Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1812: Bohai Bay Blockade Line

As a symbol of pure spirit, the actions of the pure fox are all related to the surroundings. The harbour that was just still windy and beautiful. Suddenly, the clouds were suddenly covered with clouds, but when she regained her mood, she recovered the sea again. Yan Heqing.

"Although that era has not been able to pass down a strong heritage, but their stories have been portrayed in this world. If one day can go back and solve Chang'e, I will consider exploring the past. A catastrophe, after all, I have to find something for myself as long as I am alive." Pure Fox has a clear mind but is very honest with people. She has retained a goodwill after experiencing such a disaster, or she is really He has great perseverance, or he has formed a different personality like Li Xiaobei's fairy qi in self-adjustment.

Huo Qing'e silently wrote down what the pure fox said, and when the coalition's fleet set sail again, it reported the collected information to Feng Cong Er Zizi.

The son of Fengcong Ears, who received the information, did not neglect, and immediately contacted Yayunzi to express his opinion strongly: "I think that pure fox should not continue to serve as the commander of the coalition army, and she has a heart in her heart. The thirst of the past world also has a longing for the future. Those things are all delusions that cannot be realized by this world in the visible future. She is likely to be persuaded by Li Xiaobei like other big monsters. In this way, we Will not be implemented."

Bayun Zi said calmly: "What news have you heard so anxious?"

"Huo Qing'e listened to what the pure fox said. Haven't you confirmed this information before?" Feng Cong Er Shenzi said with a blameful tone.

"No one of the monsters likes to share their past with others." Yakumo Zi shook his head, "I also did not expect that Pure Fox, as a **** who has lived for so many years, would tell others their own stories so easily."

Feng Cong Er Shenzi further pressed: "This is not a reason, will you really ignore this with your wisdom? Yayun Zi, I now doubt if you have other plans, if you want to borrow this opportunity It’s my biggest concession to bury the elite power of mankind to prepare for the monster’s future counterattack. Then you can die. You can keep the monster to survive in this world.”

As an excellent politician, Feng Cong Er Shenzi doesn't like the so-called variables at all. She hopes to put everything in her hands and implement the world according to her own intentions. It is obvious that Yunyun Zi has touched the bottom line of Shenzi If you can't come up with a justifiable reason, Feng Cong Er Shenzi will immediately issue an order to revoke the position of commander.

"Don't you think too much? I did not take the fate of the monster family to gamble on a future idea. As for the recommendation of pure fox as the commander, it is also due to very inevitable considerations." Yayun Zi still said calmly and calmly , "Li Xiaobei’s most conservative estimate of today’s strength has also reached the level of Xiao Meiyan at the beginning, and she is well aware of you, me and even everyone in Fantasy Township, and does not allow pure fox to positively contain that is you or me. Go? So no matter what she thinks, there is only pure fox who can contend with Li Xiaobei."

Feng Cong Er Shenzi could not make a reasonable rebuttal to this, she and Bayun Zi sent trusted people to the Red Devils Pavilion, but there was no news. If Li Xiaobe is willing to disclose his arrival, there is no need to do so. The more she wanted to hide something, the more disturbing it was.

"Don’t forget that the power of pure fox is pure, so her deeds and personality will also be pure. Only when one thing is completed will she think about other things. She may not be convinced by Li Xiaobei. But within acceptable limits."

Feng Cong Er Shenzi weighed again for a while, and then said with little hope: "Even if everything is as you said, can the pure fox alone contend with Li Xiaobei?"

"I have tried my best to find more helpers for her, and should be able to play a role in the middle and late stages of the invasion of the Red Devil Hall." The eight cloud purple **** said mysteriously, presumably the pure fox's frankness of her character is very Annoying.

"Okay, for the time being, I believe what you said, I will make a judgment based on Qing'e's information." Of course, Feng Cong Er Shenzi will not naively think that the words of Yun Yun can be completely trusted, but under the current situation of common enemies It's never a good thing to riot inside the battle before the battle starts, so since Yakumo Zi already knows the deeds of the pure fox and is willing to guarantee it, Feng Cong Er Shenzi can temporarily choose to trust.

If things change, the responsibility is naturally Yakumo Zi, then she has reason to carry out follow-up and aggressive actions against the monster.

After finishing the call with Ba Yunzi, Feng Cong's ear **** son did not do anything. In her eyes, Li Xiaobei was a great threat and Ba Yun Zi was not trustworthy. For this, she had to take precautions. More complete preparations to prevent the monsters from hitting back.

Re-launched The INTERPOL fleet is nominally under the name of world cruise, so some superficial work still needs to be done. After crossing the Strait of Malacca, it took a few days in Southeast Asia to appear in the entrance area of ​​the Bohai Sea.

The pure fox, who is about to return to his hometown in a different world, put on a traditional Chinese costume, but it is impossible to draw conclusions about which dynasty and ethnic group. This is more like a Hanfu plus Qing Dynasty decoration, like a cloud The product of the purple robe and the western-style dress is generally The living time is too long, they will not be stuck in the shape of a certain period, they will choose different decorations according to their own preferences and finally form Their own style, after all, they have time to do these hobby.

Pure Fox originally thought that this invasion would be like its own attack on the moon capital. Just a little bit of wind and grass caused a vigilance. It took a lot of effort to break the outer blockade and invade the core area, but now the fleet has entered The Bohai Sea is still calm, and the girl named Li Xiaobei seems to have no awareness at all.

"She didn't arrive very long. Even if the coalition took a lot of time to deploy from the sea, it didn't take much time for her to deploy." But to such a degree, I'm sorry for the pure fox's expectations.

The fleet sailed to the entrance of the Bohai Bay, and the eyes of the pure fox re-lighted in a calm. Before her, there was an invisible chain spanning the two sides of the sea. She could feel that there was an international criminal police in this barrier. The materials of warships are diametrically opposed to antimatter. Once the fleet hits this barrier, it will immediately trigger a violent reaction of material neutralization.

If he had a thorough and pure ability, this hand alone would be enough to make the Allied Forces collapse.

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