she called Li Xiaobei a little sister, it is not an exaggeration. Now the mentor of Rikako Asakura has not been back here for a long time, but Li Xiaobei came with her inheritance and is in love with Li Chao. Kurori Kyoko felt that he could ask Li Xiaobei to share his inheritance from his mentor.

Of course, because of this relationship, when I saw that Li Xiaobei did not have any respect for the elders such as Fujiwara Meihong and Dongfeng Guzao, Rikoko Asakura knew that if he chose Okazaki Mengmei’s approach and his own The purpose is to run counter to each other, and they are in the same vein, and they have no reason to favor outsiders.

"Remilia's situation is very bad. I have a special sedative specially developed for her here. You may wish to try the effect." Ryoko Asakura completely ignored the threat from Remilia. In this scene, she I have seen it many times when I was an assistant to Xiao Meiyan.

Sixteen nights Miyake cares about it, so she will reach out to the tranquilizer syringe, but Paqiuli is behind her: "Don’t be excited, Mistress, this person has no good intentions."

"But Missy's situation is very bad..." Sakuya vaguely noticed some grievances between Paqiuli and Asakura Rikako, but the most important position in her heart was Remilia, even if she offended Paqiuli. Not hesitate.

"I don’t mean that. Did you forget who helped you to take Remy and Furan in the cage for research? The sedative in her hand was developed at that time, and I will give it to Lei now. Are you afraid that Mi is not happy when she is awake?" Although Paqiuli, as Remelia's best friend, she ranks second only to Remilia in the Red Devils Hall, but she also understands that she wants to persuade this The maidservant must come up with justifiable reasons.

After listening to Pa Qiuli's words, Saki Ye was also hesitant, but Rikako Asakura was not entangled in this. Since the people in the Red Devil's House didn't trust herself, she immediately collected the tranquilizer, "Pa Qiuli, It seems that your opinion of me is still great."

"You will even negate your own magic path like this, and what is the place to trust in the pursuit of the so-called scientific magic?" Paqiuli kept watching the Remi who became more irritable because of the appearance of Asakura Rikako. Leah.

For the envoys of magic, they chose to pursue the mystery of magic in the end. They chose the ultimate dream of life. Their belief in magic is no worse than that of religious fanatics. It is not her that Asakura Rikako denied. Her own magic path also abandoned the mystery that Pa Qiuli was pursuing, so in Pa Qiuli's eyes she was just like rebellion.

The relationship between the magic envoys in different magic directions is already bad enough, let alone an apostate, Pa Qiuli does not need any other reason to be able to determine that Ryoko Asakura must be ignorant at this time. for good will.

Remilia has been taking them to avoid Li Xiaobei, just do not want to let the people in the Red Devil Hall become a chess piece in the hands of Li Xiaobei and others. Now her illusion is no different from the beast, she must grasp the direction It is.

"Your level is not high enough. When you really understand the essence of magic, you will understand that it is just a low-cost way to use energy."

Asakura Rikako did not appear before because she knew that Remilia was unlikely to listen to her to help Li Xiaobei cope with the crisis. Now she is still blocked by Pa Qiuli, but she is in her heart. But don't worry.

Even if Remilia rushed out of the magical enchantment of the running water, she was confident to subdue it. When Remilia fell into her hands, the people of the Red Demon Hall would only be more passive when they talked to themselves about the conditions.

She can even argue with Pa Qiuli about magic: "The time and experience required for its accumulation and breakthrough to a higher level are too long, and only real science can take the path that previous people have traveled. Summarizing the simplest laws to carry forward and forfeit, if relying on ancient magic to inherit the one-to-one mentoring and teaching, the cost is too high and the base of the magic will never go up, there is no enough base on a road to go If you want to see that a new direction has been opened up, you can only hope for a miracle. Turning microprobability into a must is the scientific purpose of my opponent, and turning miracles into common sense is my philosophy."

Facing the concept of Ryoko Asakura, Pa Qiuli could not find a reason to refute from the knowledge of magic, because the other party is his predecessor to the degree of magic, even if he has not been relaxed in these years, but I want to catch up with her pace but the result is getting farther and It is really the path of magic that restricts my growth. ?

Time has not allowed Pa Qiuli to come up with an answer and even a reason that can persuade her to refute Asakura Rikako. After Remilia found that her deterrence was completely invalid to Asakura Rikako, the wild nature of the monster finally defeated reason. , Her figure burst out of the flowing water that the vampire hated most like red lightning, and her face was even more painful because of the contact with the water.

She couldn't forget the humiliation of being locked in a spaceship as a research sample, and she couldn't forget that the purple-haired spectacled woman in front of her was indifferently injecting a tranquilizer to prevent her strength from recovering.

Revenge... tear her apart!

The violent will fills Remilia's body, and this priority is rushing back to the Red Devil Hall to touch those Vientiane dreams that must allow him to find a new direction.

Roar! The sharp and snarling roar came towards Asakura Rikako and the eardrum trembles. Originally, only under the full moon could he easily show the monster form Remilia abandoned blood magic and rushed towards Asakura Rikako in a melee manner.

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