Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1822: The value of failure

The continuous huge explosions are full of violent breaking magic. The disposable consumables that Okazaki Mengmi gave to Alice Margotroy were originally used to destroy the strong defense of the science side, but their breaking magic The nature of is not to be underestimated.

The closed underground library had already collapsed in the self-destructive martyrdom with the original frame structure, but now it is only a slight tremor because of the magical shock. When the structure of the devil has digested the impact of the explosion and the effect of breaking the magic It is as stable as ever, so it can be seen that the spear manufactured by Okazaki Mengmei is more than one level different from Bruce Lee's shield.

Although there is a problem of improper application methods, arms dealers who design and produce weapons and the front-line soldiers who use it have always had differences. As an excellent elite squad commander, Sister Fujiwara does not follow Okazaki. The manual given by Mengmei is so rigid to use it. At this time, the price-performance ratio is definitely her lowest priority.

Although the guards of the self-explosive humanoid legion failed to have much impact on the existence of the Demonized Library, the flocks of books arrayed so that the devil was greatly affected.

Their flight trajectory created a chaos, and the barrage firenet released by it was also cancelled out a lot because of the explosion of the self-detonating humanoid. Fujimoto's red heart who saw this scene also had a bottom in the demonization library. The angels were not as powerful as Fang had thought, at least they could kill Sheming Maruwen without even a single round of attack.

"If I am also affected by the blocking effect, there should be a chance to find the shooting fate." From the moment the raid team was formed, Sister Fujiwara subconsciously regarded everyone in the team as his own life and death. The partner she brought, she wanted to take all of them back, even though this is a mission that is difficult to achieve in the history of time and space, but Mei Hong has never given up this naive idea.

That day the reality became stubborn, and stubbornness became a constant attachment, which became a personality integrated with its people. Although it still seems incomprehensible to people with different phases, it is enough to be considered in the layout. A variable.

"Smelly girl, you should know that I'm coming, so what exactly are you going to show me?" Fujiwara red wielded her long sword, burning the coming dense barrage fire with the flame of the Phoenix one by one Pick off

As the humanoid legion around me is decreasing at a rate that is visible to the naked eye, the Demonization Library is still as hopeless as there is no end. Such a scene has long been expected by Fujiwara's sister red, and naturally will not cause Psychological uneasiness.

The explosion of the magic energy is getting smaller and smaller, and the pressure on Fujiwara Meihong is also increasing. After the genetic modification, the white warhorse that can be called a mythical species has not shown a fearful stance. There have been a lot of wounds on the body after the barrage burned, and Fujiwara Sister Red is also difficult to protect it at this time.

There is a rugged extremely cold glacier on the road that Fujiwara Meihong launched the charge, which is the retreat left by Qi Luno and Retty, but Fujiwara Meihong is just using this method to let They were able to watch their reunion with peace of mind, and she had no intention of turning back.

The enchants in the demonization library have an overwhelming advantage. Even if Fujiwara Takahiro has tried out that their individual strength is not high, she can face the suppression of the entire demon system and her personal power is really powerless.

"It's not far away. It's up to you whether you can break through here." Ms. Fujiwara faced the invincible situation but smiled indifferently. She even calmly stroked the horse's mane. "Maybe I still can't take you back this time, sorry."

After hearing the words of Fujiwara Sister Red, the white warhorse uttered a nostalgic and reluctant hiss. It also realized that this short journey with its owner might end here. However, as Fujiwara Sister Red’s most worthy comrade, it I don’t have a feeling of complaining about the fate that I will accept, because the pursuit of its existence is to accompany Fujiwara’s red expedition, and it is also a matter of psychological preparation on the journey. In addition, it will not There are too many extravagances, and it is undoubted that animals are more reliable than humans.

Ms. Fujiwara who came to this step realized that her struggle was meaningless, and the confrontation with the Demonized Library Demon had no value other than wasting time. She did not go very long on this charging path, but It was enough for her to learn a lot...

It's not clear why Sister Fujiwara suddenly sent a knife in the distance ahead, she no longer made any resistance or chose to escape back along the river of broken ice.

Sheming Maruwen, who tried to test before her, was overwhelmed without any response, and she has never felt any breath from her. Now, Fujiwara Sister Red accepts being fired by the Barrage Firenet Give an engulfing ending.

In the end, there were no accidents, and Fujiwara completely disappeared in their field of vision, and the demolition library melted down and melted again after the Broken Ice River melted down.

"The space is divided, and the barricades of library enchanters are actually not very lethal. In addition to the large number of unavoidable, the biggest role is to attach the magic of each barrage to form a support point for space division~www Alice slowly lowered her finger, and the self-explosive human figure tied to the invisible wire has been wiped out by the whole army. She naturally has no reason to continue to control it.

Fujiwara Meihong's this time they are watching, and they have drawn different opinions from their own perspectives.

"The formation of space enchantments has its limits. Li Xiaobei has not been deployed in the Magic Library for a long time, so this enchantment is also relatively rough. If enough combat power is put into it, it will not attack. Self-breaking." Boli Lingmeng, who can be called a master-level in the attainment of the enchantment, also saw some things. "But we don't have so many people. It's no wonder that Li Xiaobe will choose to go out to meet the enemy and leave us here because She also knew that relying on the Demonized Library could not stop the coalition attack."

This charge is not for success, its greatest value is to explore the depth of the demonization library. Although the demonization library is still an obstacle that is difficult to break in front of the remaining people, they have at least some judgment. Have tried the possibilities.

"The next time I will make a breakthrough together with Marisa, I hope luck is on our side as Fujiwara said." Boli Lingmeng gripped the black pistol in her hand, and she gradually got some from the coldness of the pistol. The same lonely mark gradually overlapped with the black double-winged flag.

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